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Rewards and Ranks of Pokémon Unite | Ranked Matches

Ranked match guide for Pokémon Unite

Compete against your opponents in ranked matches at Pokémon Unite! Earn a rank that will determine your level of play and give you access to rewards. The ranking system of Pokémon Unite is particular and some notions are essential to get the hang of it. In this article, you will know everything about rewards and ranks in Pokémon Unite

How to unlock ranked games on Pokémon Unite?

Unlike other MOBAs where the climb to ranked matches is long and requires many hours of play, Pokémon Unite requires only two simple requirements:

Prerequisite: Be level 6 and have at least 5 Unite License... That's all! 

For those who don't know yet, Pokémon Unite's ranked games are matches in which your performance will determine your rank in the game in relation to all the players who are also participating.

To access the ranked games, click on "Combat Unit" and then select the "Ranked" tab at the top right of your screen once in the lounge.

Access the ranked matches on Pokémon Unite

How does the Pokémon Unite ranking system work?

Pokémon Unite uses its own ranking methodology. Admittedly, it's a bit complicated, but we're here to help you make sense of it! Here's how the seasons and ranks work in detail at Pokémon Unite.

All about classified seasons

A period during which you can perform rankeds is called a season. It has a season date and a specific duration.

  • Season 1 - 21 July 2021 to 8 November 2021
  • Season 2 - 8 November 2021 to 30 January 2022
  • Season 3 - 31 January 2022 to 27 April 2022

At the end of each season, depending on your class and rank, you get rewards. Usually this is Aeos Tickets and a full outfit.

Rewards end of season

List of ranks on Pokémon Unite and their classes

During a season, and according to your performance, the game will evaluate you and establish your ranking. First, you will join a rank in Pokémon Unite. These ranks are divided into 6 levels: from beginner to master.

Each of these ranks contains a number of defined classes that must be validated to move to the next rank

  • The Beginner rank has 3 classes;
  • The Great rank has 4 classes;
  • Expert, Veteran and Ultra have 5 each;
  • The master rank is special because it has no class, you are classified according to a numbered level.

To progress from one class to the next, you must validate 3 points. These points are earned and lost in case of wins or losses.

Ranked matches on Pokémon Unite

In addition to this, you have a performance points. This fills up or empties depending on whether you have a positive or negative impact during your matches. Once the gauge is completely full, you earn a point for your class. However, be careful! This goes both ways. Therefore, you can also lose extra points.

Activity points and bonus gauge

Additional rewards thanks to the combat pass

As mentioned above, a full outfit and Aeos Tickets await you at the end of each season according to your highest rank achieved during that period. Also, don't hesitate to take advantage of the battle pass. The pass is available in a premium version and a free version. Of course, the paid version offers you more rewards. But the free battle pass will still give you coins, tickets, XP or cosmetics.

Battle Pass Pokémon Unite benefits

The more you play, the more rewards you will get as you progress through the battle pass. Generally, the last reward of the pass is the most advantageous. Also, some missions can only be completed in Ranked, which is why we mention it in the Unite Ranked matches.

You now have all the information you need about rewards and ranks in Pokémon Unite. Also keep in mind that the rank will determine the level of your opponents. If you want to play in an optimized way to have an advantageous rank, play with the meta! We've put together a tier list of the best held items of the moment to equip you like a pro. And if that's not enough, check out the games of real pros at Pokémon Unite!

Don't hesitate to give us your feedback in the comments to give us your opinion on the classified matches!

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