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The complete Legend Of Mushroom class guide

Legend of Mushroom class guide

Legend of Mushroom, Idle's MMORPG, is a must-have game. We introduced you to the Tier List of Mushroom evolutions, and now we're delving deeper into the subject with this Legend of Mushroom class guide to discover all the subtleties of each class to help you choose your character. But it's all a matter of taste and preference: become the hero you want, but in style!

Legend of Mushroom class guide: Characteristics summary

Legend of Mushroom's classes allow your character to evolve in a very comprehensive way. You start with the core class as a Shroomie. At level 15, you undergo your first evolution, becoming an Adventurer. After that, you'll have to choose your destiny. You'll discover that each of the Legend of Mushroom classes is equally good!

Legend of Mushroom class guide

You'll be able to choose between 3 main Legend of Mushroom classes, each quite different from the next, so here are their main characteristics:


Warrior Legend of Mushroom class guide

These are the tanks, the ones who take the brunt of your opponents' attacks and the ones who strike back with powerful Counter attacks . At level 50 you can choose between Swordsman and Axe Warrior. These are Legend of Mushroom classes that enjoy close combat.

Active class skill

Basic passive skills

Burdock Guide classes Legend of Mushroom Cocklebur Dance

Counter attack | Defence skills

3196% area damage

+ 60% Counter DMG damage to targets in the area for 5 seconds

Counter + 30% area damage

Basic Counter + 30% Coefficient

Additional DEF +30

The Archers

Archer Guide Classes Legend of Mushroom

Ranged attackers, this is one of the Legend of Mushroom classes that will do critical damage. They have a fairly low number of HP, which is why it's a good idea toavoid close combat. You'll then choose either Shadow Sniper, with its burst of critical damage, or Wind Crossbower, with its deadly combos, in the next upgrade.

Active class skill

Basic passive skills

Maturation for Legend of Mushroom class guide Melon Drop

combo for class guide | Attack speed skill

Inflicts 3196% area damage

+ 60% Combo DMG damage to targets in the area for 5 seconds

30% more combo damage

Additional ATK Speed +15

Ignore Evasion additional +10% damage


Mages Legend of Mushroom class guide

Stronger in Stun and ranged enemy control. They are unrivalled summoners with strong area damage and brave healers on the battlefield. This is one of the Legend of Mushroom classes that is often overlooked, but which plays a very important role in team battles. So choose Healer for support or Spellcaster for zone damage when the time comes.

Active class skill

Basic passive skills

Meteorite assault for the Mage class Meteor blitz

Skill review for Legend of Mushroom class guide | Legend of Mushroom skill

Inflicts 3196% area damage

+ 30% of normal ATK Stun duration inflicted on targets in the area for 5 seconds

Skill Crit + 15% extra ATQ

Additional ATK + 12

Legend of Mushroom Class Guide: The Warriors

The really significant changes in your bloodline appear from level 50: you must choose between Swordsman and Axe Warrior. The active skills remain unchanged, and a passive skill is added for each evolution below. Here are the details of the complete evolution of Legend of Mushroom classes if you choose Swordsman


Swordsman for the Legend of Mushroom class guide

Counter Attack Class guide | Defence in Legend of mushroom class guide | LoM damage reduction

Counter +30

Basic Counter + 30% Coefficient

Additional DEF +30

DMG RES + 10% damage reduction

Claymore Welder and Swordmaster

Claymore Welder| Swordmaster Class Guide Legnd of Mushroom

Counter Attack Class guide | Defence in Legend of mushroom class guide | LoM damage reduction | Legend of Mushroom class guide Shield

Counter + 30% Basic Counterattack Coefficient

Basic Counter + 30% Coefficient

Additional DEF +30

DMG RES + 10% damage reduction

Every 10 seconds, a Shield equal to 5% of maximum HP obtained for 5 seconds

Martial Sage

Martial Sage for guide Legednd of Mushroom

Counter Attack Class guide | Defence in Legend of mushroom class guide LoM damage reduction | Legend of Mushroom class guide Shield | Level reduction 100 Legend of Mushroom classes

Counter + 30% damage reduction

Basic Counter + 30% Coefficient

Additional DEF +30

DMG RES + 10% damage reduction

Every 10 seconds, a Shield equal to 5% of maximum HP obtained for 5 seconds

With each 10% loss of HP, DMG RES damage reduction increases by 2

Specific active skill Legend of Mushroom Blades Reunion sword Blades Reunion

7249% area damage, +60% Counter DMG damage inflicted on targets in the area for 8 seconds

Continuously recovers 15% of max HP for 5 seconds

Now let's take a look at your future if you choose the Axe Warrior as one of the Legend Of Mushroom classes.

