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Best crew compositions in Star Trek Fleet Command

Best Star Trek Fleet Command crew compositions

To conquer space, you need a good crew to pilot your ships! That's why we've decided to guide you on the best crew compositions in Star Trek Fleet Command! Learn how to manage your ships, upgrade your officers and compose your fleets with our tips and tricks on the Star Trek Fleet Command mobile game. To help you progress, we'll show you several crew compositions as you progress through the game, as well as some tips on officers. Let's get started! 🚀 🪐

The little guide to officers in Star Trek Fleet Command

The mobile game Star Trek Fleet Command is a game where you have to create your crew to pilot ships. These ships are used to explore, defend your base or attack enemies. Therefore, your crew members must be optimised, upgraded and correctly chosen according to the situation and the ship used!

Star Trek Fleet Command logo

How to get new officers?

Officers are the basis of your crew. Each one has its own abilities and is therefore best suited to specific ships and situations (defence, attack, research, etc). But how do you get officers to add to your ship's crew ?

At first, your first officer will be Cadet Sulu. You will soon be looking for more pilots! Be aware that to get officers, you have to recruit them. To unlock officers, you must obtain several fragments of the officer in question. These fragments are acquired by completing missions. Note that you have a better chance of obtaining officer fragments with alliance missions!

You can also recruit officers with recruit tokens. However, these tokens take longer to earn you officers. These tokens can be earned at events or during missions.

How and why should you promote your crew members?

In this game you can promote your officers. This means that you can start ranking your officers by spending officer XP to promote them. Promoting them allows you to continue to level up your officer in rank even after you have reached the maximum level.

To do this, go to the 'Promote' tab on the officer's detailed information sheet. You can promote an officer once you have collected enough fragments and enough resources to pay for the promotion. Yes, an officer promotion is not free! You can then promote your officers to the next level and increase their stats through promotion. As a result, the promotion allows you to strengthen your ships! Cool, isn't it? 😉

Recruiting an officer in Star Trek Fleet Command
Recruiting an officer in Star Trek Fleet Command

Officer skills in Star Trek Fleet Command

The interesting thing about officers is that they all have different abilities. So we recommend that you take at least one officer of each ability type at the beginning, and then focus on those officers for upgrades. Here are the officer abilities to consider:

  • Courage (attack bonus), vigilance (bonus to PVB and PVC), logic (bonus to ship defence).
  • The captain's manoeuvring ability. This ability is activated when the officer is in the captain's seat. When the officer is therefore in the middle of the crew on the game (top ability). The captain can use his captain's manoeuvre ability, but also his officer's ability.
  • Theofficer's ability. This ability is activated if the officer is assigned to the bridge. When the officer is on the right or left side of the captain on the game (ability at the bottom). This officer will not be able to use the captain's manoeuvre.

List of important officers and their skills in STFC

We won't list all the officers in this section as there are so many. However, here are some pretty cool officers with good abilities. These are to be combined as you wish depending on the situation your ship is in! Here are some examples of officers:

  • James T. Kirk is an epic officer who comes to us from the Enterprise. This one has the ability of courage. This means that he will increase the chances of having morale on the ship. This is valid for two rounds. When placed in the rank of captain, the morale is boosted even more.
  • T'Pring. Its captaining ability allows the ship to mine gas faster. This is a good feature for mining missions, for example.
  • Spock also comes from the Enterprise. As captain, Spock allows the ship's accuracy to be boosted each round. His ability as an officer is related to his strength as a captain as he acts on logic. This makes it easier to restore the health of the crew. Spock is a rare officer.
  • Lucia Gonzales is a rare officer. With her, you can increase critical hit damage by 5% in PvE, when she is placed as an officer. When used as a captain, you will have an 8% higher critical hit chance when the opposing ship is hostile.
  • Nero. This officer is, of course, part of Nero's crew. He is an epic officer. As an officer, he acts on courage and hits the opponent with a 25% chance of burning the enemy ship for two turns. As a captain, Nero increases weapon damage by 40% at the beginning of each turn if the opponent's ship is burning.
  • M'Ral is an official of the Klingon forces. As captain, he can increase the armour piercing of the ship by 20%. As an officer, M'Ral can increase the attack of all officers on the ship by 10%.
  • To find out more about all the officers, we invite you to search for the ones you are interested in on this Star Trek Fleet Command Fandom page.

