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Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest Quest Guide - Genshin Impact

Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest Quest Guide - Genshin Impact

Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest quest is the fourth part of the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual world quest series. In this quest you must break the final barrier in order to complete the ritual. But before you can do that, you'll have to help some tanuki and solve a puzzle. We take you step by step through the complete solution to the Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest quest in Genshin Impact.

Prerequisite to access the Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest quest in Genshin Impact

Location to start the Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest quest in Genshin Impact

To unlock the Tanuki-Bayashi in the forest quest in Genshin Impact, you must have completed at least the first 2 parts of the world quest Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual:

You can do this quest before or after the Cleansing Defilement quest.

Find the 3 Tanuki in the Tanuki-Bayashi in the forest quest in Genshin Impact

Following the voice in the forest of Chinju

To activate the Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest quest in Genshin Impact, simply head north to Chinju Forest. As you walk along the torii path, you will come across a small tanuki that invites you to move on. Follow it until you come across some enemies. After defeating them, go talk to Ioroi, a statue. He asks you to find 3 Tanuki.

Ioroi in Genshin Impact

For the first Tanuki, go back to the torii path and follow the little creature until it turns into a torch. Light it with a Pyro character to unmask it.

Find the first tanuki in the Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest quest

You'll find a second tanuki on a rock in the center of the forest. It has turned into a barrel to hide from the Hilichurl that surround it. Defeat them and hit the barrel to make it return to its true form.

Continuing the 3rd Tanuki

The third tanuki is down the road from the toriis. As you approach, it runs away. Follow it until it also turns into a torch. Perform a Pyro attack on it.

Once you've found the 3 Tanuki, go back and talk to Ioroi. He will give you the Ioroi's Amulet.

Breaking the barrier of the Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest quest

You can now head to the point indicated on your map. A Tanuki dispels the illusion and reveals a passage. Start by placing Ioroi's amulet in the first lantern.

Solution to the puzzle of the Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest quest in Genshin Impact

Then activate the lantern just above on your right to make 4 symbols appear. The one at the top of the tree, to the right of the diagram to follow, should have 2. Leave 2 on the one on the left as well, then go down to the bottom left to put 3 symbols on the lantern.

All you have to do now is go back to the central lantern to activate the mechanism and make an enemy appear. After having defeated him, you validate the quest, which makes you gain in reward :

  • 250 Adventure EXP ;
  • 30 Primogems ;
  • 3 Hero's Wit;
  • 30,000 Moras.

That's it for this guide to the Genshin Impact Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest quest. You can now break the 2 remaining barriers by completing the Cleansing Defilement quest. If you've already done so, you'll need to complete the final step of the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual: Yougou Cleansing. You can follow the quest resolution step by step with our detailed solution.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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