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What should I choose from the Summoners War 8-Year Coins Shop?

Summoners War 8 Year Anniversary Coin Shop

The 8th Anniversary event has been running for a while now, but the Summoners War 8-Year Coins Shop has just opened. You'll find plenty of rewardsto boost your progress! So what better way to find out how this shop works than to find out... what's the most profitable thing about the Infinite Coin Shop?

How to get 8-Year Coins on Summoners War?

There are 7 ways to get 8-Year Coins to use in the shop. You will receive bonuses by checking in every day and by performing specific actions:

  • 1 energy = 1 x 8-Year Coin;
  • 1 arena invitation / arena world = 3 x 8-Year Coins;
  • 1 guild fight = 5 x 8-Year Coins;
  • 1 Dimension Hole Energy = 5 x 8-Year Coins;
  • Get 100 crystals = 50 x 8-Year Coins;
  • Use 100 crystals = 50 x 8-Year Coins.
Get 8-Year Coins on Summoners War

And for the last way Check-ins, where you will receive coins every day and every 10 days:

  • 100 8-Year Coins per day ;
  • 1,000 8-Year Coins after 10 Check-ins;
  • 1,000 8-Year Coins after 20 Check-ins;
  • 1,000 8-Year Coins after 30 Check-ins;

The best thing to remember about getting the 8-Year Coins is that it's the perfect opportunity to go farmer in the dimensions to awaken your monsters a second time!

Is the Infinite Coin Shop profitable for scrolls?

In order to determine exactly what to focus on, we made a little calculation as to what was more profitable between taking a legendary scroll for 1200 coins or mystical scrolls in the Infinite Coin Shop.

Profitability of mystical and legendary scrolls in the 8 year anniversary Summoners War event coins

We based our calculations solely on the percentages of 5 Nat scores and on a perfect statistic. Here are the elements of our calculation:

  • 200 mystical scrolls = 1 x 5 Nat ;
  • 15 legendary scrolls = 1 x 5 Nat ;
  • From 1 to 100 mystical scrolls in the Infinite Coin Shop: 5,050 8 Year-Coins;
  • From 101 to 200 mystical scrolls in the Infinite Coin Shop: 20,000 8-Year Coins;
  • 15 legendary scrolls = 18,000 8-Year Coins.

For maximum profitability, you should stop at 100 mystical scrolls in the Infinite Coin Shop. However, you will still be profitable up to 131 mystical scrolls which cost 8,950 coins for a 65% chance of getting a 5 Nat versus 9,000 coins and a 50% chance of 5 Nat with legendary scrolls.

Finally, for the other items in the Infinite Coin Shop, it's up to you but there is an increase of 5 coins and it quickly goes out of the profitable frame. We advise you to take them only a few times, as opposed to the scrolls.

What is profitable in the 8th anniversary coin shop?

Everything in the 8th Anniversary Coin Shop pays for itself, depending on your current need and after you have obviously taken the 131 mystical scrolls from the Infinite Coin Shop (according to our calculation). The Forbidden Evolution Scroll is very profitable, especially if you use it on a 3 or 4 star watch. You can take it without hesitation!

However, I do not recommend using your coins on gems, scrolls, the Awakening Force and 4-star Rainbowmons (as opposed to 5-star Rainbowmons, which are profitable).

And that's it, this tip on the Summoners War 8 Year Anniversary Coin Shop is coming to an end. Don't hesitate to check out the anniversary codes that will allow you to have even more rewardsin this event!

Hakio Co-founder of and passionate about virtual worlds of all kinds. It seems that Try Hard is also part of his vocabulary.

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