Are you stuck in your progress and can't find the solution? Then welcome to our guide to the best Clash Royale decks in all arenas. With our tips and tricks, you'll know how to build your decks based on the cards available at each level. Follow the guide as we take you step by step through the easy progression of Supercell's card game.
Before we get into all best Clash Royale decks for all arenas, there are a few things you should know to improve the start of your gaming experience. You'll find plenty of tips in our Clash Royale tips to make your in-game life easier.
The first arenas
The beginning of your adventure in the game will be a formality, but necessary to understand the different gameplay mechanics of the game. So pay attention during the first few battles to gather as much information as possible, which will help you later on when playing the best Clash Royale decks.
Once you've mastered the different cards and their effects, apply what you've learned to earn trophies to advance to the next arena and unlock new cards.
Can you go down arenas in Clash Royale?
If you've been losing a lot, you might be wondering: can you drop arenas in Clash Royale? Well, unfortunately, I'm sorry to say that it is.
Once you reach an arena, you can drop down in Clash Royale if you fall 50 trophies short of the entry level. For example, if you reach 2300 trophies, you will play your next games in Arena 8, the Frozen Peak. However, if you fall below 2250 trophies, you will immediately drop to Arena 7.
The best beginner's deck in Arena 4: P.E.K.K.A's Playhouse
Since few cards are available at first, our best Clash Royale decks for all arenas really start with Arena 4: P.E.K.K.A's Playhouse. This deck revolves around two essential cards: the P.E.K.K.A and the Battle Ram.
The former takes damage while the latter charges at the opponent's tower. Then add the Valkyrie for area damage, the Musketeer for aerial targets, and the Mega Minion for doing big damage from the air.
To counter a tank single-target, opt for the Skeleton Army and use your Fireball and Arrow spells to react to your opponent's actions. To learn more about this deck, check out our guide to the best Clash Royale Arena 4 deck.
The best Clash Royale Arena 5 deck: Spell Valley
We continue our list of the best Clash Royale decks with Arena 5, Spell Valley. Here, we will discover a card capable of wreaking havoc: the Hog Rider. This fast unit targets buildings only. But for it to do maximum damage, it must be placed behind the Valkyrie in counterattack.
On defense, take advantage of the Musketeer 's reach and save your turn's VPs with the Cannon. Use Skeletons and Fire Spirit to cycle your cards at a lower cost.
Finally, the Fireball gives you versatility and the Barbarian Barrel allows for traps, but more on that later. Find out more about this deck in our guide to the best Clash Royale deck for Arena 5.
Best Clash Royale Arena 6 deck: Builder's Workshop
For Arena 6: Builder's Workshop, we find a deck that works with a combo of two cards: Miner and Wall breakers. In addition to this aggressive combo, you have the Knight as a mini-tank, the Log, Spear Goblins and Bats to constantly attack without spending much Elixir.
On defense, Fireball is once again present and Inferno Tower will hold off the few enemy units that manage to cross the bridge. Find out more in our guide to the best Clash Royale Arena 6 deck.
Best Clash Royale Arena 7 deck: Royal Arena
As with the Arena 5 deck, in the Royal Arena deck we find the Hog Rider and Valkyrie combo, with the addition of P.E.K.K.A to take more damage. The aerial attack is composed of the single-target damage from the Mega Minion to the area damage due to Baby Dragon.
Finally, useful for both offense and defense, there's the Barbarian Barrel,Zapp and Fireball. Find out more about this deck in our guide to the best Clash Royale Arena 7 deck.
Best Clash Royale Arena 8 deck: Frozen Peak
Reflecting the name of Arena 8, Frozen Peak, the best deck for this tier is made up of three temperature-cooling cards: Ice Golem, Ice Spirit, and Frost Spell.
Add to that the Hog Rider and Mini P.E.K.K.A to attack from behind your tank, followed by the Minions to attack from the sky.
To finish off this team composition, the two legendary cards of the Princess and the Log prove to be a very effective option. I direct you to our guide to the best Clash Royale Arena 8 deck if you want more details on this composition.
