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Crimson Helm Guide - Artifacts and masteries

crimson helm raid shadow legends guide

Crimson Helm is a champion of RAID: Shadow Legends quite rare to obtain. It is a very interesting champion, and is one of the best. It is useful in several contents and has good statistics. How do you get it? What are its skills? What are the artifacts and masteries to apply to it? Check out our Crimson Helm guide to learn how to play him the best way.

Who is the Crimson Helm champion in RAID: Shadow Legends ?

Crimson Helm is an epic champion of the "Defence" type belonging to the "Dark Elves" faction. This champion is very interesting for all PvE and PvP content and belongs to the spirit affinity. Its name in French is Heaume Incarnat.

Crimson Helm guide

His/her skills are very useful for the teams you will build.

How to get Crimson Helm in RAID: Shadow Legends ?

The Crimson Helm champion is obtained as follows:

How to obtainPhoto
Antique Glow
Void Glow
Legendary Glow
legendary brilliance RAID: Shadow Legendsthe glow of nothingness RAID: Shadow Legendsantique shine RAID: Shadow Legends

Crimson Helm Guide: the different skills of the champion

Crimson Helm has some very useful skills that can support a team. Here is a list of his skills:

Below the belt Raid: Shadow LegendsBelow the beltAttacks an enemy and has a 30% chance to reduce the enemy's attack by 50% for 1 round.

Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff chance +10%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff chance +10
Infected tongue Raid: Shadow Legends Infected tongueAttacks 4 times at random and each attack has a 75% chance to provoke the enemy. In addition, for 1 round, this champion has a damage-blocking shield.

Level 2: Buff/Debuff chance +5%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff chance +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff chance +5%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff chance +5%
Level 6: Cooldown -1
On Guard Raid: Shadow LegendsEn Garde! Places a buff to reanimate allies after death and increases allies' defence by 60% for 2 turns.

Level 2: Cooldown -1
Level 3: Cooldown -1
Aura Raid: Shadow LegendsAuraIncreases the health of allies in dungeons by 33%.

His first two skills are based on attack and defence. But the role of this champion is not to put as much damage as possible, it is to control the enemy team in front.

In which locations of RAID: Shadow Legends, is Crimson Helm useful?

This champion has skills worthy of excellent support. He can then easily be considered in PvP and PvE.

Arenascore 9
Minotaur's Labyrinthscore 8
Ice Golem Peakscore 9
Castle of the Fire Knightscore 8
Campaignscore 8
Dragon's Denscore 7
Spider's Denscore 4
Clan Bossscore 8
Keep of the Forcescore 6
Dungeon of the Voidscore 6
Spirit Dungeonscore 7
Magic Dungeonscore 5

From this list we can see that this champion is useful in almost all scenarios.

The various artefacts to be attributed to Crimson Helm

Let's continue this guide to Crimson Helm with the various artefacts.
The artefacts that should be assigned to your champion depend on how you wish to use it.

Artifacts for Arena, PvE and Faction Wars

Faction War
1 defence set
1 gel set

As his skills are based on his defence, it is important to give him a "defence set" to increase his damage. In addition, the freeze is useful to control the enemies.

Artifacts for the Clan Boss and Dungeons

The artefacts to be assigned to it for these scenarios will be different from the previous ones:

Clan Boss
1 life set
1 resistance set

These sets allow you to make it a "tanky" champion so that it lasts to continue to enjoy the benefits of these skills.

For these different sets, here is an example of the different artefacts that will need to be assigned to it.

Type of artefactProperty
Weaponattack artefact Raid: Shadow Legends
Headsetlife artefact Raid: Shadow Legends
Shielddefence artefact Raid: Shadow Legends
Gauntletsdefence artefact Raid: Shadow Legends
Defence as % of total
Pansierlife artefact Raid: Shadow Legends
PV in %.
Boots artifact of life
Ringlife artefact Raid: Shadow Legends
Amuletartefact critical damage
Critical Damage
Bannerdefence artefact Raid: Shadow Legends

Here, the focus is on defence, but more VPs can be applied if the player is short.

Crimson Helm Guide: masteries to apply

Please see our full guide to masteries for more information!

Crimsom Helm guide: the masteries

Thanks to this guide to Crimson Helm, this champion of RAID: Shadow Legends will no longer hold any secrets for you!
Feel free to give us your opinion on this hero in the comments and suggest additional information!

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