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Clash Royale Mega Knight Guide

Clash Royale Mega Knight Guide

Do you come across this card a lot and want to learn how to play it? Don't panic, we explain everything in our Clash Royale Mega Knight guide. Find out the qualities and flaws of this card, how to play it, but also what is the best deck with the Mega Knight.

Mega Knight strengths and weaknesses

Clash Royale Mega Knight card is available fromArena 7: Royal Arena. It is a legendary card with many features that costs 7 units of Elixir.

This melee tank has a range of 1.2 squares and a very high amount of hit points. Other than that, the Mega Knight is quite different from units of the same role. When it enters the field, it deals a lot of area damage. It then hits half as hard every 1.7 seconds.

Clash Royale Mega Knight Card

If there are no more enemies in range, it advances at medium speed and when a unit or building is within 3.5 squares, it charges for a short time and jumps to its target's location, inflicting the same area damage as when it appeared.

Its main asset is its versatility. Useful in defense as a tank, the Mega Knight and its area damage allow devastating counterattacks if you take Elixir advantage. However, it has no defense against air units.

How to play Clash Royale with Mega Knight?

During the attack phases in Clash Royale, Mega Knight can be used like any other tank. However, it is more effective to use it on defense for its appearance damage, which destroys low HP units. This will start a counterattack that will do damage whether it is defended or not. If he manages to reach the tower with his jump, his health points will drop very quickly.

Clash Royale Mega Knight visual

If played against you, Mega Knight is easily managed with air units. The most effective is Inferno Dragon, which is easily defeated for a hit of 3 less Elixir units.

The best Clash Royale Mega Knight deck

Before we get into the composition of the best Clash Royale Mega Knight deck, it is important to point out that it requires some mastery of the game. It is a very fast deck, whose goal is to continuously attack the enemy with units that cost little Elixir.

Indeed, only two cards cost more than 3 units of Elixir and form your counterattack combo: Mega Knight and Archer Queen. Once you've successfully placed these two cards to complete the defense of an assault, all that's left is to provide support by cycling your other cards.

The best Mega Knight deck

The Miner and Wall Breakers are designed to take points away from enemy towers. The Bats provide air support, while your two spells protect your Mega Knight from large units: the Barbarian Barrel against the Skeleton Army and Zap against the Bats or Minions.

Finally, the Bandit charges her enemies, dealing double her base damage, just like the Prince. She can also resist the recoil of the Log and sprint through the rocks sent by the Bowler.

That's it for this Clash Royale Mega Knight guide. You now know his strengths and weaknesses, tips on how to play him in a useful way, and which decks to put him in to win trophies and climb the leaderboard.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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