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Clash Royale Log Guide

Clash Royale Log Guide

Looking for an effective and versatile spell? We've got the answer in our Clash Royale Log guide. With our tips and tricks, you'll learn the pros and cons of the card as well as which deck to use it in to win trophies and advance to higher arenas.

The Log strengths and weaknesses

The Clash Royale Log card is available from Arena 6: Builder's Workshop. This is a legendary card that costs 2 units of Elixir. This spell, as its name suggests, sends a log rolling towards the opponent's camp. Its effect targets units, buildings and towers in its path, but only on the ground.

Clash Royale Log Card

Its damage is powerful enough to take out a Princess, a full Skeleton Army or both at the same time for one less Elixir unit. It is therefore a formidable asset, but of no use against air units.

How to play Clash Royale with the Log?

During your attack phases in Clash Royale, the Log will be useful to protect your tanks. If it can't be placed directly on the opponent's side, sending it to the bridge allows it to finish its run by inflicting damage to the enemy tower.

Clash Royale Log Visual

In defense, the Log allows you to move the enemy units back slightly and thus gain a little time, but also to stop a charge from the Ram or the Prince. When you see the animation of the opponent's Goblin Barrel, anticipate by placing the Log behind your tower so that they don't do any damage.

To counter the Log if it is played by your opponent, set up a Log Bait strategy by placing small units as a diversion to force him to use it and thus leave him defenseless against your next attack.

The best Clash Royale Log deck

The best Clash Royale Log deck is simply one of the best in the game. We've already introduced you to it in the Hog Rider guide, but let's go over how it works. It is an aggressive deck with which you cycle your cards very quickly. Indeed, with an average of 2.6 Elixir units, it features the cheapest tank and building in the game: the Ice Golem and the Cannon.

The best Clash Royale Log deck

Behind your tank, place the Hog Rider to contact the tower and the Musketeer to attack from a distance. To recover these units as quickly as possible, regularly use your two cards that cost a single unit of Elixir: the Skeletons and the Ice Spirit. Finally, you have the Fireball and the Log, two versatile and efficient spells.

That's it for the Clash Royale Log guide. You've learned how to use this card wisely by taking advantage of its strengths and weaknesses. You also know how to put together one of the best decks in the game and how to strategize your way to the top arenas. For more decks and new card guides, check out our Clash Royale tips section.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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