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The different missions in RAID: Shadow Legends

shadow legends raid mission guide

In the mobile game RAID: Shadow LegendsIn the mobile game there are two types of missions , each with two different functions. They are very useful forimproving the gameplay and allowing you to progress faster in the game.
Find out everything you need to know about the missions in this new guide RAID: Shadow Legends.

The campaign missions of RAID: Shadow Legends

The campaign missions are very useful for finding specific equipment and advancing the champions in battle. The campaign map consists of 12 scenarios, all of which are linked by a captivating story.

missions of the Raid: Shadow Legends

Each scenario gives a specific type of equipment needed for the evolution of a of a champion. In addition to the 12 possible scenarios, it is important to know that each scenario is broken down into 7 stages allowing to obtain a particular equipment for a equipment for a particular stage.

For example, stage 4 of Durham Forest provides gloves.

Durham Forest of Raid: Shadow Legends

In addition to this, it is also possible to see the statistics of the artefacts that can be obtained.

The statistics of the artefacts of Raid: Shadow Legends
Example of artefact statistics

💡Did you know that it is possible to play RAID: Shadow Legends on PC? Gain gameplay comfort, optimization and enjoy multi-instance for the farming !

Other campaign features

Missions are not the only feature of the RAID: Shadow Legends campaign. It is also possible to find several benefits and mini-quests to complete in this scenario.

For example, you can get three stars for each scenario, which gives you an advantage on the rewards obtained.
Here are the conditions to get three stars on a scenario:

  • 1 star: finish the round;
  • 2 stars: finish the round without losing champions;
  • 3 stars: finish the round with 2 champions, in less than 10 minutes, without losing a champion.
Stars to collect for the campaign missions

The more stars you get in the scenarios, the more your total number of stars increases (logical!) and the better the rewards to get.

If you finish all the scenarios in all possible difficulties, you will get an extra special reward.

The progress missions of RAID: Shadow Legends

The other type of missions available in RAID: Shadow Legends are the so-called progress missions. They allow, as the name suggests, to progress the player through the game but also to make all the features understandable.

Their number is very important, they allow to follow the player during 1/4 of his global playing time. There are 286 of them!

The progress missions of Raid: Shadow Legends

In addition, when a mission is completed, you receive a reward according to the difficulty of the completed mission. But in addition to that, you receive rewards according to the number of completed missions:

  • 75 completed missions: 300 gems;
  • 151 completed missions: 1 sacred shard, allowing the summoning of legendary champions;
  • 226 completed missions : 2 legendary volumes;
  • 286 missions completed: obtain a legendary rank champion named "Arbiter".
The Champion Referee

The challenges

There is another mode to enhance the player's gameplay, called "Challenges". They consist of 4 parts, listed below:

ChampionsThe challenges available in this section allow you to improve your champions.
ArtifactsThese challenges are designed to allow you to improve the extremely important artefacts in the game.
DungeonsThese challenges allow you to complete certain stages of selected dungeons.
ArenaThese challenges allow you to engage in the PvP mode of RAID: Shadow Legends.

The quests

Quests are used to give objectives to players who follow them. They offer rewards depending on the difficulty. Here is the list of available quests:

QuestsNumber of questsRewards
Daily newspapers7 missionsGives 450 experience points and 10 gems.
Weekly6 missionsGives an antique shine and 500 experience points.
Monthly5 missions Gives a legendary shine and 1,000 experience points.
Prowess7 missionsThe rewards vary depending on the mission, but overall they are experience points and money.

These quests allow you to obtain some nice rewards, so you should think about it !

From now on, the missions available in RAID: Shadow Legends will no longer hold any secrets for you! It is important to finish the progress and campaign missions as they give rewards very important information for your progress in RAID: Shadow Legends !

To make sure you don't miss out on any of our tips on the game, don't hesitate to check out the dedicated pages! 👍

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