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Share Not Your Treasures Genshin Impact | Quest solutions

Share Not Your Treasures Genshin Impact

Can't finish the Share Not Your Treasures quest on Genshin Impact? This is an exploration side-quest. To make it easier for you, we have provided a step-by-step solution in this guide. With our tips and tricks, you'll be able to complete it without a hitch. Rest assured, this one is quick to complete. It's a good way to get Moras, Primogem and Geoculus in the process.

Unlock the quest Share Not Your Treasures in Genshin Impact

location quest Share Not Your Treasures

The secondary quest Share Not Your Treasures takes place in the Liyue region. During your progression, you will be asked to complete the quest Treasure of the Guili Plains. It leads you to explore the ruins of Guili. At the point indicated on the map above, you are faced with a barrel. Blow it up to unlock the stairs and access a room. There you will find some notes.

activate the Share Not Your Treasures quest

After reading them, go directly to the cliff ruins east of Lake Luha. Until then, nothing complicated: you follow the position indicated on your map and teleport to the Qiongji Estuary, east side. You then spot a pillar with wood on it. Light the fire with a Pyro character. You can do this with Bennett for example.

Torch to light for the Share Not Your Treasures quest

Eliminate the enemies that appear, then read the message on the wall next to it. It tells you that there is a treasure buried at the top of the Cuijue Slope. It is said to be hidden under a shrivelled tree.

Finding the treasure of the Cuijue Slope

The game does not guide you further in finding the treasure and completing your quest. It is up to you to locate the treasure. To find it, teleport directly to the Qiongji Estuary, this time on the west side. You can already see a cliff with a tree on top that is in a very bad state. Glide to it, then climb the mountain.

Location of the treasure in Share Not Your Treasures

To make sure you can climb to the top, take it easy. It would be unfortunate to fall down on the way up. If you jump several times, you risk using up all your Stamina.

Once you reach your destination, all you have to do is interact with the shovel. A mysterious chest will appear. Open it to complete the Share Not Your Treasures quest from Genshin Impact. As a reward, you will receive a Lucky Dog's Eagle Feather, Mystic Enhancement Ore, 30 Primogems, 30,000 Moras and experience.

The tree of the quest Share Not Your Treasures in Genshin Impact

Don't miss the opportunity to collect the Geoculus at the top of the tree. As a bonus, you will have a beautiful view of the Guili Plains. It's a good way to spot areas you haven't explored yet, to find more chests, ores, etc.

You can also see 9 pillars. In order to activate them, you will need to collect all of Liyue's Geoculus. This will allow you to collect 50 more Primogems . But this task is much more difficult... To make it easier to pursue them, take a look at the interactive map of Teyvat.

While the quest Share Not Your Treasures in Genshin Impact is actually quite simple to solve, there are other mysteries and mechanisms waiting for you in Liyue, including Chi's secret. Don't hesitate to consult our detailed guide, to succeed in this quest as well.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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