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Power League : all about the new competitive mode of Brawl Stars

Power League Brawl Stars works

Welcome to you, Brawl Stars fans of the first hour! A new competitive mode has just been launched on Brawl Stars and it is with great excitement that we share this new feature with you. The new ranked mode is very, very heavy, and promises to make the esport scene even more exciting. This brand new competitive game mode on Brawl Stars replaces the Marathon Star, which let's be honest, was not a huge success. This time it's different, this mode seems to be a real nugget, promising very fun games. 🌟
Come on, follow us, we'll explain how Power Leagueworks in detail! ⤵️

How to unlock the mode Power League ?

We gave you a little preview in our news on the subject, to unlock the Power League, honestly, it's pretty simple. You will need 4,500 trophies. This means that in a few hours of play, you'll get your sesame (if you start from scratch, well, you'll have to work a bit). To give you a better idea, you will need between 25 and 30 hours of play to get the necessary trophies. There is no limit to the amount of time you can play in this mode. In fact, you can play it as much as you want to tryhard.

Power League event info

A season lasts 10 weeks (in parallel with the Brawl Pass), so you'll have 2 and a half months to prove yourself and hope to move up the ladder. The very first season will be a bit shorter than the future ones, as it starts during the season.

What is the format of the matches?

First of all, you should know that like in other game modes of Brawl Stars, you can play solo or in teams of 3 with your friends. Either way, even if you play solo, you will be placed in a team with two other randoms.

The format of the matches will be the same for each game at Power League. It is a BO3 (Best Of Three). This means that the team that wins the most rounds wins (2 in this case).

Match format of the Power League : BO3
Win 2 rounds to win!

Then, all games will be played with a random event and map. Indeed, at the beginning of each game, a map and a game mode will be chosen by the AI completely at random (Gem Razzia, Brawlball, Heist, Reserved Area, Bounty, Siege, etc.).

Random event of the Power League

How is the selection of brawlers carried out?

Firstly, you need to know that the 2 teams that play each other have a captain. If you are playing solo (too bad for you 😜 ), the player with the highest rank will be chosen by default as captain. On the other hand, if you play as a team of 3, you determine who is the team leader.
Before the match, a selection and banning phase takes place.

  1. Brawler ban: The captains of each team have 20 seconds to ban a brawler (they can ban the same one). Neither team will then be able to choose the banned brawler(s).
  2. Selection phase: Each player chooses his brawler. This is the time to play strategically by choosing the counter brawlers of your opponents.
  3. Of course, you cannot select the same brawler as one of your opponents.
Brawlers banned by team captains in Brawl Stars
Team captains have a heavy responsibility.

How does matchmaking work on Power League ?

It seems quite obvious, players will meet according to their current rank. The single player mode of Power League will have a strict limit of +/- 2 ranks to find players. It is therefore impossible for you to play against (or with) players who are much lower or much higher than you. On the other hand, the team mode will allow players of any rank to play together. Please note that matchmaking will be based on the player with the highest rank Power League in your team. Also be aware that the higher the rank of your opponent, the more you will gain in progression 😉

Please note: Depending on whether you are playing solo or in a team, each of these options has its own progression. We have dedicated a special article to learn all about the different rewards and the progression through the ranks of Power League.

Tell us in the comments what you think of this competitive mode Power League! ⭐️

Marjo Former editor-in-chief of and a real sniper of spelling mistakes. Very good audience, laughter is my fuel. Life is a game, isn't it!

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