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Genshin Impact Date's Challenge | Quest Solution

Genshin Impact Date's Challenge Solution

While exploring Enkanomiya, you may have come across Date's Challenge quest. This one turns out to be a real headache! But there's no need to pull your hair out. We'll make it easier for you by detailing the different steps you need to follow to complete the puzzles in the Date's Challenge quest in Genshin Impact. This quest will also allow you to pick up the book Hydrological Studies in Byakuyakoku, one of the 5 books needed to complete Collection of Dragons and Snakes, another tricky quest in the RPG.

Unlock the quest The Date Challenge in Genshin Impact

Unlock Date's Challenge by going to the Island of the Evernight Temple in the upper right. You must have completed the quest From Dusk to Dawn in Byakuyakoku.

Location of the Genshin Impact Date's Challenge Quest

To solve the maze, start by activating the Whitenight mode so that you can use the triangular mechanisms. This will allow you to move the blue walls.

Once the walls are positioned as shown in the photo below, switch to Evernight Night mode and activate the 4 water pillars with a Hydro character.

Solution for the first Date's Challenge maze

Then go to the middle of the ruins; a hole in the ground is now open. Enter it to meet Date, a labyrinth creator. He points out the location of another of his creations and gives you a key. You might as well keep on racking your brains for a while longer...

Once there, use the key to open the passageway and access Date's Challenge.

Complete the maze in the Date's Challenge Quest

To complete Date's Challenge quest in Genshin Impact, you must solve a second maze. This time the objective is to move the blue walls so that the walls are symmetrical, as indicated by the note behind the day/night mechanism.

There are two triangular mechanisms and two levers on either side of the room. The levers are used to open and close the grids, while the triangular mechanisms are used to move the walls in 3 positions: top, middle or bottom.

Second labyrinth of Date's Challenge in Genshin Impact

Start by activating the Whitenight Mode. To place the walls in the right place, use the grids to block the other doors. Using the chest in your back as a guide, the first blue block should be on the far right, the second in the middle and the last on the left. Move the walls independently using the grids. At the end of your manipulations, both grids should be closed.

Once the blue walls are in the right position, switch to Evernight mode. The chest will then be unlocked. There you will collect the Date's medal of recognition. You will also complete an achievement In the Light, Beneath the Shadow.

Return to Date to complete the quest. You will then get 200 Adventure EXP, 30 Primo-Gems and 2 Hero's Lessons. Take this opportunity to open the secret room. The book Hydrological Studies in Byakuyakoku is waiting for you in the chest. Before you leave, don't forget to take the Key Sigil from the room.

Date's Challenge reward location

And so the Date Challenge quest at Genshin Impact is over! I hope this guide has helped you see things more clearly. But now that you have the Byakuyakoku Water Studies book in your possession, you still have 4 more to find to complete the Byakuyakoku Collection . We'll guide you through this too with our complete guide to the Collections of Dragons and Serpents quest.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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