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The guilds of Summoners War

guilds summoners war

It is important to join a guild in Summoners War in order to progress and enjoy the beautiful rewards. But you will have to make an effort and participate in it to allow your guild to evolve in the right direction.

If you are a guild leader, feel free to put a recruitment message in the comments 🙂

What is a guild in Summoners War?

In Summoners War, a guild allows different players to join together to grow together and gain power. When you join a guild through an invitation or a request, you will have three new game modes.

Tartaros Labyrinth
Guild fighting (GvG)
Occupation Combat (GvO)

These three game modes allow you to get some nice rewards, but above all to show other players your strategic potential and your monsters.

We will explain each mode in this article so that you have a comprehensive and detailed overview of these new Summoners War game mods.

The Tartaros Labyrinth in Summoners War

The Tartaros Labyrinth is a mode that emphasizes cooperation with your guild members.

The Labyrinth for Summoners War guilds

The goal here is to open squares by fighting the monsters inside in order to find the Lord of the Labyrinth named "Tartaros". By opening the available boxes in the Labyrinth, you can then obtain guild points.

But beware, not all boxes are the same! There are different scenarios in the different boxes of the Labyrinth:

Increased break time
Limited speed
Limited time

Each of these levels has a number of points which are accumulated as you win the different difficulty levels which will also change the guild points received.

Once the number of points has been obtained, the square opens and allows you to move forward one square to attack the next.

A Labyrinth not so simple!

But don't worry! The Labyrinth is not very complicated, but it is still quite hard. The main difficulty is to have a tight guild in Summoners War and to type efficiently to find the Lord of the Labyrinth: Tartaros.

Of course, Tartaros is quite complex as you need 3000 points to defeat it and thus get the rewards for the guild.

The different rewards of the Tartaros Labyrinth in Summoners War

Once you have found Tartaros, you will need to be careful about how long it takes to destroy it as there are different levels of rewards:

Triple S (SSS)Less than two days 7 boxes
Double S (SS)Between 3 and 4 days 6 boxes
SBetween 5 and 7 days 5 boxes
ABetween 8 and 10 days 4 boxes
BBetween 11 and 14 days 3 boxes
CUnfinished maze1 box

Please note! You will need to reach at least 300 completion points (participation) to get your rewards ! The Labyrinth resets every fortnight, so be efficient!

Guild battles in Summoners War

In Summoners War, you will also have to deal with guild battles, which can be very challenging! In these guild battles, also called "GvG", you will have to face members of another guild and fight them to win the battle.

Guild battles in Summoners War

The goal here will obviously be to destroy the enemy guild and rather the "VPs" of the enemy guild since it is the VPs that allow you to know where the fight is at.

How does a guild fight work?

A guild fight takes place as follows. Every Sunday, the guild master selects the players who will or will not participate in the guild fights for the following week.

Then comes the battle and each player has three attacks which take place in two rounds each as all players have two defences to position.

When you attack an enemy guild player, if you draw, or win, you will lower the enemy HP. Otherwise, you will not lower any HP.

Victory 30% of the guild member's HP will be deducted or 10% of the guild's maximum HP will be deducted
Draw 5% of the enemy's maximum HP will be deducted

Victory goes to the guild that gets the opposing guild below the minimum percentage indicated in orange (as you can see on the screenshot above, you would have to remove 70% here to go below 30%)

The rewards guild fights in Summoners War

Depending on your rank at the end of the week in GvG, you will get various rewards which can sometimes be quite useful!

IconRank RankingReward
Legend sw arenaLegendary1st6600 invocation stones
Guardian III sw arenaGuardian III2-50th4950 invocation stones
Guardian II sw arenaGuardian II51-100th3850 invocation stones
Keeper I sw arenaGuardian I10 % 2750 invocation stones
Conqueror III sw arenaConqueror III15 % 2200 invocation stones
Conqueror II sw arenaConqueror II 20 % 1650 invocation stones
Conqueror I sw arenaConqueror I 30 % 1100 invocation stones
Fighter III sw arenaCombatant III 40 % 830 invocation stones
Fighter II sw arenaCombatant II 50 % 440 invocation stones
Fighter I sw arenaCombatant I70 % 330 invocation stones
Challenger III sw arenaDefying 100 % 220 invocation stones

The rewards are shared between all members who participated in the guild fights.

Conqueror +9
Bruiser +8
Defying +7

You will also get guild points when you win battles, which in turn allow you to buy items or upgrade buildings useful to GvGs in the shop.

Occupation battles in Summoners War

When you join a guild, you will have access (if the guild master wants it) to occupation battles, otherwise known as "GvO". This mode is different from what you have seen so far, as here three guilds fight to occupy the whole territory.

The occupation battles of Summoners War

These guilds are colour coded (blue, red, yellow) and the aim is to take over enemy defence towers to occupy them and thus gain points. These battles take place twice a week in two different rounds.