The best Log Bait deck in Arena 9: Jungle Arena
With the Arena 9 deck, Jungle Arena, we're going to discuss a very fun strategy: the Log Bait. There are several versions of this strategy in the best Clash Royale decks, but their common goal is simply to force your opponent to play their spells, especially Log, to counterattack with peace of mind.
To do this, you mainly need the Goblin Barrel, the Princess and the Log. Start by defending with the Inferno Tower, the Ice Spirit and the Knight.
When you feel an opening, throw your combo and the Goblin Gang to force the use of the last opponent's spells. The Rocket is mainly used as an attack to hit the tower and units. Find out more about this strategy at very high levels in our Log Bait deck guide.
Best Clash Royale Arena 10 deck: Hog Mountain
We continue our list with arena 10, Hog Mountain, where you will start to encounter more and more experienced opponents. For this, opt for a huge tank with the Golem, supported by an aerial squad consisting of the Minions, the Inferno Dragon and the Mega Minion.
To support the aggression, use Skeletons, Log and Furnace, which will be your only defense with the Lightning spell. Read more in the guide to the best Clash Royale deck in Arena 10.
Best Clash Royale Arena 11 deck: Electro Valley
We discover a new duo in the Arena 11 deck, Electro Valley, with the Royal Hogs, four in number, who only attack buildings, and the Royal Recruits, who form a line of six soldiers armed with spears and shields.
But these cards cost a lot of Elixir and are especially effective in counterattack. Defend with the Barbarian Barrel, Goblin Cage and appies, then counterattack with the Flying Machine.
On the spell side, look for Arrows and Fireball, which makes its return to the list after being replaced by more powerful spells. For more on this deck, check out our guide to the best Clash Royale deck in Arena 11.
Best Clash Royale Arena 12 deck: Spooky Town
With the best Clash Royale deck in Arena 12, Spooky Town, we introduce one of the last major tanks we haven't seen before: the Mega Knight. Capable of dealing apparitional damage and jumping on enemies or towers, it's a formidable fighter that will keep enemy defenses busy.
Take advantage of the inattention of enemy troops with the Ram Rider, the Royal Ghost and the Inferno Dragon. Then counter enemy movements with the Barbarian Barrel and the Electro Wizard.
All you have to do is use your spells to support your attack with Poison or slow down enemies with Mega Snowball. Find out more about this deck in our guide to the best Clash Royale Arena 12 deck.
The evolution of the Log Bait deck in Arena 13: Rascal's Hideout
For the Rascal's Hideout deck, Arena 13, we offer an evolution of the Log Bait deck with cards unlocked from Arena 9. The Goblin Barrel and the Log Bait are the logical ones, but so are the Inferno Tower, the Rocket and the Knight.
Add to that the Skeleton Army, which is very effective at forcing opposing spells, Rascals to slow enemy progress, and the Dart Goblin for its attack speed and range. Look for more information soon in our guide to the best Clash Royale Arena 13 deck.
Best Clash Royale Arena 14 deck: Serenity Peak
Before moving on to the final game, let's not overlook the best Clash Royale Arena 14 deck, Serenity Peak. Especially since this one is very balanced, with a variety of units. To take damage, the Mega Knight and Royal Giant have the necessary HP.
Then you have a mini-tank with the Prince, but also group units on the ground and in the air with the Goblin Barrel, the Skeleton Army and the Bats.
Finally, thanks to the Princess and the Dart Goblin, you have the two ranged units with the longest range. We'll be preparing a guide for you very soon to give you more details about this deck.
Best Clash Royale Legendary Arena deck
Here it is, the one you've all been waiting for! Indeed, the legendary arena is the highest arena in Clash Royale. For this last deck, although the previous one can also do the job, let's try something more fun.
Take the Tombstone and the Graveyard. Both cards generate skeletons, which can quickly panic your opponent. Defend with your Tornado to activate your King's Tower, then counterattack with the Barbarian Barrel and Ice Wizard.
Then place your Valkyrie/Baby Dragon duo at the deck to protect the skeletons and prevent the opposing player from defending with Poison. Find out more about this deck soon in our guide to the best Clash Royale Legendary Arena deck.
That's it for our guide to the best Clash Royale decks in all arenas. Now that you know all about decks, I invite you to check out our many character guides or our article on the rarest Clash Royale emotes for example.
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