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Update: repeat battle are coming to Summoners War!

MAJ Summoners War : repeat battle

The developers of Summoners War have announced a new update that could either delight fans or scare them away... This update is still in development, but should be coming soon!
Something big is coming to the game as repeat battle is coming to Summoners War! What does it mean exactly? Which players will be penalized and which ones will benefit from it?
Zoom in on this big SW update that arrives shortly after update the shift, we explain everything!

The new update v.6.0.4 of Summoners War

Announced yesterday by the developers of Summoners War, this update brings a very interesting new feature: the repeat battle !

Or, back-to-back fights, call it what you will, but this feature could bring a fun to the game (though...) that hasn't been seen since Summoners War launched in 2014.

The door to the Summoners War dimensions
The door of dimensions.

This new feature will be available in the "Gate of Dimensions" building. But let's see what these repeat battle in Summoners War are all about.

What are the repeat battle in this update?

The first piece of good news is that you will be able to perform 10 repeat battle with each run. When the back-to-back battles start, you can stay on your heavenly island and summon or upgrade the monsters you have.

You will also be able to upgrade your runes and artefacts or the different modes available (apart from the PvP and PvE battle modes). You will also be able to check your different rewards in the fights you have done.

The different areas where repeat battle will be available

As you can see in this picture, the repeat battle will be available in several scenarios.

HistoryAll available scenarios
Cairos Dungeon All dungeons will be available
Dungeons of the RiftAll beasts except the Chaos beast will be available
The different locations where repeat battle will be available

How do you select these monsters in the repeated battles of Summoners War?

Once you have selected the location, you will have to choose the different monsters you need for your battles. Another important point of this Summoners War update is that you will not be able to use your friends' monsters. It will only be you, facing the dungeon bosses!

When the monsters are chosen, you can then start your fights and here you have to look at the interface carefully.

The repeat battle interface of Summoners War

The following image will allow you to better find your way around this combat interface thanks to the different points highlighted in the press release.

The detailed interface of repeat battle of Summoners War
The first point Indication of the current combat area, and the number of fights performed.
The second point This is the real time battle screen. But in the settings menu at the bottom left (the same one you have in your actual fights), you'll be able to make changes to your attack orders on the boss and designate priority targets.
The third pointIn this interface, you will then have the list of rewards obtained through combat. The runes and other rewards will be available immediately in the monster interface.

Once the battles are over, you will have access to all the rewards obtained.

The rewards of repeat battle of Summoners War

On the left you can see the total time in minutes, and the best times achieved by your monsters.

You will also see the different runs made by your monsters as you can see in this picture.

Detailed runs in repeat battle of Summoners War

You will also be able to see other information about your fights.

Wins / Losses
Reaching the maximum level for monsters
Survival or not of the monsters that took part in the fighting

Other important points of this SW update

The developers thought that by tuning different features in the repeat battleThe developers thought that by granting different features in the game, the game would be more "fun". This feature is quite developed in other games of the genre, so it makes sense that it appears in SW.

The interface minimisation button in Summoners War

You have the possibility to make the combat interface disappear and go about your business on your heavenly island. Here is the list of features available in the background of this interface:

ActivityCan be usedCannot be used
Activity on the island Mana Harvesting
Managing the Monster Placement Buildings
Using the Magic Shop and Guild Shop
Using the Temple of Wishes
Using the Crafting Building
Decorating the Island
Metamorphosis building
Overview of competences
Test of defence
Monster management Monster summoning
Monster upgrading and evolution
Monster merging
Rune and artifact management
Viewing discussions and using monsters
Impossible to perform awakenings on monsters participating in combat
Metamorphosis of a monster participating in combat
Arena / Arena World Entering and checking the menu
Managing runes in the arena
Setting up defence placements
Using the arena shop
Combat-related function
Guild content Entering and checking the menu
Setting up defences (GvO / GvG)
Using the guild shop
Combat-related function
ShopPurchase of products, packs or others in the applicationOverview of skills in the metamorphosis packs
Community Friends menu
Guild menu
Profile: User visit function
Other Using the Event / Media icons
Using the chat
Using the challenge menu
Using the inbox
Profile: User visit function

Who will benefit from repeat battle ?

Let's just say that if you're a heavy Summoners War player, this new feature probably won't totally change your playing habits. But if you're a casual gamer, that's where it gets interesting. The repeat battle will allow you to farm much more and therefore toevolve in the game more efficiently.

It remains to be seen what the final result of this update will be. It's still too early to draw any conclusions. We'll be sure to tell you all about it as soon as it's released and give you a full debrief on what players thought of the change.

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