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How to link your Smash Legends Mobile account on Steam?

Linking your Smash Legends account with Steam

Want to play Smash Legends on the computer, but have started playing it on your mobile? Don't panic! In this article, we bring you the solution to link your mobile account to your Steam account with a quick tip. So be careful, follow our steps carefully, because we almost got caught! It's neither simple nor intuitive to sync your Smash Legends Mobile account with Steam. We explain it all in detail in this mini-tutorial. Follow the guide so you don't lose your data and recover all your Smash Legends Mobile progress on PC!

Link your Smash Legends Mobile account on Steam

When we tried to link our Smash Legends Mobile account to Steam to retrieve our progress and test the PC version with our legends, we realised that this involved a huge risk of losing our data completely. Let's be honest, we really don't want to lose all our game history and start from the beginning. And I guess you don't either! So to prevent this from happening to you too, we're going to walk you through the process step by step.
By the way, if you want to switch from PC to phone gaming, read this article anyway, because this tip is valid in that sense too! 😉

Procedure on Steam (PC), then on mobile

➡️ Steps to follow on your PC (so on Steam): steps 1 to 7
➡️ Steps to follow on your mobile: steps 8 to 14

Time required: 2 minutes.


  2. Install the game on Steam and complete the tutorial.

    (of course, it's free too)

  3. Once on the main menu, open the menu on the top right.

    Smash Legends settings

  4. Go to Settings, then to "Account".

    Smash Legends settings

  5. Click on the "Not connected" button.

  6. A "Connect Account" window opens with a 12-digit number.

    Smash Legends account code

  7. Keep this window open and launch the game on your mobile.


  9. Go to Settings, then to "Account".

  10. Press under the Steam logo on "Not connected".

    Steam Smash Legends Connection

  11. A "Connect Account" window appears.

    What is written is badly explained and we were afraid to lose all our data. But you can click on "OK" without any fear, that's what we did too.Smash Legends account login

  12. Now enter the 12-digit login code retrieved from the PC version.

    Smash Legends Account Code

  13. The game asks you to choose between your Steam and mobile account.

    As the explanation is poorly formulated, you have to be very careful here too so as not to risk losing all your data.
    Make sure you choose your main account (the mobile account) which contains all your data (even if the message seems to invite you not to do so, I know, it's counter-intuitive...).

  14. Confirm and switch back to the Steam version of the game.

    If you have not closed it, it will restart automatically.

That's it! Your Smash Legends account is now waiting for you on PC. If you want to do the opposite procedure, i.e. switch from a main Steam account to a mobile account, that's possible too. In this case, choose the Steam account and not the mobile account in the account selection phase.
This mini-tutorial is over, I hope it was useful for you and that you can enjoy a new gaming experience with your Smash Legends account on PC thanks to us! 😁
Don't forget to check out our guide to getting started in the game, we've got lots of tips for you.

Marjo Former editor-in-chief of and a real sniper of spelling mistakes. Very good audience, laughter is my fuel. Life is a game, isn't it!

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