The Once Human mobile beta is coming to Europe and North America!

Once Human beta on mobile

While a few weeks ago the release of NetEase's survival game on Android and iOS seemed in jeopardy, the publisher has finally revealed the date of the next Once Human mobile beta, which will take place in Europe and North America from 19 September! Here are the details of the beta.

Full details of the Once Human mobile beta

Released on 9 July 2024 on PC, Once Human is NetEase's survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world where you play as a meta-human. The game features harvesting, crafting, base management, PvE battles against aberrations and PvP competition.

Once Human mobile beta announced

The Once Human mobile beta will be available on Android and iOS from 19 September at 8pm PDT (20 September at 3am UTC) for players in Europe and North America. If you want to take part, you'll have access to two scenarios, the first of which is Manibus, Once Human's cooperative PvE campaign. You'll also be able to try out the Evolution's Call scenario, which is the game's PvP mode.

Registration for the Once Human mobile beta has not yet begun. For more information, please visit the game's official website.

The Once Human beta test on mobile will be limited to a certain number of players (we don't know how many at the moment) and the game data will be deleted afterwards.

Exploring Once Human on mobile

One final point: once you've created your character in the Once Human mobile beta, you'll be able to try out cross-platform play by downloading the beta version on your PC!

No release date for Once Human on mobile, but pre-registration is under way

The release date for Once Human on mobile has not yet been announced by NetEase, although we can envisage a global launch in early 2025. However, you can already pre-register on the stores.

Once Human icon
Once Human pre-registration

While Once Human isn't anything revolutionary, the game is pretty cool and draws its originality from its AD and monsters with strange and unpleasant designs that won't leave you indifferent. Don't hesitate to take part in the beta - but hurry, places are limited!

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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