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Monsters from the Summoners War x Assassin's Creed collaboration: Ezio, Kassandra...

Summoners War x Assassin's Creed collaboration event, monsters, dungeon and summons

After several major partnerships like SW x CRK and SW x Street Fighter, Summoners War collaborates with Assassin's Creed and gets 5 new characters in the new update of the game. I detail the skills of the new Summoners War monsters Ezio, Altair, Bayek, Kassandra and Eivor of all types and the details of the AC x SW event. Find out everything you need to know about Heroic Assassins in SW for this temporary partnership crossover event.

Five new Assassin's Creed x Summoners War monsters

With its February 28 update, Summoners War collaborates with Assassin's Creed to bring the most famous brotherhood to your Sky Island. In addition to dungeons, changes to the Court of Ascension, and special quests, check out the five assassin monsters that can be added to your team. Ezio and his colleagues will be available via v.7.2.1 on February 28, until May 1 at 5 p.m. (UTC+1, Paris time).

To experience the event comfortably in front of your screen, you should play Summoners War on PC too! You save battery power and gain performance when you are at home.

Ezio and Kassandra as Summoners War x Assassin's Creed monsters

The crossover event has been unveiled and teased on the official website of the game with a dedicated page. I let you enjoy the trailer Cinematic which makes us travel through the opuses of the Ubisoft license.


To begin this presentation of Assassin's Creed monsters in Summoners War, Ezio, the Italian shadow, opens the ball. A fire type, Ezio will burn everything in his path, ignoring his opponent's defense and damage reduction. Ezio's water monster focuses on inflicting Fear on enemies and boosting the attack of his allies. The wind monster sweeps away his enemies' strength by reducing their defense and attack.

Between light and shadow, the Italian assassin will have to choose between disabling enemy passives and an impossible to counter attack. Very aggressive, this monster is in Attack on all its elemental variations. All that's left is for you to test Ezio in Summoners War! So don't worry, I'll explain below how to summon him.

Ezio Summoners War crossover event AC detail skills


As for Kassandra, she retains her deadly elegance in her chibi version dedicated to the Summoners War x Assassin's Creed collaboration event. Immediate boarding for Greece with this miniature slayer.

  • Kassandra Fire: Drains the enemy's life, becoming invincible instead of dying. The active skills allow to shorten the cooldowns in case of a fatal blow to an enemy.
  • Kassandra Water: In support, the assassin focuses on lowering the defense of enemy monsters.
  • Kassandra Wind: Ignores the opponent's defense and resets the enemies' attack bar.
  • Kassandra Light : Allows to control the opponent with stuns.
  • Kassandra Dark: Makes your whole team more deadly.
Kassandra Summoners War detailed skill chart by element


Assassin of Light, Altair is only available with the Light element in this Summoners War collaboration. He fights for the Brotherhood with his secret blades that gain power when untouched by the enemy, to deliver a well-charged bloody blow. You can only get it by participating in the event before May 1st, so hurry up if you're interested!

Altaïr Summoners War x Assassin's Creed collaboration in Light monster


Welcome to ancient Egypt with the assassin Bayek in Summoners War. If you try to summon him with the special methods of the crossover event, you will be able to unlock him under any type, with the skills listed below.

  • Bayek Fire : Drains blood to prevent HP recovery temporarily, removes allied debuffs and opponent buffs.
  • Bayek Water: Like all other types, he prevents enemies from regaining HP, but his other skills rely mostly on his own max HP to support your team composition.
  • Bayek Wind: Benefits from a passive skill that deals damage over time after an attack and restores some HP to the assassin.
  • Bayek Light: Destroys enemy HP and boosts your own damage based on the HP of your opponents.
  • Bayek Dark: Straight from the Egyptian desert, Bayek's Eagle swoops down on a target tostun itfor 1 turn as a passive skill, for an automatic effect.
Bayek Summoners War and Assassin's Creed in monster collaboration


Let's leave the pyramids aside and focus on the Viking longships and their fierce leader Eivor in Summoners War, who is more a warrior than an assassin. Of all the possible elements for Eivor from SW, let's see which ones would go best in your composition with this assassin:

  • Eivor Fire: In addition to summoning Thor to double his attacks and enemy DEF drop, Eivor can stun and use his passive skill to recover some of his lost HP and boost his attack.
  • Eivor Water: In Support, this version of the assassin deals continuous damage and boosts your entire team with increased damage to enemies, reduced damage received, and more speed based on your Eivor's base stats.
  • Eivor Vent: Strongly based on continuous damage, it is capable of exploding the continuous damage load for a burst of damage.
  • Eivor Light: Driven by Thor's passive light, this attacking Eivor can stun an opponent who is being pummeled and provide immunity to c/c effects.
  • Eivor Dark: Increases the attack power of allies and charges their attack bar before sending them on a fury to attack random opponents.
Eivor Summoners War x Assassin's Creed crossover collaboration

Other news from the Assassin's Creed event

Now that you know all about the Assassin's Creed monsters in Summoners War and their special skills by type, it's time to move on to all the other new features of this event. For example, the SW x AC collaboration brings missions from the Assassin's Brotherhood.