Axe Warrior

Axe Warrior class LoM

Counter Attack Class guide | Legend Of Mushroom Class Defence |Counter DMG Legend of Mushroom

Counter + 30%, Basic Counter Coefficient + 30

Additional DEF + 30

Counter DMG + 140% damage

Berseker and Warmonger Warrior

Berseker for the Class Guide | Warmonger Warrior class guide Legend of Mushroom

Counter Attack Legend of Mushroom class guide | Legend Of Mushroom Class Defence Counter DMG Legend of Mushroom guide | Counter DMG damage Class guide

Counter + 30%, Basic Counter + 30% Coefficient

Additional DEF +30

Counter DMG damage + 140

80% of normal ATK damage returned if attack taken

Warbringer Divine

Divine warrior for Legend of Mushroom classes

Counter Attack Class guide | Defence in Legend of mushroom class guide Counter DMG damage Legend Of Mushroom class guide | Attack damage Legend of Mushroom classes | Increased attack Legend of Mushroom class guide

Counter + 30%, Basic Counter Coefficient + 30

Additional DEF + 30

Counter DMG damage + 140

80% of normal ATK damage returned when attacked

For each 10% loss of HP, ATK increases by 3%.

Specific active skill Warbringer Axe Warrior of a Thousand Souls Shattering Axe Warrior

7249% area damage

+60% Counter DMG damage to targets in the area for 8 seconds

Strikes targets in the air when the Counter attack is triggered for 5 seconds.

If you want a few more Legend of Mushroom tips for your Legend of Mushroom class evolution, bookmark our pages!

Legend of Mushroom Class Guide: The Archer Class

We now begin our focus on the Archers in the Legend of Mushroom class guide. Your first step will be to select either Shadow Sniper or Wind Crossbower. Here's all the information you need to choose your class.

Shadow Sniper

Shadow Sniper Legend Of Mushroom

Archer Legend Of Mushroom Combo | Attack speed skill Legend of Mushroom |Critical damage bonus Legend Of Mushroom classes

30% more combo

Additional ATK speed + 15%.

Ignore Evasion + 10% extra

Critical damage bonus +70

Marksman and Shadow Hunter

Marksman | Shadow Hunter Legend Of Mushroom

combo for class guide | Attack speed Legend of Mushroom class guide Critical damage bonus Legend Of Mushroom classes | Normal attack LoM

Combo + 30% Extra ATQ Speed

Additional ATK speed +15

Ignore Evasion + 10% extra

Critical damage bonus + 70

Normal attacks + 50% chance of additional damage equal to 1% of target's current HP

Sacred Hunter

Sacred Hunter class guide Legend of Mushroom

combo for class guide | Attack speed Legend of Mushroom class guide Critical damage bonus Legend Of Mushroom classes | Normal attack LoM | Crit Legend Of Mushroom

Combo +30

Additional ATK + 15%, Ignore Evasion + 10

Critical Damage Bonus +70

Normal attacks + 50% chance of additional damage equal to 1% of the target's current HP

When the critical hit is triggered, the ATK increases by 40% for 1 second.

Specific active skill: Piercing Boneforge Legend of MushroomPiercing Boneforge

7308% area damage

+ 60% Combo DMG damage to targets in the area for 8 seconds

Interrupts active Energy regen of 6 targets in the area for 4 seconds

If you're more interested in Crossbowmen, here's the full evolution of one of Legend of Mushroom 's ranged attack classes

Wind Crossbower

Wind Crossbower

combo for class guide | Attack speed Legend of Mushroom class guide | Combo DMG Legend of Mushroom class guide

Combo +30

Extra ATK Speed + 15%, Extra Ignore Evasion + 10

Combo DMG + 140

Dual Crossbower and Arrowgod

Dual Crossbower Lom | Arrowgod for Legend of Mushroom class guide

combo for class guide | Attack speed Legend of Mushroom class guide Combo DMG Legend of Mushroom class guide | Dual Crossbower Combo

