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Burnt Cheese Cookie toppings: Build, Beascuits and best teams in 2025

Burnt Cheese Cookie toppings

If you're looking for an effective way to defeat your opponents while keeping your team members safe in Cookie Run: Kingdom, Burnt Cheese Cookie could be just what you're looking for. Thanks to his Keeper of the Gatesbuff skill, he can inflict massive AoE damage while protecting his allies with a variety of buffs. This makes him a highly versatile assault cookie, suitable for a multitude of content and team compositions. But to take full advantage of its potential, you'll need to give it an effective build. With this guide, Burnt Cheese Cookie will no longer hold any secrets for you, as we explain which toppings and Beascuits to give it. And above all, in which content he is strongest.

When Burnt Cheese Cookie's skill is activated, boulders pop up from the ground, causing AoE damage to nearby enemies. These explode shortly afterwards, inflicting huge additional damage equivalent to 655.7% of his attack. It also stuns enemies for 2 seconds, preventing their next attack.

Thanks to this ability, Burnt Cheese Cookie and the ally with the highest ATQ have a Curse Protection buff and a Keeper of the Gates buff. The latter absorbs half the damage taken by allies and gives them immunity to weakening for 12 seconds.

If Burnt Cheese Cookie and Golden Cheese Cookie team up in combat, they both benefit from a 30% increase in their DMG Resist. And if she has to retreat to her sarcophagus, she will receive the aforementioned buffs as a priority. During this action, Burnt Cheese Cookie's ATQ and ATQ VIT increase by 130% and 30% respectively. In addition, its cooldown time is reset, allowing you to use its skill again more quickly.

We recommend you equip a full set of Solid Almond toppings to maximise its damage resistance. This will increase its durability in future encounters, which is essential as this is a front-line cookie. On the other hand, it will also need a fairly strong ATQ stat.

For a slightly more aggressive build, you can equip Burnt Cheese Cookie with 5 pieces from the Raspberry Set to increase his ATQ. This will give it an extra 5% ATQ bonus, allowing you to inflict much greater damage.

Toppings Preferred stats


X5 Solid almond

Priority :




- CD





X5 Burning raspberry

Priority :



Secondary :

- CD




Ideally, if you have resonant pure Gold Cheese toppings, you should use them. They give higher stats than regular toppings when upgraded.

The best Beascuits to equip her with

To perfect its build, we'd recommend a Beascuit that favours either its DMG Resist, if you choose to go for a Burning Raspberry topping, or its ATQ if you opt for an Almond set. As for secondary stats, we recommend you prioritise its CRIT% and CD%.



Burnt Cheese Cookie fits perfectly into a multitude of team compositions in Cookie Run Kingdom. It performs particularly well with Cookies from the Lost Golden City, such as Fettuccine Cookie and Golden Cheese Cookie. Their harmony is such that it allows you to create a team that is both offensive, capable of inflicting enormous damage and reducing the ATQ VIT of enemies, but also capable of strengthening itself through buffs and healing.

To maximise damage, you need to add a DPS such as Black Pearl Cookie. The latter can inflict lightning-type attacks while beingable to absorb the effects of interruption thanks to her skill, Sovereign of the Twilight Sea. Finally, this team wouldn't be complete without Snapdragon Cookie, who supports allies by providing an inflicting Stun buff, an ATQ buff, a Curse Protection buff and healing HP, among many other benefits.

Cookies Toppings Alternatives


Burnt Cheese Cookie

Raspberry Set or Almond Set  


Fettuccine Cookie

Almond set

Cookie Tank :

- Hollyberry Cookie

- Financier Cookie

- Crimson Coral Cookie

Golden-cheese cookie

Golden Cheese Cookie

Raspberry Set or Swift Chocolate Set

Cookie DPS :

- Crème brûlée Cookie

- Cookie Capsaicin

- Rebel Cookie


Black Pearl Cookie

Swift Chocolate Set or Raspberry Set

Cookie DPS :

- White Lily Cookie

- Frost Queen Cookie

- Moonlight Cookie


Snapdragon Cookie

Swift Chocolate Set

Cookie Heal Soutien :

- Rockstar Cookie

- Cream Puff Cookie

- Parfait Cookie

For treasures to use with the compo, we recommend the following:

  • Old Pilgrim's Scroll (ATQ%)
  • Bottle of Sandstorm (ATQ%, DMG Resist CRIT)
  • Sleepyhead's Jelly Watch (reduced cooldown)

Burnt Cheese Cookie is an excellent assault cookie, especially in combination with Golden Cheese Cookie as their skills complement each other well. Even without him, he still performs well in PvE content and adapts well to several team compositions. What's more, there's a good chance he'll be integrated into a high-level Meta team.

At last, we've come to the end of our guide to Burnt Cheese Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom. We hope these few tips have helped you get the most out of your build. Don't hesitate to consult our tips section on CRK and our tier list to help you build your future team.

Sopy_Jo An intrepid explorer of mobile games, I travel through different universes, searching for my next great adventure. These days, it's Cookie Run: Kingdom and Summoners War that occupy a good part of my days.
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