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Legend of Mushroom tier list - ranking of the best mushroom evolutions

Legend of Mushroom tier list

Mushrooms have taken our screens by storm with Legend of Mushroom. This idle RPG promises hours of captivating gameplay, despite its simplistic gameplay. The lure of this gacha's prize will have you glued to your screen. But as with all collectible games, what are the best developments to avoid wasting your exchange items? So we've put together a Legend of Mushroom tier list detailing the best upgrades and their features. Don't wait any longer to discover our ranking, from the best to the worst evolutions for your little mushrooms.

Legend of Mushroom Tier List: Rankings

Legend of Mushroom gives you 41 different options to choose from throughout the game. You can choose between a male or female character. The Legend of Mushroom tier list is then necessary! We've arbitrarily chosen to show you just one visual of these evolutions, as the characteristics are identical for both. The ranks are from the most to the least interesting, so that you can see all of the evolutions to help you make your choice. Here are the 29 unique evolutions in our Legend of Mushroom Tier list:

  • Tier S: Berseker, Martial Saint, Sacred Hunter, Warrior, Plume Monarch, Prophet, Darklord

  • Tier A: Claymore Welder, Elite Marksman, Dual Crossbower, Healer, Chronomancer, Swordmaster, Warmonger, Shadow Hunter, Warrior

  • Tier B: Fighter, Adventurer, Archer, Mage, Swordsman, Axe Warrior, Shadow Sniper, Crossbowman of the Wind, Spellcaster, Storm Priest

  • Tier C: Shroomie, God of Arrowgods, Holy Guide, Bishop

Legend of Mushroom tier list ranking

Tier S: The best mushroom evolutions of the Legend of Mushroom tier list

The first section of this Legend of Mushroom Tier list presents the best possible evolutions. Of course, you'll only be able to access them after you've played the game for a while, but that's your ultimate goal. The detailed characteristics of each character may sway you in favour of one evolution or another, depending on your playing preference. Here are the 7 best mushrooms in Legend of Mushroom.




Tier list Legend of Mushroom Berseker


Axe Warrior

Fury strike: DEF, Counter attack, Counter damage

Martial Sage for Tier List Legend Of Mushroom evolution

Martial Sage


Vajra Indestructible: DEF, Counter DMG, Damage Reduction, Shield

Warbringer Tier List Legend of Mushroom

Warbringer Divine

Axe Warrior

Supernatural Technique: DEF, Counter DMG, Counter Damage, ATK

Sacred Hunter Legend of Mushroom

Sacred Hunter


Godly Pursuit: ATK, Combo, Critical Hit, Crit DMG

Plume Monarch Tier list Legend of Mushroom

Plume Monarch


Sunlit Crossbow: ATK, Combo, Ignore Evasion, Combo DMG

Prophet for Tier List Legend of Mushroom



Arcane Master: ATK, Stun, Energy regen, Skill CD reduction

Darklord for the Legend of Mushroom Tier List



Annihilation Spell: ATK, Stun, Skill Crit

Tier A: Good changes to the Legend of Mushroom tier list

The upgrades mentioned in this second part of our Legend oh Mushroom Tier List are more than honourable. They'll give you a great way to progress in the game and level up quickly and easily. By progressing quickly, you'll be able to collect more magic lamps and improve your equipment. This triggers a virtuous mechanism, as you increase your character's level and have access to upgrades. CQFD! With this Legend of Mushroom Tier list on upgrades, there's nothing left to stop you. So let's get started with the A-rated selection.