Collect special rewards by completing and missions to boost your drop of new monsters. Moreover, a new quest appears to replace a quest completed after 8 hours. But many other changes are coming with this update!

AC x SW Event Dungeon in partnership

The Assassin's Creed event dungeon is set deep in the map for some great battles. As you progress through the AC event dungeon, you'll reach a boss at each difficulty level that is embodied by a Commander of the Templar Order. You can find the dungeon on the general map until the collaboration ends on April 30. So start farming as soon as possible!

Dungeon event AC x SW collaboration crossover

For your information, the AC event dungeon resets on Monday. Therefore, you will be able to farm the rewards completions every week. You can find the list of rewards by level of the Assassin's Creed dungeon in Summoners War below:

Difficulty: NormalDifficulty: HardDifficulty: Hell
15 codex
500k mana stones
15 codex
5 scrolls mystics
15 codex
Unique award of the week

We already know the different rewards unique of the week for the dungeon in Hell difficulty. Here is the final weekly list:

AC x SW event weekAvailability datesEvent Dungeon Boss Hell Week Reward
Week 128/02 to 05/03250 crystals
Week 206/03 to 12/031 devilmon
Week 313/03 to 19/031 blessing of the radiant invocation
Week 420/03 to 26/031 rune 6★ legendary
Week 527/03 to 02/041 legendary millstone
Week 603/04 to 09/041 legendary immemorial gem
Week 710/04 to 16/042 revaluation stones
Week 817/04 to 23/041 scroll Light / Dark
Week 924/04 to 30/041 attribute artifact / Legendary type

You have 9 weeks to get as many rewards as possible from the Hell mode of the event dungeon against the Templar bosses.

At the same time, the assassins are also imposed in the Ascension Court during from March 15. The boss every 10 floors will have a team of monsters from the partnership, except on floor 100. You will also find them with Master X as Arena Rival.

scrolls Assassin's Creed x Summoners War and Summoning

Are you a fan of the new monsters, but are you looking for a way to summon these Assassin's Creed monsters in Summoners War? The easiest solution is of course to use a special collaboration scroll . This scroll AC is used to summon assassins as 4-5★ monster of all Water/Vent/Fire/Dark/Light types.

Beware, even if you can summon Kassandra or Eivor awake with these scrolls, this is not the case for Altair. To obtain Altair, you will have to actively participate in the event and complete quests for which you will summon him as a reward.

Summoning methods for Summoner's War assassins during the event
scroll Assassin's Creed
Mystical invocation
scroll mystic
scroll mystical guide
scroll attribute
scroll Light / Dark
scroll legendary
scroll legendary attribute
scroll legendary all-attribute
scroll of transcendence
scroll of ancient transcendence
scroll of transcendence of the 8 years
scroll of SWC2020
scroll of SWC2021
scroll of SWC2022
scroll special 7 years old
scroll of friendship

Ezio emojis to unlock

This SW x AC crossover event is also the perfect opportunity to show off your style in the World Arena or game chat with Ezio, Assassin of Light emojis. The current collaboration has 10 in total, 6 of which can be obtained by completing items in the partnership event. For the other 4 Ezio emotes, you'll need to purchase the collaboration pack if you want to complete your collection.

Ezio emotes Summoners War x AC crossover partnership

Assassin's Creed Special Summoning

Finally, the arrival of Assassin's Creed monsters in Summoners War allows you to spend your gems directly on characters from the Ubisoft license through AC Special Summoning. Indeed, special summons are used to unlock Assassin's Creed characters in Summoners War with your precious personal resources, without scroll and without a quest.

Whether you prioritize summoningEzio in Light, Kassandra or Bayek to complete your composition, all that matters is that you have enough gems to do so. If not, you can always continue with normal summonses and hope to randomly get one of the available assassins.

Special Summons AC x SW event

And that's it, that's the end of this article and the end of the in-game winter season. So bring on the assassins in Summoners War! If you like the SW universe, you can also discover Summoners War: Lost Centuria and the MMORPG Chronicles and its tier list. For more details, visit the official post of this update on Hive.

Yaya Yaya would never have spent a single cent on a mobile game. At least, that's what the legend says.

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