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Wukong jungle guide Wild Rift | Build and Runes S1

Wukong Wild Rift Guide

You don't teach the old monkey to make a face. Wukong has more than one trick up his sleeve, and he's capable of wonders in the jungle in LoL: Wild Rift. This mischievous bruiser will appeal to players who are bursting with creativity. With his skill set, he can easily find openings, swoop down on priority targets and take them out with the snap of a finger. But before you can do that, you'll need to learn how to master the Monkey King and its intricacies. To help you in this quest, this Wukong jungle Wild Rift guide collects useful tips. 😎
This will involve learning how to play with the champion's invisibility , knowing all the characteristics of his clone and opting for optimal itemisation. Wukong is not the easiest champion to play when you are new to the jungle, but his gameplay is particularly enjoyable.

Recommended build for Wukong jungle : items, runes and skill order

Wukong is a bruiser type fighter who is not afraid to charge into the thick of battle. In melee, he delivers blow for blow and is a significant source of AD damage, as well as having excellent area crowd control. However, to be effective, he must not be killed immediately as he plunges headfirst into the enemy ranks. Therefore, he needs a balanced itemization offering him a minimum of tankyness. We advise against giving him a full damage build which would condemn him to a quick death.

Recommended build Wukong Wild Rift
The offensive version of the build.

What build for Wukong jungle Wild Rift?

  • Must-have items: Don't hesitate to pick up the Black Spur. In addition to giving life points and AD, its armour penetration is very useful for Wukong who already benefits from its own passive. Then the Dance of Death (damage reduction) and Sterak's Gage (shield) are the other central items. They increase Wukong's damage while giving him more survivability.
  • Boots: you will have to choose between the Ninja Tabis (armour) and the Mercury Sandals (magic resistance) depending on the opponent's composition. For the enchantment, the Ionian Stasis will be very useful. It will allow you to temporize while waiting to recover your escape skills.
  • Situational items: This is not a priority at the beginning of the game, but it seems difficult to do without the extra life offered by theGuardian Angel at the end of the game. As a final item, you can choose between the Omen of Randuin (defensive choice) or the Shadow Glaive (offensive choice) which will disable the surrounding vision beacons.

What runes for Wukong jungle Wild Rift?

  • Main Rune: Summoners who often play bruisers know that the Conqueror rune is for them. Wukong often stays in battle for a long time and can win a maximum number of charges.
  • Secondary Runes: Brutal is a safe bet that will give you a small bonus in damage. Guardian of the Spirits seems to be a coherent choice to decrease the effects of slowdowns. Finally, Hunter-Ingenious allows you to decrease the recovery time of your skills, which is always very useful for Wukong.

Which skills should be improved first?

The Monkey King's priority is to improve his Gold Staff, his main source of damage. This skill allows him to cut into the life bar of enemy champions, such as jungle monsters. Next is Nimbus, which allows him to dash and create clones and finally Mischievous Warrior, his invisibility skill. Although powerful, it does not require any particular investment.

How to use Wukong's skills in the jungle?

Wukong's and his clone's attacks and skills apply effects to the enemy (max 5). Each effect increases the damage by 3%.
Golden stick
Golden stick
Wukong boosts his next basic attack to deal more damage and heal himself. After each skill, Wukong also passively gains 150 range on his next basic attack.
Mischievous Warrior
Mischievous Warrior
The Monkey King becomes invisible and leaves behind an immobile Clone. But the latter can attack enemies within range. The clone also imitates Golden Staff and Cyclone.
Wukong projects himself onto a target and makes two clones appear at his side. He also gains a bonus to attack speed after the rush.
Wukong whirls around to injure enemies and throw them into the air. The monkey warrior gains movement speed and can reroll the skill a second time up to 8 seconds after the first activation.

The jungle is child's play for Wukong if he uses his skills wisely. Don't hesitate to abuse the Golden Stick, which allows you to inflict more damage as well as heal yourself! To save time and precious life points, think about using clones. The latter cannot move, so it is necessary to cast Mischievous Warrior within range of the monsters. It's even better if the clones take the aggression and tank the hits! You will also notice that Nimbus allows you to save time and cross walls, provided you have the vision.

Dash Nimbus Wukong LoL Wild Rift
A wall can't stop Wukong!

For ganking, the Mischievous Warrior - Nimbus combo makes your job much easier. It allows you to surprise your enemies by becoming invisible, and then to get closer to the target with your gap-closer. After level 5, you should also quickly cast your ultimate Cyclone skill to throw your target into the air. Remember to cast your clone before using and reusing your ultimate skill. As the clone copies the ultimate, it allows for a larger area of effect and can throw as many enemies as possible.

With which champion should a good synergy be set up?

Good synergy with Wukong: Orianna
Orianna and Wukong make a great duo.

Wukong, with his Cyclone skill, can set up big wombo-combos. He excels in teamfights and has the means to hit remote priority targets. Pair the Monkey King with Oriannawho can easily follow up with her own ultimate skill. In addition, she can give him a shield and a small speed bonus to rush the enemy even faster.

Counter de Wukong jungle Wild Rift: who should we watch out for?

counter Wukong Wild Rift: Lee Sin
Lee Sin can't see but he has a nose for it!

Traditionally, Lee Sin is considered a natural counter to Wukong in the jungle. The blind monk is not so blind and has several ways of revealing invisible champions. While Wukong tries to make himself invisible in order to strike, Lee Sin puts obstacles in his way. Next, Lulu support can also ruin your life. If the latter is fast enough, it can turn you into a polymorph and render you harmless. This is potentially very dangerous if you are in the middle of the opposing team. So keep your eyes open and pay attention during the draft phase.

Advanced tips and tricks for playing Wukong jungle Wild Rift

Wukong jungle Wild Rift players love to play against their opponents with their clones. Be aware that the latter will carry the mark of the red and blue Buffs, which allows you to avoid betraying yourself. It is possible to surprise the enemy by stopping moving. The enemy will think that you have launched your clone and that you are currently invisible. While he is busy looking for you, you can surprise him by fleeing in the opposite direction or by attacking him with the surprise effect.

Clone with Red Buff: Wukong Wild Rift
Let's play the 7 differences game.

Wukong is an independent champion who does very well in 1v1. It is thus possible to play him in sololane at the top. His itemization doesn't require much adaptation, except that some play him with the Electrocution rune for maximum damage on short trades . Our heart is set on both versions, but both are viable in any case.

We have reached the end of our Wukong jungle Wild Rift guide. It's up to you to show that the Monkey King is more than just a primate and comes to put the screws to his enemies 😉
Check out all the other Wild Rift champion guides to learn all the tricks of your favourite heroes!

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.

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