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How to play SINoALICE on PC or Mac?


Check out our new installation guide right now! This time, we will discover how to play SINoALICE on PC or Mac. In order to do this, you need to install an Android emulator on your computer. Thanks to this free software, all your mobile games will be accessible on your PC, in a very simple and secure way. The emulator in question is BlueStacks, it is compatible with both Windows and MacOS.
We selected it after several emulator tests, we use it daily to test our games.Download SINoALICE on PC

Install an Android emulator to play SINoALICE on PC

First of all, go to this download page, then click on "Download SINoALICE on PC". Very simple 😉

Download an Andrdoi emulator to play SINoALICE on PC

You then download the installation file. You will find it like any other download at the bottom of your browser window (or on your desktop). Start the installation by clicking on it (so far, so good!). You may have to wait several minutes before the installation is finished, this is quite normal, don't worry. The Android engine is evaluating the performance of your PC to install in the most optimal way.

Now it's here! BlueStacks is installed ! When it opens, it asks you to connect to your Google account. Don't forget to fill in your usual account, so that you can retrieve your game progressions.

Install and play SINoALICE on PC

Now that the emulator download is done, let's get the game SINoALICE so we can play it on PC. Open the Play Store tab directly in your emulator, then type in the name of the game to find it.

Now click on "Install".

Install SINoALICE on PC

Here you go! You can now play SINoALICE on your PC! Easy, isn't it 😉

Recovering mobile progress on PC

Have you already started playing SINoALICE on your smartphone? It is normal to want to recover your in-game progress!
Nothing could be easier. As soon as you launch the game on your emulator, you will be taken directly to the screen below.
In the "data transfer" section, you have two options:

  • Use a data transfer identifier
  • Transfer of social network accounts
Synchronise account SINoALICE

Just select the method you want to synchronize your accounts with and you're done!

This installation guide is finished, I hope you found it useful! If you need more information about setting up your BlueStacks emulator, please read our dedicated tutorial Optimizing BlueStacks for better performance.

FAQ: installation SINoALICE on PC

Is installing an Android emulator for SINoALICE legal?

So yes, it's totally legal. But moreover, playing on a computer will bring you an incomparable game comfort! Using an Android emulator to play on a PC is totally allowed, simply because its purpose is not to make you cheat, but to improve your gaming experience! It allows you to play on a large screen and to take advantage of keyboard/mouse controls (among others).

What are the minimum system requirements for playing SINoALICE on a PC?

To play SINoALICE on a PC with the BlueStacks 4 emulator, the minimum system requirements are as follows

  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 (or higher) or MacOs ;
  • Processor: Intel and AMD ;
  • RAM: at least 4 GB ;
  • HDD: 5 GB of available disk space;
  • up-to-date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.

Here are the recommended settings to optimize your gaming experience at SINoALICE :

  • Operating system: Windows 10 or MacOs Sierra ;
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 with virtualization extension enabled in the BIOS;
  • graphics card: Intel/Nvidia/ATI ;
  • RAM: 6 GB or more ;
  • HDD: SSD (or fusion) ;
  • up-to-date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.

Can I transfer my SINoALICE account from iOS to Android?

Yes, and it's very simple! If you started playing on iOS and you switch to Android (or vice versa), as soon as you launch the game, you just have to activate the synchronization by clicking on "Use a data transfer identifier" or "Social networks account transfer". One of these 2 ways will allow you to recover your progress if you change smartphone or if you switch to an emulator (as explained in our tutorial).

What are the differences between the PC and mobile versions of the game?

The game SINoALICE is only a mobile game, it is not available as a PC game directly. We will therefore speak of a PC version when it is played via an Android emulator installed on a computer (as detailed in this guide). In this case, the game offers a really optimised comfort, better graphics and many setting options.

Marjo Former editor-in-chief of and a real sniper of spelling mistakes. Very good audience, laughter is my fuel. Life is a game, isn't it!

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