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Best Clash Royale Arena 14 deck guide

Best Clash Royale Arena 14 deck

You've arrived at Selenity Peak, the final stretch before reaching Legendary Arena. To help you get there, follow our guide to the best Clash Royale Arena 14 deck. With our tips and tricks, you'll know how to put together the Mega Knight / Royal Giant deck and how to play it effectively.

Best Clash Royale Arena 14 deck composition

The best Clash Royale Arena 14 deck is a somewhat strange deck, but terribly effective and confusing for your opponents. It borrows aspects of the Log Bait and Log Bait V2 decks, especially with the Goblin Barrel.

However, the attack spells here are replaced by two tanks: the Mega Knight and the Royal Giant. To inflict damage while these two bags of HP are occupying enemy units, you have several options. 

Best Clash Royale Arena 14 deck

If no one stands in the Prince's way, he charges the tower, while the Dart Goblin and the Princess attack from afar without taking any risks. These two long-range units will also be useful in defense, along with the Skeleton Army and the Bats.

How to play the Mega Knight / Royal Giant deck

Although it is the best Clash Royale Arena 14 deck, the Mega Knight / Royal Giant deck is not for everyone. Indeed, it's an atypical composition that requires a bit of mastery, but if you've made it this far, it should work out fine for you.

To open the game, place the Princess or Dart Goblin in the back of the field, then send your Prince to attack one of the opposing towers.

The Prince in Clash Royale

Then wait a few moments to recharge your Elixir and defend your opponent's counterattack with the Mega Knight or Royal Giant. Accompany them with the Skeleton Army and the Bats depending on the enemy units.

When your opponent plays their spells, it's time to shine with the best Clash Royale Arena 14 deck. Set up a tank or the Prince to take the hits from the tower, then send your Goblin Barrel at it.

Goblin Barrel in Clash Royale

That's it for this best Clash Royale Arena 14 deck guide. By following our tips and tricks, you'll reach the holy grail of every Clash Royale player: the Legendary Arena. The trick to playing this deck is to pay attention to managing your Elixir economy. Due to the lack of damage-causing spells, you can quickly find yourself in a tricky situation on defense. For more deck guides and new cards, I refer you to our Clash Royale tips page.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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