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Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing Quest Guide - Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing Quest Guide - Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing quest is the final step in completing the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual world quest. But before you can complete this adventure, you'll have to solve multiple puzzles and face powerful opponents. We'll walk you through the process in this comprehensive guide. With our tips and tricks, you can quickly complete Yougou Cleansing quest.

Prerequisite to unlock Yougou Cleansing quest in Genshin Impact

To access the Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing quest, you must first complete the first 4 quests of the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual:

These can break 5 barriers.

Talk to Kazari

To start the Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing quest, start by going to talk to Kazari in the well that you visited during the quest A Strange Story in Konda. The priestess is waiting for you in front of the shrine. She then asks you to meet her at the foot of Mount Yougou.

Destroy the miasma during the Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing quest

Glide to the hidden shrine of the Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing quest

Teleport to the Narukami shrine, then jump into the void and glide until you reach Kazari. Unsurprisingly, you'll have to break one last barrier, when there's more, there's more.

Access the miasma in the Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing quest

This time jump into a not-so-friendly hole, where a charming miasma awaits you. Prepare yourself beforehand by choosing a powerful team. Feel free to check out our Genshin Impact best teams tier list to help you, as this quest has its fair share of battles in store for you.

To limit the damage you will receive, consider picking up Electrogranum.

The first puzzle

After defeating a samurai, you will have to recreate a pattern again to break the barrier and continue the purification.

Stand in front of the miasma and the lantern with 1 star, then follow this order:

  • 2 symbols for the lantern at the bottom right of the lantern with 1 symbol ;
  • 3 symbols for the lantern above (so top right);
  • 4 symbols for the lower left lantern (closest to the lantern with 1 star) ;
  • 5 symbols for the lantern in the upper left corner.

The miasma appears again. Hit it until an Electro Samurai appears.

The second puzzle of the Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing quest

To reproduce the second pattern, program the lanterns as follows (still facing the miasma):

  • 2 symbols for the lantern at the bottom left of the lantern with 1 symbol ;
  • 3 symbols for the lantern slightly above (top left);
  • 4 symbols for the lantern at the bottom right compared to the lantern with 1 symbol.
  • 5 symbols for the lantern in the upper right corner.

Return to the lantern with a symbol to pray, remembering to pick up an Electrogranum along the way. Hit the Miasma again. This time you will have to fight 2 samurais at the same time.

The third puzzle

The last puzzle of the Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing quest, is solved as follows:

  • 2 symbols for the lantern at the bottom right;
  • 2 symbols for the lantern at the bottom left;
  • 3 symbols for the lantern slightly above and thus on the top right;
  • 3 symbols for the lantern in the upper left corner.

After performing a final prayer, you will finally be able to overcome the miasma, which triggers a Cinematic.

Solve the Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing quest

Sacred Sakura miasm

Talk to Kazari one last time to Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing quest. You can then pick up his mask. Go to your inventory in the precious items tab and use it to learn the recipe to make the 4-star catalyst Hakushin Ring. You also get 50 Primogems 50 and 5 Hero's Wits.

Hakushin Ring

You will now be able to craft the Hakushin Ring weapon at the blacksmith's shop with a Northlander Catalyst Billet, 50 Amethyst Lumps and 50 White Iron Chunks. This weapon increases the energy recharge and if the equipped hero has triggered a reaction related to the Electro element, all characters involved in the reaction get a damage bonus related to their element for 10 seconds. You can equip this weapon on Yae Miko or Lisa.

That's it for this Genshin Impact Yougou Cleansing quest guide. This quest closes the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual world quest. But there are more quests waiting for you in Inazuma. You can also go after the Electroculus.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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