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Extra Roles Among Us : Jester, Medic and Engineer

Extra Roles Among Us

For a very long time, Among Us there were only two classic roles. Depending on your luck, you would inherit the role of crewmate or impostor. But those days are over and with the help of the community, the little astronauts have a bunch ofExtra Roles Among Us that give them a multitude of powers. With alternative Mods developed by enthusiasts, parties are full of even more twists and turns. But the new roles aren't just for show, they also add new strategic possibilities.
In this guide to Mods Among Us, we'll explain what these versions are and how to download the ones you like for free! For even more fun, we also recommend spicing up your games with the CREWLINK proximity chat. Mods are compatible and benefit greatly from increased communication between players in the game.

game statistics: missions, kills, winrate
After a while, you get tired of charcoal burning without having any power!

How to install the Extra Roles Among Us?

After introducing the Lovers and Sheriff roles, it's time to list the other Mods developed by the community. With the addition of these new roles, there is something for everyone and it is up to you to choose your favourite line-up. You are free to introduce one or more of these new roles in your games.

Install the full Extra Roles Among Us line-up

In Among Us Extra Roles, four special powers are introduced:Engineer, Jester, Medic and Officer. But don't worry, there's only one small procedure to follow to get all the fun roles.

Among Us: finding local files
  • Step 1 : Download the game mode from GiftHub.
  • Step 2: Unzip the files with third-party software such as WinRAR. It is possible to use it for free.
  • Step 3: Access the Among Us game file from Steam. Enter your library and open the Among Us settings (right click). Select "manage" then "browse local files".
  • Step 4: Copy all the elements and create a new folder in the common area of Steam. You are free to name it as you wish, preferring a recognisable name like "Extra".
  • Step 5: Add the files previously unpacked with WinRAR to the "Extra" folder.
  • Step 6: All you have to do is create a shortcut from the complete folder and put it on your desktop. With this method, there will be no confusion with the normal game mode.

To play with friends, it is necessary that your whole group has downloaded the same version. It's up to you to convince your fellow players to try this mod full of exoticism and surprises. If they are afraid of the unknown, it is always possible to find game partners on the various Discord servers dedicated to Among Us.

Set up the roles individually

For the purists, too many new roles at once can kill the fun. That's why you also have the option of introducing a single power. This is a good way to get familiar with a fun role before mixing everything up. Just follow exactly the same procedure as for installing Among Us Extra Roles.
However, you will need to download other :

There are currently no Medic or Engineer only mods. The role alone does not give enough spice. In any case, don't forget that all these modes are totally free! Beware of scams and thank the generosity of passionate fans of the game.

Powers and victory conditions for Extra Roles Among Us

Once you have set up the desired configuration, all you have to do is start a game with one or more Extra Roles Among Us. But to get the most out of the experience, it would be wise to take a few minutes to understand the new roles. As well as having special powers, some also have different victory conditions! 🙃

The role of the Jester

Extra Roles Among Us: the jester
He who laughs last, laughs hardest!

The role of the Jester is particularly interesting because he introduces a third side to the game. He wins on his own and has to play the crewmates as impostors. It is up to him to flirt cleverly with the limit and to sow discord in the game. He has no special powers and has no mission to carry out. He can't do sabotage or take a wind... However, his role is far from being boring!

In order to win, he has to be voted in at all costs during an emergency meeting. He must therefore make himself suspicious during the game, but also during the meetings. There is no single strategy, but faking a stammer or not carrying a body can pay off. Be careful though, if the Jester is killed by an Impostor, he has no wild card life and loses the game immediately.

The role of the engineer

Extra Roles Among Us: the engineer
A good reason to study!

TheEngineer is on the side of the innocents. He wins with them and must also fulfil his share of missions. The Engineer can rely on his powers to be very useful and to gather as much information as possible.

  • Use of wind: be careful not to be seen as an imposter.
  • Possibility to repair one sabotage per game from any place on the map: ideal to save time.

The role of the Medic

Astronaut with the skin of a doctor
What's new, doctor?

Like the Engineer, the Medic wins with the crewmates and has to complete missions. His power is very valuable as he has the ability to give a powerful shield to the player of his choice (highlighted visor). The shield works like a mirror and in addition to protecting the lucky player from the next attack, it will automatically kill the unfortunate assailant. The Medic must therefore be very careful not to protect an impostor!

The shield does not remain active forever. If the Medic dies (elimination or vote), the shield is deactivated.

The role of the Sheriff

Extra Roles Among Us: sheriff
It is up to you to enforce the law.

An ambivalent and already well known role. In a few words, the role of the Sheriff allows an innocent person to kill the player of his choice. Beware though, if he kills another innocent, he commits suicide in the process, racked with guilt. 😅

Now you know all the secrets of the Mod Among Us Extra Roles. With these new powers, your games should get even crazier. We wish you good luck in surviving and dodging stray bullets!

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.

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