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Find the Genshin Impact Electroculus : complete guide

Find the Genshin Impact Electroculus : complete guide

No matter how much you go through all the Inazuma's islands in Genshin Impact, you are still missing some Electroculus? These little purple balls are sometimes hidden in unlikely places and are particularly difficult to locate. We help you find the Genshin Impact Electroculus with this complete guide. You will be able to get many rewards including Primogems. We take this opportunity to give you some tips and tricks to make your search easier.

What is the purpose of the Genshin Impact Electroculus?

Electroculus are an adventure item that you can find in Inazuma, just like Anemoculus in Mondsdadt or Geoculus in Liyue.

By collecting them, you will be able to complete the 10 levels of the Statue of The Seven (Inazuma). To do this, once you have the right number of Electroculus, you can interact with any of the Statues of the Seven based in Inazuma.

Statue of the Seven (Inazuma)

You can earn a total of 540 Primogems (60 Primogems at each level), but also :

  • 90 Electro Sigils: they allow you to obtain additional rewards thanks to the Sacred Sakura. This is located in the Narukami Shrine;
  • 5 Inazuma Shrine of Depths Keys (levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10): you will be able to open chests containing many items including 40 Primogems each;
  • 4 Memories of Violet Flash (levels 3, 5, 7 and 9): This material is used to unlock the constellations of the Traveler Electro.

So if unlike the statues of Mondsdadt and Liyue, the one of Inazuma does not increase the stamina, you will have access to many rewards, including a large number of Primogems.

Where to find the Genshin Impact Electroculus?

There are 181 Electroculus in the Inazuma region. In other words, it will take many hours of exploration before you can find all the Genshin Impact Electroculus. Some of them are very easy to find, but others are hidden in caves, by mechanisms or in the air.

Genshin Impact Electroculus

When you approach an Electroculus, it is indicated by a star icon on your mini-map. If you're in the right position but can't see it, it's probably hiding in the air or in a cave below you.

You can find out directly where the Genshin Impact Electroculus are located on the Teyvat interactive map. And to find out exactly where an Electroculus is located, click on it in the interactive map to see a video that helps you find it.

Narukami Island's Electroculus

Narukami Island's Electroculus

The main island of Inazuma has a large number of Electroculus. Many are hiding around the Narukami Shrine, so feel free to hover around. You will also need to level up the Sacred Sakura to unlock Electro barriers.

Yashiori and Kannazuka islands Electroculus

Yashiroi and Kannazuka islands Electroculus

It is recommended that you first collect the Electroculus located on the small island east of Kujou Camp, then move to the south of Kannazuka and then to Yashiori Island.

Watatsumi Island Electroculus

Watatsumi Island Electroculus

Kokomi island hides well its Electroculus. Most of them can be found in caves and small nooks behind the cliffs. The interactive map will be a great help to find them more easily.

Serai Island Electroculus

Serai Island Electroculus

We continue the Genshin Impact Electroculus quest with the island of lightning. This one also challenges you to collect its 33 Electroculus.

Tsurumi Island Electroculus

Tsurumi Island Electroculus

To facilitate the exploration of Tsurimi Island, you will first have to overcome the fog that reigns there through a series of quests, then you will be able to search for its 29 Electroculus.

How can I locate Electroculus more easily in Genshin Impact ?

Exploring is all well and good, but searching for Genshin Impact Electroculus can quickly become frustrating, especially if you already have a number of them and can't remember which ones you've already collected.

Make the Electroculus Resonance Stone in Genshin Impact

Fortunately, the Electroculus Resonance Stone gadget helps you detect Electroculus near your location. When you activate it, it shows you a circle on your map. Then you just have to go to it. As soon as you are near the Electroculus in question, it will be precisely indicated on your mini-map.

Locate Genshin Impact Electroculus

Each Resonance Stone is for single use only, so you will need to design several. To do this, you first need the Electroculus Resonance Stone recipe. You get it by raising your reputation in Inazuma to level 8. Then you need: 5 Naku Weeds, 5 Sakura Blooms and 1 Amethyst Lumps.

That's it for this guide to collecting Genshin Impact Electroculus. We hope you'll find our tips and advice useful and that you'll be able to get your hands on all these precious items quickly. While you're exploring, keep your eyes peeled for as many chests as possible. You will also be able to detect them with the Electro Treasure Compass which is obtained at level 9 reputation in Inazuma.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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