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State of Survival Guide

State of Survival Guide

Developed by KingsGroup Holdings, the strategic survival game State of Survival is a great success. Despite a well-prepared tutorial, the game has its own particularities that you should know well. So we offer you a guide to getting started in State of Survival. By compiling our tips and tricks, you should be able to successfully complete your survival 😉

What is State of Survival?

State of Survival is a strategy game like many others on mobile. The game takes place in an apocalyptic world full of zombies. You will have to manage your base and its inhabitants by creating and improving buildings.
You will have to collect essential resources and lead raids on the world map in order to collect more and more resources to spend for the good of your inhabitants. Joining an alliance will be mandatory to share your resources and benefit from the help of your companions.

State of survival mobile game image

Despite this, whether it be through its exploration missions or the management of certain strategic aspects of the game, State of Survival knows how to stand out from the competition. So, we offer you this State of Survival guide which will allow you to know the priorities to give to your actions when you start the game.

Editor's tip: we highly recommend playing State of Survival on PC for more comfortable gameplay and to save your phone battery! 👌

State of Survival Guide: The Basics of Survival

Let's start this State of Survival Guide with the basics of survival so you don't get bitten by Zombies in the first few hours of your HQ.

Managing your base well

Your base is the most important element of State of Survival. At least, the place where you will spend most of your time.

State of Survival - base

Your base is the main focus of your actions in State of Survival. You will build essential buildings such as a barracks to recruit and improve soldiers or various buildings allowing the production of resources (sawmills, farms, etc.).

State of Survival - Headquarters options

Your Headquarters (HQ) is the most important building of all. The level of your HQ will determine the maximum level your other buildings can reach. Improving HQ should therefore be a priority for every player.

Raising an army of fighters

Producing resources is essential for survival, but it won't be enough. In order to protect your base and discover the world of State of Survival, you will need to build up an army.

State of Survival - barracks

The Barracks and Gun Stands will allow you to train close combat andranged attack units respectively. The more these buildings are upgraded, the better the troops you can recruit.

The Wilderness: world map

When you are in your base, simply click on the Wilderness button to discover the State of Survival world map.

SoS world map
State of Survival world map

When you are on the world map, several actions will be available:

  • attacking hordes of roaming zombies;
  • conquering resource areas;
  • attack another player's base or army.

For the last point, you will need a fair amount of firepower, so we will avoid the subject in this State of Survival guide for beginners.

Wandering zombies

When you start out, your fighters are usually not strong enough to take on other players. Just collect simple resources first by fighting wandering zombies.

State of Survival - wandering zombies

You will easily find zombies of an accessible level for your fighters and will therefore be able to recover resources.

Resource areas

As you move through the world map, you will also discover resource points that you can conquer.

State of Survival - resource points

By placing your troops on one of these resource points such as refineries, you will have the opportunity to gain a large amount of a given resource.

State of Survival guide: exploration missions

If there is one thing that sets State of Survival apart from other games in the genre, it is the exploration missions. You will have access to them after having built the Citadel in your base.

The Citadel in SoS

The Citadel gives you access to different paths (depending on the level of the building) in which each step corresponds to a battle. You then send an army of three heroes.

During these missions, your heroes are confronted with waves of enemies and/or a boss and allow you to collect a large number of resources.

You will be able to choose theheroes you want to send and use their specific abilities for these exploration missions. After destroying all your enemies, you will be rewarded.

State of Survival Guide: beginner's tips to remember

Upgrade your buildings in order

One of the main tips in State of Survival that I could give you is to think carefully about upgrading all your buildings. However, it is best to follow an order to make these improvements.

While upgrading each building will be useful as it will increase your overall combat power, you should keep in mind to prioritise upgrading the Headquarters.

improvement of HQ in SoS

As mentioned before, while the level of your HQ determines the maximum level available for your other buildings, upgrading it will also give you access to new construction possibilities.

Your HQ should therefore be your priority, but don't neglect the other buildings. We advise you toupgrade your production buildings (farms, sawmills, etc.) in second place.

Follow the task list to find out what to do

In a game as complete as State of Survival, the player can sometimes feel lost and doubt the priorities of his actions. In this case, do not hesitate to refer to the list of missions.

The chapter list in SoS

Each chapter of the game contains several missions that give you access to numerous bonuses and resources.

Get together and be active!

As in many games of the genre, State of Survival puts the emphasis on alliances. Indeed, being part of an alliance will allow you to scare off a potential player who wants to attack you.

