Looking for a building that can destroy opposing tanks? Discover the solution in this Clash Royale Inferno Tower guide. With our tips and tricks, learn the pros and cons of this card to play it effectively, but also to integrate it into a deck.
Ifferno Tower strengths and weaknesses
Inferno Tower Clash Royale card is available from Arena 4: P.E.K.K.A's Playhouse. It is a rare card that costs 5 units of Elixir and places a defensive building.
Inferno Tower beam targets only one unit at a time, on the ground or in the air, with a maximum range of 6 squares. Every 0.4 seconds, it inflicts damage that increases progressively and resets with each change of target. This increase is visually represented by the thickness of the beam. If the Inferno Tower is not attacked, its life span is 30 seconds.
The Inferno Tower is very effective against tanks, such as the Giant or P.E.K.K.A, since the impact of its progressive damage increases with the amount of enemy health. In fact, it is the card that deals the most damage in the game when its attack reaches the maximum threshold.
Nevertheless, its lack of health points does not allow it to resist the assaults of numerous units, such as the Skeleton Army or the Minion Horde.
How to play Clash Royale with the Inferno Tower ?
In Clash Royale, the Inferno Tower is a defensive card. Therefore, it will be of no use to you in an aggressive deck oriented towards the attack. On the other hand, it is a great asset in defense.
Place it preferably between the two towers as a diversion to keep your towers from being assaulted by Hog Rider or Balloon. With proper placement, the combined damage from the Inferno Tower, the King's Tower, and the two Crowned Towers will melt the health of any tank.
To counter the Inferno Tower, take advantage of the fact that it is single-target, and thus quickly overwhelmed by numerous units. If your opponent places it in response to one of your tanks, the Zap and Lightning spells will reset its damage increase, as will the Electro-Wizard and Sparky attacks.
The best Clash Royale Inferno Tower deck
As you may have gathered, the best Clash Royale Inferno Tower deck is a defensive deck. The goal is to gain an Elixir advantage over your opponent so that they can no longer defend your counterattack.
Let your opponent open hostilities and respond accordingly. Against large troops, choose the Log if they are ground troops and theElectro-Wizard if they are air troops. If it's a tank, place the Inferno Tower in the middle of your side of the field to trigger the King's Tower.
For your counterattack, send the Ice Golem as a shield to give the Hog Rider time to make his way to the enemy tower.
This deck also has two cards that cost only one unit of Elixir, Skeletons and Ice Spirit. Use them quickly, either offensively or defensively, to cycle your other cards as quickly as possible. Finally, the Fireball spell can be used to defend your Inferno Tower or to complete the destruction of an opponent's tower.
So much for this Clash Royale Inferno Tower guide. You now know how to play this building effectively and put together a deck that can take advantage of its qualities and make up for its flaws. I'll redirect you to our Clash Royale tips page to discover new decks and new cards.
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