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Genshin Impact Dandelion seeds: farm guide

Genshin Impact Dandelion seeds: farm guide

You want to raise the level of Jean or Eula in Genshin Impact or make Anemoculus detectors, but don't know where to find Dandelion Seeds? These plants are quite difficult to collect and for good reason, they require a very specific technique linked to the Anemo element. To facilitate your progress in the RPG, we have written this Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds farm guide We take this opportunity to give you some tips and advice to make your harvesting easier.

What are Dandelion Seeds used for?

Making an Anemoculus Resonance Stone

In Genshin Impact, Dandelion Seeds are part of the elevation materials needed for Jean and Eula. You will need to collect 168 of them if you want to level them up to 90.

But the usefulness of Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds does not end there. You can also make several items on the alchemy table:

  • Anemoculus Resonance Stone: this tool is very useful in exploration. It allows you to detect Anemoculus near your position. However, the object is for one-time use only. You will have to make one each time you want to locate an Anemoculus. You will need 5 Dandelion Seeds, 5 Cecilia and 1 Crystal Chunk;
  • Windbarrier Potion: With this concoction, you will increase your team's Anemo resistance by 25% for 300 seconds. To make it, use 1 Crystal Core and 1 Dandelion Seed;
  • Gushing Essential Oil: This ointment boosts the Anemo damage of your entire team by 25% for 300 seconds. To produce it, use 1 Dandelion Seed and 1 Lizard Tail.

How to collect Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds?

Apply Anemo to dandelions

Dandelions are a special flower in Genshin Impact. While you can usually pick the plants in the game directly, it is different with Dandelion Seeds. In order to get them, you must perform an Anemo attack on them. Without this, you will not be able to collect them.

Collect Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds

If you're new to the game and don't have any Anemo characters yet, don't worry. The Anemo version of the Traveler can take care of that. You can also use Sayu, Sucrose, Heizou, Xiao, Jean Kazuha or Venti. Sucrose and Heizou have the advantage of being able to use Anemo with each of their attacks.

Where to find Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds ?

Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds location

Dandelion Seeds are a regional product of Mondsdadt, so you will not be able to find them in Inazuma or Liyue. You can collect a total of 53 Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds per farm session. You will have to wait 48 hours before they reappear. You can also collect them from other players' worlds.

You can pick up a dozen Dandelion Seeds when you pass through the Mondsdadt city. There are some on the left and right outside the city gates. You'll also find them in Wolvendom, northeast of the Dragonspine, in Galesonh Hill, and at Starfell Lake. To locate them more precisely, check out the Mondsdadt interactive map.

How to locate dandelions more easily in Genshin Impact ?

Some characters indicate the position of products from their region on the mini map. This is the case of Klee, a 5-star Pyro heroine from Mondsdadt. By placing her in your exploration team, she will show you on your mini map all the products from Mondstadt, including Dandelion Seeds. This way, you'll be sure not to miss out.

Locate Dandelion Seeds with Klee

To make it easier to find the Dandelion Seeds on your next visit, there's a very simple trick. Place markers on all the locations you have spotted. You can then simply go back to them.

That's it for this Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds farm guide. You will be able to find them faster and especially to collect them. Remember to do this as soon as you come across them or pass by one of their growing areas. You will need a lot of them, especially if you are having trouble locating all the Anemoculus in Mondstadt.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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