Tier list Legend of Mushroom Claymore Welder

Claymore Welder


Sturdy Defense: DEF, Counter DMG, Damage Reduction, Shield

Tier list Legend of Mushroom Elite Shooter

Expert marksman


Precision Penetration: ATK, Combo, Crit DMG, Critical Hit Damage

Dual Crossbower Mushroom evolution list

Dual Crossbower


Strike Combo: ATK, Combo, Ignore Evasion, Combo DMG

Healer Legend Of Mushroom Tier list



Quick Charge: ATK, Energy Regeneration, Stun

Chromancien Legend of Mushroom



Delayed Manipulation: ATK, Stun, Energy regen, Skill CD reduction

Swordmaster head for Legend of mushroom tier list



Adamantine resilence: DEF, Counter DMG, Damage Reduction, Shield

Warmonger for the Legend of Mushroom tier list

Warmonger Warrior

Axe Warrior

Crimson duel : DEF, Counter DMG, Counter Damage, ATK

Shadow Hunter third party list Legend of Mushroom

Shadow Hunter


Lethal sniper: ATK, Combo, Crit, Crit DMG

We also recommend that you take a look at our Legend of Mushroom code article, to collect as many rewards as possible!

Legend of Mushroom tier list : best mushroom evolution

Tier B: Playable Mushroom evolutions

At this stage of the Legend of Mushroom Tier list, we'll be looking at the upgrades you'll encounter at the start of the game. At the start of the game, your level will rise very quickly, as long as you leave the game running. You'll discover the classes and choose your style of play for the rest of the game. But not all upgrades are created equal, which is why we've decided to give you a helping hand with this Legend of Mushroom Tier List.




Legend of Mushroom warriorWarrior


Melee DPS, Mastery in conterattacks

Legend of Mushroom Adventurer



Balance Build

Archer Legend Of Mushroom tier list



Range attack, mastery in combo attack, ATK, Combo, Ignore Evasion

Mage Tier list Legend Of Mushroom



Ranged DPS, Mastery in spellcasting, ATK, Stun

Swordsman Legend of Mushroom Ranking



Unyielding Defense: DEF, Counter DMG, Damage Reduction

Axe Warrior Legend Of Mushroom

Axe Warrior

Axe Warrior

Fierce Counter: DEF, Counter DMG, Counter Damage

Tier List Shadow Sniper Legend Of Mushroom

Shadow Sniper


Precise Marksmanship: ATK, Combo, Crit DMG, Critical Hit Damage.

Wind Arbiter in the Legend Of Mushroom evolution tier list

Wind Crossbower


Rapid Shots: ATK, Combo, Ignore Evasion, Combo DMG

Legend Of Mushroom Tier List evolution Spellcaster of the Spirits

Spellcaster of the Spirits


Spell Strikes: ATK, Stun, Skill Crit

Storm Priest

Storm Priest


Potent Spellcasting : ATK, Stun, Skill Crit

If you like idle and gacha games, don't miss our Top 15 best gacha games for Android and iOs to choose your next title.

Tier C: The worst developments in the Legend of Mushroom Tier List

There has to be one last item on this Legend Of Mushroom Tier List, and sadly it's the characters below. We'll make a small exception to the 'worst evolution' label for our little Shroomie, who is the character you start the adventure with. For the others, however, there's no excuse. It's best to do everything you can to evolve quickly and reach the next level in order to obtain a character with a higher rank in this Legend of Mushroom Tier List.




Shroomie Legend of Mushroom



Basic class: Balance Build

Arrowgod Tier C Legend of Mushroom

God of Arrows


Tempest Blow: ATK, Combo, Ignore Evasion, Combo DMG

Tier List Legend Of Mushroom Holy Guide

Holy Guide


Rapide incantation: ATK, Stun, Energy regen, Skill CD reduction

Tier list Legend of Mushromm Evèque



Wild Spellcasting: ATK, Stun, Skill Crit

At JeuMobi, we've got a whole stockpile ofLegends of Mushroom tips just waiting for you, so take a look around and you're sure to find something that's right for you!

We've come to the end of this Legend of Mushroom Tier List, and we hope it's been useful in helping you choose your character by projecting your own characteristics. Bookmark our pages to make sure you don't miss any news about your favourite game. See you soon to share our mushroom adventures!

GipsyD GipsyD: 1980 tons of curiosity, love of words, games and movies! The light pen and the sharp sword.
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