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Clash Royale Electro Wizard Guide

Clash Royale Electro Wizard Guide

Looking for a unit that can stun enemy units that target your tanks? In this Clash Royale Electro Wizard guide, we'll give you tips and tricks on how to play this legendary card strategically and build an effective deck based on its strengths and weaknesses.

Electro Wizard strengths and weaknesses

Clash Royale Electro Wizard card is available starting in Arena 11: Electro Valley. This is a legendary card that costs 4 units of Elixir and summons a sorcerer that electrocutes land and air targets.

Clash Royale Electro Wizard Card

The Electro Wizard moves quickly and attacks every 1.8 seconds at a range of 5 squares. Its two hands launch separate attacks, which do high damage and stun targets for 0.5 seconds. This means that he can hit two units at once, but the damage is halved. However, both suffer the stun effect.

In addition, when summoned, the Electro Wizard deals apparition damage in an area around him, similar to the Electrocution spell with a reduced radius. However, it lacks hit points and has a slow attack speed.

How to play Clash Royale with the Electro Wizard?

In your attack phases in Clash Royale, the Electro Wizard is not capable of holding the front line alone. Instead, send it behind a tank to accompany its progress and prevent opposing units from defending by stunning your attacks.

If your opponent plays Inferno Dragon or Inferno Tower, you have the perfect counter. This is because, unlike the Zap and Lightning spells, the Electro Wizard can reset the progressive damage of these units for as long as he or she remains alive.

Clash Royale Electro Wizard visual

In defense, use the area damage from the appearance to eliminate a group of enemies. However, make sure you cover it from the following units with a tank.

To counter the Electro Wizard, opt for tanks that target fighters, such as the Mega Knight and the P.E.K.K.A. Mini-tanks such as the Prince or the Mini P.E.K.K.A are also good solutions against an offensive Electro Wizard.

The best Clash Royale Electro Wizard deck

To start your games by playing the best Clash Royale Electro Wizard deck, place the Dark Prince followed by the Electro Wizard to help him advance to the tower. Let your opponent defend and save your Elixir to anticipate his counterattack.

Then delay with the Bats and the Poison and Zap spells, trying to spend less Elixir than your opponent, even if it means losing a few hundred health points on your turns.

The best Clash Royale Electro Wizard deck

The strength of this deck comes into play especially in the double Elixir phase. Place the P.E.K.K.A at the back of the field to have time to recover as much Elixir as possible, then send the Electro Wizard to slow down the defense.

Once your troops are advanced, use the Battle Ram and Wall breakers to inflict damage on the opposing tower. If the first part of the battle goes well, your opponent is likely to succumb to the offensive power of this deck.

That's it for this Clash Royale Electro Wizard guide. You now know how to play the card strategically and incorporate it into an effective deck. For more decks and card guides, check out our Clash Royale tips page.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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