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Legend of Mushroom best comps: ranking from level 50 to 100

Legend of Mushroom best comps

You recently discovered our ranking of the best skills, so you can choose only the best , but your selection should be based on your class and its characteristics. Now you need to know how to choose the skills that will give you the Legend of Mushroom best comps, with perfect synergy throughout your evolution. It can be a complex exercise, but we're here to guide you, so let's get started!

Legend of Mushroom best comps at level 50

We're starting at level 50 because that's when you really choose your class path, but also where you have the most options among the skills you unlock. Let's take a look at the Legend of Mushroom best comps for your class at level 50. If you're not sure, take a look at our Legend of Mushroom Class Guide to find out.



Legend of Mushroom Swordsman | Axe Warrior Legend Of Mushroom

Swordsman | Axe Warrior

Nature's Renewal LoM guide skill|Legend of Mushroom Shield skillBatty Trace Legend of Mushroom Skill |Mushroom acceleration Legend of Mushroom|Sprawling Vines LoM

Shadow Sniper Legend Of Mushroom | Wind Crossbower

Shadow Sniper | Wind Crossbower

Legend of Mushroom Shield skill|Mushroom acceleration Legend of MushroomEntangling Vines |Sprawling Vines LoM|Lead the Charge Legend of Mushroom

Healer Legend of Mushroom class guide | Spellcaster for Legend of Mushroom

Healer | Spellcaster

Batty Trace Legend of Mushroom Skill|Sprawling Vines LoMPineapple Plunge |Legend of Mushroom Shield skill|Nature's Renewal LoM guide skill

The Legend of Mushroom best comps from level 70

It's time to get serious, as you'll need all the power you can get to fight the monsters and continue your adventure. Some levels are more difficult and skills can make all the difference. The Legend of Mushroom best comps evolve as follows:



Claymore Welder

Claymore Welder

Nature's Renewal LoM guide skill|Legend of Mushroom Disarming skillsGrim Reaper Legend of Mushroom skill |Heroic Soul Legend of mushroom skills |Dazzle LoM

Berseker for the Class Guide


Nature's Renewal LoM guide skill|Legend of Mushroom Disarming skillsGrim Reaper Legend of Mushroom skill |Heroic Soul Legend of mushroom skills |Legend of Mushroom Shield skill


Master Swordsman

Meteor Fall Legend of Mushroom skill|Heroic Soul Legend of mushroom skills Dazzle LoM |Gold Coin Bomb Legend of Mushroom skills|Mushroom acceleration Legend of Mushroom

Dual Crossbower Lom

Dual Crossbower

Heroic Soul Legend of mushroom skills |Gold Coin Bomb Legend of Mushroom skillsLegend of Mushroom Disarming skills |Mushroom acceleration Legend of Mushroom|Meteor Fall Legend of Mushroom skill

Chronomancer for Lom class guide


Dazzle LoM|Meteor Fall Legend of Mushroom skillLegend of Mushroom Disarming skills |Mushroom acceleration Legend of Mushroom|Gold Coin Bomb Legend of Mushroom skills

Legend of Mushroom Storm Priest

Storm Priest

Dazzle LoM|Sprawling Vines LoMLegend of Mushroom Disarming skills |Smoke Bomb Legend of Mushroom skill|Grim Reaper Legend of Mushroom skill

With the Legend of Mushroom best comps, if you need more basic tips, check out our Legend of Mushroom beginner's guide!

The best LoM comps at level 100

We're now in the home stretch of skill evolution. For level 100 and awakening, the skills are the same. The devil is in the detail, and this can give you the upper hand when you have one of the Legend of Mushroom best comps for your skills.



Martial Sage for guide Legednd of Mushroom | Warmonger Warrior class guide Legend of Mushroom

Swordmaster | Warmonger Warrior

Martial Sage | Warbringer

Hundred Slashes|Nature's Renewal LoM guide skillLegend of Mushroom Disarming skills |Grim Reaper Legend of Mushroom skill|Lune de Sang skills Legend of Mushroom

Shadow Hunter Legend Of Mushroom

Shadow Hunter | Arrowgod

Worldly Snare Skills Legend of Mushroom|LoM Tarot NetworkMeteor Fall Legend of Mushroom skill |Heroic Soul Legend of mushroom skills |Attack of the Double best Legend of Mushroom composite skills

Arrowgod for Legend of Mushroom class guide

Sacred Hunter | Plume Monarch

Ame Héroïque best compos Legend of mushroom |Mushroom acceleration - best Legend of Mushroom compositesDouble skill attack LoM |Wind God legend of Mushroom skill|Gold Coin Bomb Legend of Mushroom skills

Prophet class guide Legend of Mushroom

Holy Guide | Prophet

Wild Gust composites Legend of Mushroom|Dazzle LoMAttack of the Double best Legend of Mushroom composite skills |Smoke Bomb best composite skills Legend of Mushroom|Mushroom acceleration - best Legend of Mushroom composites

Darklord for Lom

Bishop | Darklord

Grim Reaper skill best composing Legend of Mushroom|Legend of Mushroom Disarming skillsDazzle Dazzle best compos Legend of Mushroom |Dragonic Resonance skills Guide Legend Of Mushroom|Meteor Fall Legend of Mushroom skill

These are just suggestions, you can prepare your own set of your favourite Legend of Mushroom best comps or adjust them to suit the bosses you encounter. You can prepare several composition SETS so that you can switch whenever you like. Just remember that once you've reached a certain level, you should forget about the "Equip All" button!

You now have all the cards in your hand to succeed in all your levels and shine in both PvE and PVP. The Legend of Mushroom best comps presented here are not set in stone and are likely to evolve in line with new features in future updates, but you've got the idea now, so all you have to do is play! And if you need any more LoM tips and tricks, stay tuned to Mobi.gg!

GipsyD GipsyD: 1980 tons of curiosity, love of words, games and movies! The light pen and the sharp sword.
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