1st round Registration and preparation time: Saturday at 0H until Monday 11H
Matching : Monday from 11H to 12H
1st half of battle: Monday from 12H to 0H
Armistice: Tuesday from 0H to 12H
2nd half of battle: Tuesday from 12H to 23H
Calculation : Tuesday from 23H to 24H
2nd round Registration and preparation time: Wednesday at 0H until Thursday 11H
Matching : Thursday from 11H to 12H
1st half of battle: Thursday from 12H to 0H
Armistice: Friday from 0H to 12H
2nd half of battle: Friday from 12H to 23H
Calculation : Friday from 23H to 24H

Of course, depending on the efficiency of your guild in this PvP mode, you can finish well before the last hour! We advise you to take a look at our tier list SW as some bases only allow 4 nat monsters maximum!

Some explanations for the occupation fights

When you and your guild are engaged in an occupation battle, you can occupy enemy towers to earn points. These points increase according to the number of towers occupied!

You can also get them when your defence has done its job! The guild that wins will be the one that gets the 20,000 points as soon as possible. But if by the end of the countdown none of the guilds reach this score, the guild with the highest score will be the winner.

Occupation battles are done by seasons and each season allows you to get nice rewards depending on your ranking.

The rewards of Summoners War

Here is the list of rewards in the GvO after each season.

Guardian III sw arenaGuardian III Guild1-50thPlace 1 : 250 crystals / 37% of the occupation points given in guild points / SSS trophy chest / SSS trophy light chest X4

Place 2 : 200 crystals / 30% of the occupation points given in guild points / SSS trophy chest / SSS trophy light chest X2

Place 3: 170 crystals / 30% of the occupation points given in guild points / SSS trophy chest / SSS trophy light chest X1
Guardian II sw arenaGuardian II Guild51-100thPlace 1: 200 crystals / 32% of the occupation points given in guild points / SS trophy chest / SS trophy light chest X4

Place 2: 160 crystals / 25% of the occupation points given in guild points / SS trophy chest / SS trophy light chest X2

Place 3: 130 crystals / 25% of the occupation points given in guild points / SS trophy chest / SS trophy light chest X1
Keeper I sw arenaGuardian I Guild10 % Place 1: 140 crystals / 27% of the occupation points given in guild points / S trophy chest / S trophy light chest X4

Place 2: 100 crystals / 20% of the occupation points given in guild points / S trophy chest / S trophy light chest X2

Place 3 : 80 crystals / 20% of the occupation points given in guild points / S trophy chest / S trophy light chest X1
Conqueror III sw arenaConqueror III Guild15 % Place 1: 100 crystals / 21% of given occupancy points in guild points / A+ trophy chest / A+ trophy light chest X4

Place 2: 80 crystals / 15% of given occupancy points in guild points / A+ trophy chest / A+ trophy light chest X2

Place 3: 60 crystals / 15% of given occupancy points in guild points / A+ trophy chest / A+ trophy light chest X1
Conqueror II sw arenaConqueror II Guild 20 % Place 1: 80 crystals / 18% of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy chest A- / Trophy chest light A- X4

Place 2: 65 crystals / 13% of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy chest A- / Trophy chest light A- X2

Place 3: 50 crystals / 13% of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy chest A- / Trophy chest light A- X1
Conqueror I sw arenaConqueror I Guild30 % Place 1 : 60 crystals / 15 % of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy chest A- / Trophy chest light A- X4

Place 2: 45 crystals / 11 % of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy chest A- / Trophy chest light A- X2

Place 3: 35 crystals / 11 % of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy chest A- / Trophy chest light A- X1
Fighter III sw arenaFighter III Guild40 % Place 1: 50 crystals / 12% of given occupancy points in guild points / Trophy Chest B+ / Trophy Chest Light B+ X4

Place 2: 40 crystals / 8% of given occupancy points in guild points / Trophy Chest B+ / Trophy Chest Light B+ X2

Place 3: 30 crystals / 8% of given occupancy points in guild points / Trophy Chest B+ / Trophy Chest Light B+ X1
Fighter II sw arenaFighter II Guild50 % Place 1 : 40 crystals / 9 % of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy chest B- / Trophy chest light B- X4

Place 2: 30 crystals / 6 % of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy chest B- / Trophy chest light B- X2

Place 3: 25 crystals / 6 % of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy chest B- / Trophy chest light B- X1
Fighter I sw arenaFighter I Guild70 % Place 1: 30 crystals / 6 % of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy chest B- / Trophy chest light B- X4

Place 2: 25 crystals / 4 % of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy chest B- / Trophy chest light B- X2

Place 3: 20 crystals / 4 % of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy chest B- / Trophy chest light B- X1
Challenger III sw arenaDefying the Guild100 % Place 1: 20 crystals / 3 % of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy box C-

Place 2 : 15 crystals / 2 % of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy box D-

Place 3 : 10 crystals / 2 % of the occupation points given in guild points / Trophy box F-

Trophy boxes are also distributed after each fight!

We advise you to choose a guild in Summoners War that speaks your language in order to be able to communicate easily during SW PvP battles.

What makes these PvP game modes richer than thearena is both the cooperative and combative side of Summoners War. Don't hesitate to ask guilds if they are recruiting in comments, it could be beneficial to you!


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