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Summoners War Wind Rift Beast | Strategy, Team and Rewards

beast of the storm summoners war

The Summoners War Wind Rift Beast is certainly the most difficult to apprehend in the Rift of Worlds. It will allow you to get some rewards in order to progress. To defeat it, you'll have to use a different strategy than the other beasts and create a team to wait for the SSS rank!

What's the Summoners War Wind Rift Beast ?

The Wind Rift Beast in Summoners War as mentioned above, it is the most difficult to overcome because of its very crippling skills for the team involved. It can indeed, electrify all monsters and inflict very big damages afterwards.

the Storm Beast Summoners War

To defeat it, you will have to use monsters that are totally different from the others and therefore have a different strategy. As the Wind Beast has a wind attribute, you will have to use monsters with the same attribute or monsters with a fire attribute.

The skills of the Wind Beast in Summoners War

The Summoners War Wind Rift Beast has skills that are devastating to the team in front of her.

tormented sweep Storm Beast Summoners WarTormented sweepAttacks all enemies twice and recovers these HP according to the number of enemies affected by the "Electric Shock"effect.
thunderous roar Storm Beast Summoners WarThundering roarAttacks all enemies three times and increases the effect of "Electric Shock". Damage ignores damage reduction effects. Electric shock increases the damage dealt. In addition, recovery effects are reduced by 40% and inflict proportional damage of 10% of max HP. To remove this harmful effect, monsters must reach 100% of their HP.
Thorn of Despair Storm Beast Summoners WarThorn of despair Attacks all enemies in the front line twice. Damage increases as the defence weakens. If all monsters in the front line are dead, the attack will target the monsters in the second line.
swirling breath of anger Storm Beast Summoners WarSwirling breath of angerRemoves all reinforcement effects from all enemies and attacks them with a violent blast to inflict damage ignoring damage reduction effects.
corps trodu Beast of the Storm Summoners WarTwisted body (passive)Gains immunity to all harmful effects to weaken damage dealt based on HP. This skill increases the damage dealt to fire monsters by 50% and the damage dealt to water monsters by 50%.

It is necessary to pay attention to the monsters and the elemental attributes in order to obtain a certain advantage from the beginning of the game. Furthermore, it will be necessary to use monsters inflicting enormous damage to be affected as little as possible by the "Electric Shock". You should aim for a minimum of speed and a minimum of 1500 attack.

Example of a farmable team for the Wind Beast

VisualMonsterRole and runages of monsters
eirgar swEirgar He rune in Blade/Rapid in VIT/DCC%/ATK%. It will serve as an ATB boost for the whole team.
kro swKro (2A)He rune in Rage/Lame in ATK%/DCC%/ATK%. To get more chances, he has to be awakened a second time. As with Sigmarus, it will deal high damage.
raoq swRaoq (2A)It rune in Violent/Blade in ATK%/DCC%/ATK%. It is also better to awaken him a second time, as with Kro . Thanks to his skills, he will be able to attack with another monster that can inflict enormous damage.
balegyr sw BalegyrSeveral are available, but it can be run in Will/Rage in ATK%/DCC%/ATK%. It will serve as a support for the whole team.
homunculus fire swHomunculus fireIt rune as Fatal/Blade in ATK%/DCC%/ATK%. It will be able to inflict heavy damage on the beast.
homunculus dark swHomunculus darkThis monster is rune in Violent/Focus in VIT/PV%/PV%. It will allow you to be the tanky monster of the team.

It is also advisable to mount the buildings available in the arena to take full advantage of their benefits.

buildings in the Summoners War arena shop

The different rewards of the Summoners War Wind Rift Beast

Once the Wind Rift Beast of Summoners War will be beaten, it will be possible to get different rewards listed below:

  • piece of rune;
  • arcenmon;
  • scroll mystic;
  • invocation stones ;
  • stones of metamorphosis.
the different rewards to obtain in the Summoners War Storm Beast


Crystals will also be obtained depending on the score. It is important to note that pure magic crystals are guaranteed once the S rank has been reached;

  • burning fire crystal ;
  • frozen water crystal;
  • breaking wind crystal ;
  • crystal of blinding light;
  • crystal of total darkness ;
  • condensed magic crystal;
  • crystal of pure magic.
The different crystals to obtain in Summoners War Storm Beast


It is also possible to obtain the following runes once the Wind Beast is defeated:

  • Combat rune (2 sets): Increases the ally's attack by 8% ;
  • rune determination (2 sets): increases the ally's defence by 8%;
  • Improvement Rune (2 sets): Increases the ally's HP by 8%;
  • Accuracy rune (2 sets): increases the ally's accuracy by 10%;
  • Tolerance rune (2 sets): increases the ally's resistance by 10%.
The different runes to obtain in the Summoners War Storm Beast

With this guide, I hope you will be able to build a fully farmable team and succeed in Wind Beast in Summoners War. Happy farming !

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