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Guide to the quest Whence Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Genshin Impact

Solution and guide to the quest Whence Did the Spiritstone Descend in Genshin Impact

The 2.6 update to Genshin Impact takes you into the depths of the Abyss. But in order to fully explore it and discover all its secrets, you must first complete the World Quest The Chasm Delverswhich consists of 5 parts. The conclusion of this quest will put you to the test with new puzzles and tough battles. You can find the step-by-step solution to the quest in our complete guide to Where does the spirit stone come from? on Genshin Impact. We'll also take the opportunity to give you some tips and tricks.

The prerequisites for the quest Whence Did the Spiritstone Descend? in Genshin Impact

The quest Whence Did the Spiritstone Descend? in Genshin Impact is the fifth part of the world quest series The Chasm Delvers. In order to unlock access, you must first complete the previous quests:

Discovery of the last area of the Gouffre

Stones to destroy to advance in the quest "Where does the spirit stone come from?

The quest Whence Did the Spiritstone Descend? takes you to a new area of the Abyss and allows you to fully unlock the map as well as completing the Perilous Plunge achievement. To do this, after talking to Zhiqiong and collecting the Lumen along the way, head to the point on your map and blow up the rocks blocking your path with the Geo Spheres, then jump.

Once you reach the bottom, follow the marker on your map. On the way, you can fight Roneth, one of the Black Serpent Knight, take the quest The Call of a Weakened Mushroom and collect more Lumen and chests.

Door to be opened in the quest "Where does the spirit stone come from" in Genshin Impact

Then activate the teleportation point and continue until you reach a door. Open it using the cube found by completing the quest Perils in the Dark. Go forward to another teleportation point. On the way, don't forget to pick up the lumen ore under a tent with a newspaper belonging to the Fatuis.

Purifying the crystal

Crystal to be purified in the quest "Whence Did the Spiritstone Descend?" of Genshin Impact

You are now facing a gigantic crystal floating in the void, linked to 5 corrupted energy streams. You must successfully purify it by following the energy streams to activate mechanisms. They indicate the direction to follow.

Location of the 5 mechanisms to purify the crystal in the quest "Whence Did the Spiritstone Descend?" in Genshin Impact

To help you complete this section, we have noted on the map above the five locations you need to get to. The first three are at the bottom, while the last two are at the top.

Mechanism to be activated to purify the crystal spiritstone

Once there, the trick is to activate the mechanisms by transmitting energy to them with your Lumenstone Adjuvant, stand by for as long as you need to. Enemies appear when you interact with them. In addition, miasmas can block your access. Eliminate them with the Blooming Light of your Adjuvant. Be sure to collect energy sources on your way so you don't run out.

Purified crystal and solution to the quest Whence Did the Spiritstone Descend?

Once you have activated all the mechanisms, return to the crystal, which will trigger a Cinematic.

The Ruin Serpent and the end of the quest Whence Did the Spiritstone Descend? in Genshin Impact

However, the adventure does not end here. You are suddenly attacked by the Ruin Serpent. To make your fight easier, a tip: eliminate its crystals as soon as they appear. You can also stun the boss by destroying a miasma when it builds up energy. You will also unlock the Ouroboros achievement.

The Ruin Serpent in Genshin Impact

Once the Ruin Serpent is weakened, a new Cinematicis triggered and a mysterious character comes to your aid... You are now done with this part and can go talk to Zhiqiong at the camp. Complete the quest by joining Muning outside the Abyss.

You have successfully completed the quest Where did the spirit stone come from? in Genshin Impact. As a bonus, you have also successfully completed the world quest The Chasm Delvers. This last step earns you 450 adventure points, 50 Primogems, 50,000 Moras, 5 Hero's Lessons and 6 Mystic Enhancement Minerals.

End of the quest Whence Did the Spiritstone Descend?

Your adventure in the Abyss doesn't end here. You still have the Archon quest and hidden quests such as Khedive. By the way, you can also complete the Millennium Mountains quest as an additional adventure.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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