Combo +30

Extra ATK + 15%, Ignore Evasion + 10

Combo DMG + 140

2 arrows during a combo

Plume Monarch

Plume Monarch Classes Legend of Mushroom

Attack speed Legend of Mushroom class guide | Attack speed Legend of Mushroom class guide Combo DMG Legend of Mushroom class guide | Dual Crossbower Combo | Dual Crossbower Attack

Combo +30

Additional ATK + 15%, Ignore Evasion + 10

Combo DMG + 140

2 arrows during a combo

2 arrows during a normal attack

Specific active skill: Solar pursuit class skill Solar Pursuit

7308% area damage

+ 60% Combo DMG damage to targets in the area for 8 seconds

Ignore Evasion for 10 seconds

To make sure you get off to a good start in the game, don't miss our Legend of Mushroom beginner's guide to complete this Legend of Mushroom class guide.

Complete Legend of Mushroom class guide: The Mage class

Let's take a look at the last, but certainly not least, class in this Legend of Mushroom class guide. This really is one of the Legend of Mushroom classes that will make all the difference in fierce team battles, whether through Heal or Summon. Let's take a look at the two possibilities.


Healer Legend of Mushroom class guide

Crit Legend Of Mushroom | Additional LoM attack | Regeneration speed for class guide

Skill Crit + 15% extra ATQ

Additional ATK + 12

Active skill regeneration speed + 30%.

Chronomancer and Holy Guide

Chronomancer for Lom class guide | Holy Guide Legend Of Mushroom

Crit Legend Of Mushroom | Additional LoM attack Regeneration speed for class guide | Legend of Mushroom Class Effect Extension

Skill Crit + 15% Extra ATQ

Additional ATK + 12

Active skill regeneration speed increased by 30

Active skill (except Lightning Strike) extended by 50


Prophet class guide Legend of Mushroom

Crit Legend Of Mushroom | Additional LoM attack Regeneration speed for class guide | Legend of Mushroom Class Effect Extension | Stun Legend of Mushroom classes

Skill Crit + 15% Extra ATQ

Additional ATK + 12

Active skill regeneration speed +30

Active skill (except Lightning Strike) extended by 50

Every 1 Stun, active skill recharge reduced by 0.3 seconds

Specific active skill: Cran's Whisper in flight LoM Cran's Whisper in flight

7366% area damage

+ 30% Stun duration to targets in the area for 8 seconds

Breaks target Shield for 10 seconds

And what would happen if you opted for the summoner's voice? Here are the details of the summoner in the Legend of Mushroom classes.

Spellcaster of the Spirits

Spellcaster for Legend of Mushroom

Crit Legend Of Mushroom | Additional LoM attack | Critical damage Legend of Mushroom class skills

Skill Crit + 15% extra ATQ

Additional ATK + 12

Skill critical damage +50

Storm Priest and Bishop

Legend of Mushroom Storm Priest | Bishop for the Legend of Mushroom class guide

Crit Legend Of Mushroom | Additional LoM attack Critical damage Legend of Mushroom class skills | Additional damage Legend of Mushroom classes

Skill Crit + 15% Extra ATQ

Additional ATK + 12

Skill Critical + 50% damage

+ 80% damage to targets with less than 50% HP


Darklord for Lom

Crit Legend Of Mushroom | Additional LoM attack Critical damage Legend of Mushroom class skills | Additional damage Legend of Mushroom classes| Additional damage Legend of Mushroom classes

Skill Crit + 15% Extra ATQ

Additional ATK + 12

Skill Critical Damage +50

+ 80% damage to targets with less than 50% HP

Next normal ATK + 100% damage after active skill triggered

Specific active skill: Galaxy Dive in Dreams Legend of Mushroom Classes Galaxy Dive in Dreams

7366% area damage

+ 30% Stun duration to targets in the area for 8 seconds

+ 50% critical skill damage for 10 seconds

And that's it, Legend of Mushroom's classes are now a thing of the past, and you'll be able to choose your evolution with ease. Tell us in the comments what your favourite Legend of Mushroom class or classes are, and whether you've chosen your favourite class or tried something new!

GipsyD GipsyD: 1980 tons of curiosity, love of words, games and movies! The light pen and the sharp sword.
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