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Teemo top Wild Rift guide | Build and Runes S1

Teemo Wild Rift Guide

In the LoL: Wild Rift universe, many champions are hated by players. Whether it's Master Yi and his absurd damage, Tryndamere and his smoky immortality or Zed, who can kill by locking up his opponent, there are plenty of candidates! But these characters are clearly no match for Teemo... This little Yordle with his cheerful expression has a diabolical gameplay that will make many rage. At the risk of losing your soul, our Teemo top Wild Rift guide will explain how to effectively play as the devil himself. 😈
Teemo top benefits from his attack range, which offers him great match-ups against champions who attack hand-to-hand. But to fully master the character, it will be a matter of knowing the nuances of his camouflage, the use of his mushrooms and his itemization on the fingertips.

Recommended build for Teemo top: items, runes and skill order

Teemo is often associated with a soloQ pick. Very good individually, he can however have difficulty finding his place in teamfights, where his fragility can quickly become problematic. In all objectivity and in spite of his reputation, at low elo this Yordle can however wreak havoc and snowball his lane endlessly. As we value our reputation, we do not advise you to play this champion either. But if by any chance this Yordle tempts you, here is his recommendedbuild .

Teemo top Wild Rift: recommended build
A recommended build just as diabolical as the champion.

What build is recommended for Teemo top Wild Rift?

  • Must-have items: Teemo is a very flexible champion who deals a majority of magic damage while constantly attacking his enemies with his blowpipe. The Nashor's Tooth is therefore the perfect item. Next in line are theInfinity Orb (movement speed and bonus damage) and the Rabadon's Cloak (maximum power). While not completely irreplaceable, these three items provide a very solid foundation.
  • Boots: Gluttonous Legs allow Teemo to regenerate with his basic attacks and skills! The perfect combo. For enchantment, there are several schools. Some prefer Teleportation (tactical choice) and others prefer Ionian Stasis (more individualistic choice).
  • Situational items: there are several solutions available. The diabolical doublet Torment of Lyandry-Sceptre of Rylai allows you to burn, while slowing down your enemies infinitely. If your enemies have a lot of magical resistance, you should use magical penetration(Morellonomicon - Void Stick).

What runes for Teemo top Wild Rift?

  • Main Rune: Teemo tries to poke his opponent relentlessly in the lane phase. Therefore the rune Aery gives him a very interesting extra damage. The Hand of the Immortal is also a possible defensive alternative.
  • Secondary Runes: Brutal is great for increasing damage, Spirit Keeper allows you to be more fluid when dancing around your enemies, and Genie Hunter offers skill acceleration which is always useful.

Which skills should be improved first?

Blinding Dart is the skill to improve first. It deals a lot of damage over time and allows for advantageous trades . Then upgrade Velocity (more safety) and finally Guerrilla (camouflage skill).

How to make good use of Teemo's skills in toplane?

Toxic shot
Toxic shot (passive)
Teemo's attacks poison his enemies, who suffer damage over time.
Blinding dart
Blinding dart
A dart that poisons an enemy and blinds him for 1.25 seconds. He then misses all his basic attacks.
Passively gives Teemo a speed bonus. When he activates the skill, he rolls forward a short distance and gets a doubled bonus in speed.
Guerrilla warfareGuerrilla warfareTeemo camouflages itself after a short delay. He can remain camouflaged indefinitely in a bush or up to 3 seconds outside. When he reveals himself (end of camouflage or attack), he gets a bonus in attack speed.
Harmful trapsHarmful trap (ultimate)Teemo loads mushrooms (up to 3) and places them on the ground. They are invisible and explode when an enemy steps on them. The mushrooms hurt, poison and slow down the victims.

In the lane phase, you should use a maximum of Toxic Shot and Blinding Dart to poke your enemy and kill them slowly. This harassment technique is as simple as it is unstoppable! The Velocity skill can be used offensively, but keep it in your bag. In case of a gank, it's your only small escape route! At level 5, when you get your ultimate, think carefully before placing your mushrooms. Ideally, you should place them in the jungle to prevent the jungler opponent from coming on your lane or at least give you the vision! Don't place them too close to a wall, but rather in places where your enemies are likely to walk.

Mushrooms in the river: Teemo Wild Rift
Set up your defences to be safe.

Finally, Guerrilla is an attractive skill on paper with its camouflage. But it is not really easy to implement, especially in teamfighting. Apart from ambushing your enemy when he returns to the lane, your camouflage won't be of much use... However, that's no reason to abandon the spell, which still gives a big attack speed steroid!

With which champion should a good synergy be set up?

Good synergy with Teemo Wild Rift: Amumu

We're not going to lie to you, Teemo top Wild Rift is a rather individualistic pick... There's not really any obvious synergy to put in place with the scout Yordle. The only advice we give you in the draft phase is to pray that your jungler plays a tank to engage (AmumuVi). Teemo being fragile and not being able to run into the crowd, your team still needs a frontline !

Counter to Teemo top Wild Rift: who should we watch out for?

Counter to Teemo Wild Rift : Jax
Jax is not kidding, even when armed with a street lamp.

Teemo has the advantage in many situations. When it is played perfectly, nobody really scares him. However, there are some tricky match-ups. The Yordle prefers to keep his distance and toplaners with an aggressive gap-closer can give him trouble. So beware of champions like Wukong or Jax who will be happy to run at you.

Advanced tips and tricks for playing Teemo top Wild Rift

To become a Teemo devil, you should know that the champion can also be played AD. It is less effective overall, especially because compared to the PC version, LoL: Wild Rift does not offer the same equipment. However, it can surprise your opponent, if he doesn't think to check your itemisation. It's tricky, but it's a good way to get through the magic resistance.

Teemo Wild Rift stuck behind a wall.
Be careful not to hit a wall!

It should also be noted that the Velocity skill allows you to rush a front over a short distance. However, it is not enough to get past even the thinnest wall on the map. We've tested it in multiple places and every time, Teemo gets stuck. The only way to get past the obstacle is to use the Lightning Jump. Finally, it should be noted that during the 3 seconds allowed outside a bush to remain camouflaged, it is possible to go from one bush to another. However, it is not possible to go back and forth endlessly, as the 3 seconds are cumulative and do not reset! Teemo already has a horrifying kit, so don't push Granny into the nettles.

This is already the end of our Teemo top Wild Rift guide. We hope it will be useful for you to quickly climb the ranks in ranked!
⚠️ Disclaimer: we cannot be held responsible for the wave of hate received towards you if you decide to play this Yordle. 😅
Check out all the other Wild Rift champion guides to learn every trick in the book for your favorite heroes!

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.

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