Alliances in SoS

In addition to protecting you from possible attack, joining an alliance will give youaccess to bonus resources. You will also get help with the construction and improvement of your buildings.

Be careful though! As in any game of this kind, the alliance is interesting if it is active. Donate regularly to be an active member of your group.

Send your heroes on an expedition

After completing a few missions and upgrading your HQ, you will quickly gain access to new regions to expand your territory.

Shipments in SoS

By sending your heroes on expeditions, you can build more buildings in your base.

State of Survival Guide: gift codes

As with many games in the genre, the developers of State of Survival regularly offer gift codes to claim bonuses and resources. We've written a detailed article about these codes, how to find them and how to use them. This will surely help you 😉 !

After reading the few lines of this beginner's State of Survival guide, you have all the cards in hand to get you started in the game!
To go even further, don't hesitate to take a look at all our tips on State of Survival!

Matthieu Coming from a time when mobile gaming was only possible in the form of Game&Watch (or Tetris for the wealthy), I now have several decades as a gamer to put into practice in my tests and guides! :)


I am looking for the requirements to build my HQ wedding ring.
I can't find any information.
Thank you


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Hi Fryzz and thanks for your comment.

You can create an Alliance with a HQ of levels 1-5, it will cost 200 biocaps, while HQ of level 6 (and higher) allow you to create an Alliance for free.

I hope this helped you,
Have a nice evening!

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BONSOIR One question! At what level of the alliance does the HQ abandoned land appear?

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Good evening Shny,

Thanks for your comment, but I'm not sure I understand your question.
Do you want to create a HQ alliance called "abandoned land"?

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No! I have a Level 3 alliance but still no HQ plain. I would like to know the conditions to get the first one HQ

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Normally, from level 3 onwards, you should be able to build the HQ. The latter can only be built by the alliance marshal, maybe that's why you can't.

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I have founded an alliance. Now I would like to build my ALLIANCE HEADQUARTERS in the lowlands. Unfortunately, it doesn't work because it says "REQUIREMENTS NOT FILLED". I am now at level 3.

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Hi Emy
Level 3 is indeed the first point to be able to build the Alliance headquarters, but then the Alliance Marshal has to start the construction (only he can do it). Maybe this is the missing condition.

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Hello, would it be possible to find a guide for alliance creations?
The HQ, the towers, the other alliance buildings?
I can't find it anywhere. I will need help.

Thank you in advance

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We're trying to get this ready for you soon 🙂

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Danke für die rasche Antwort. Jedoch, wer ist der Allianzmarshall. I am the only one with the rank of R5. So it should be possible for me to do this.

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Your alliance rank can only be changed by your leader or another member two or more ranks above you. If you have two or more ranks above an ally, you have the power to promote or demote them. After tapping the Alliance icon at the bottom of your screen, you can: Press MEMBERS to view the ranks within your Alliance Press Permissions in the MANAGE menu to see the permissions each alliance rank has.

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how... changing the state would be a great help. It took me a long time.

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We have just such a guide to switching states on State of Survival 🙂

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Hello Mathieu,
I have the same problem.
I am the leader of my alliance (Chtite'alliance), my HQ is level 13 and yet I also have the mention "conditions not met" on the HQ of the alliance (Plain) and HQ of the alliance (abandoned land) in the sub-menu "territory buildings" of the menu "Territory".
Thanks for your help

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Hello Chtidelux,

There are other resource requirements that need to be met before you can build your HQ alliance, perhaps these are the things you are missing. Indeed, to be able to start building the HQ alliance, in addition to the huge amount of food, wood (700,000) and metal (400,000), there is also a large demand for gas which can be a problem (200,000).

I hope that I have been able to answer your questions.

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I can't do the mission in chaoiter 1 part 4, kill 1 level 2 infected. When I attack, I am asked to devellopper commandemant, I have to get some kind of microscope but when I attack again, I get the same message - develop technology - develop cammandement to unlock more slots...
Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hello Greg,

It is indeed amazing, feel free to check out a let's play on Youtube to find your answer (I have to admit I don't remember every chapter part perfectly! 😀 ) :

Hopefully this will help you.

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Hi Greg, did you manage to solve this problem as I am in the same situation since a few days?

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Hello, how do we get/build an alliance farm. Since we need a certain amount of food to develop the technologies, we are blocked because no alliance farm.

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same problem

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