Feel free to familiarize yourself with all the officers to make your own personal best crew compositions in Star Trek Fleet Command! 😉

Commander ideas in Star Trek Fleet Command
Commander ideas in Star Trek Fleet Command

Some ideas for crew compositions in Star Trek Fleet Command

To compose your crews, you must place two officers at the top and the captain in the middle. You can then place a maximum of seven officers at the bottom of the crew pyramid. The captain will be able to use both his abilities (captain's manoeuvre and officer). While the officers can only use the officer ability. Note that the officers placed at the bottom must have better statistics. While those at the top should have the best abilities depending on the situation. Here are someideas for crew compositions in Star Trek Fleet Command!

An effective composition for defence and combat

If you have read our Star Trek Fleet Command beginner's guide, you know that absolutely any ship can be attacked. This is also the case for space bases.

For defence and combat, be sure to look at the percentages in these categories to see what is left to boost! You should also be aware that the percentage of the bonus given by the officer's ability or the captain's manoeuvre increases if you create synergies between the officers. These synergies are symbolised by a yellow percentage when you create your crew. To find officers with synergies, place an officer at the rank of captain and go to "group " to see which officers have a yellow lightning bolt in their picture. This will increase the power of the crew tenfold.

To go on the assault, on board a Dreadnought or an Interceptor, we recommend this type of training:

For Interceptors or Dreadnoughts, go for the Klingon forces with, for example, Officer Gorkon as captain, Koth and M'Ral as officers. Otherwise, fall back on Nero's crew with their firepower. For example, put Javaid in command with Livis and Arix as officers. Let's just say that putting Kingons together with Nero members is a true "best crew combination" in the Star Trek Fleet Command universe!

On a Dreadnought, you might want to go for officers who are members of Khan's crew or StarFleet Academy officers such as Lucia Gonzales or Gaila. Put one of them in charge, preferably! They are two of the best captains among the most famous Star Trek Fleet Command crew compositions 😉

The best composition for extractions and research

Searches and extractions are the basis of the missions. For searches, we recommend using a crew with a higher logic rate. For example, the initial formation of theUSS Enterprise Crew is perfect.

Not only will the officers create synergies between them. But they are also good at research, while providing some ship strength. So combine Bones, Spock and Kirk with Spock as captain and add attack-savvy officers with good stats! You can also put Kirk in command of the ship as morale has a huge impact on the performance of the ship and its crew. This is the best Star Trek Fleet Command crew composition of any ship!

Another winning formation for exploration with the Enterprise Crew: Put Sulu or Klaa as Captain and complete with the forces of Officers Scotty and Vixis on board an Explorer ship. Success guaranteed! We also recommend using strong mining officers as officers, but always keep attacking forces as captains, even when exploring. As a small exception, you can use a mining officer such as T'Pring as a commander. This will increase the speed of mining. You never know. Besides, favour the survivors and miners group for this type of mission !

Best composition with synergy in Star Trek Fleet Command
Best composition with synergy in Star Trek Fleet Command

Generally speaking, the best crew compositions in Star Trek Fleet Command are those that combine officers from the same group to create synergies. Combine this with the right officers for the situation and you're in business!

Now you know a bit more aboutthe best Star Trek Fleet Command crew compositions! If you have any other ideas for crew compositions, don't hesitate to leave a comment! While waiting to find the perfect crew composition, you can complete our advice by reading our Star Trek Fleet Command ship guide! As many of you also like to play management games on the computer, we explain how to play Star Trek Fleet Command on the PC! Have fun and discover new galaxies with our tips and tricks on this fabulous mobile game! See you soon! 😉

Eleysiss Survival, craft, BR, FPS, MMORPG... In short, discovery and fighting! What more could you ask for?

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