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Best Clash Royale Arena 10 Deck Guide

Best Clash Royale Arena 10 Deck Guide

You now have 3,000 trophies, but you can no longer progress on the Hog Mountain? Don't panic, we've got the solution for you. In this guide, we'll show you how to put together and learn how to play the best Clash Royale Arena 10 deck with our tips and tricks.

Best Clash Royale Arena 10 deck composition

Let's start our best Clash Royale Arena 10 deck right away with the most important card: the Golem. It's a very durable tank, but it costs 8 Elixir units.

That's why you have to use it sparingly, as we'll see later. When it dies, it deals area damage and splits into two Golemites, which will also deal area damage when they die. So this is a card that has a lot of potential if played well.

Best Clash Royale Arena 10 Deck Guide

However, its damage is not very high if it is not well accompanied. This is where your aerial squad comes into play, consisting of the Inferno Dragon, the Mega Minion and the Minions.

To have a presence on the ground and distract the enemy, use Skeletons. These cost you very few resources and allow you to stall. Finally, add the Furnace as a defensive building, as well as the Lightning spell and the Log for their versatility.

How to play the Golem / Inferno Dragon deck

First and foremost, you should know that to effectively play the best Clash Royale Arena 10 deck, you should not use the Golem until the Elixir is multiplied by 2. Indeed, with its high Elixir cost, it is complicated to play other units alongside it before that. However, you can waive this rule if you are facing a building like the Mortar or the X-Bow.

Your goal will be to be patient and take as little damage as possible during the first two minutes of the game. Simply defend in reaction to your opponent by trying to gain an Elixir advantage. To do this, use your spells to counter small units and place your Furnace to draw the attention of enemies instead of your towers.

Best Clash Royale Arena 10 Deck Gameplay

If, however, you reach maximum Elixir and do not need to defend, place the Mega Minion or Inferno Dragon behind your King's Tower to anticipate an attack.

Once you enter the second half of the battle, it's time to shine for the best Clash Royale Arena 10 deck Send your Golem behind one of your towers to rack up as much Elixir as possible by the time it reaches the deck. You can then lay down the Mega Minion, Inferno Dragon, and Minions to deal damage while protected by the Golem and its Golemites.

That concludes our guide to the best Clash Royale Arena 10 deck. Now you know how to create and play the Golem / Inferno Dragon deck. If you're missing some cards to make up this team, the Log Bait deck is also a good option to reach the Electro Valley.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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