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Clash of Clans tips: 13 tips to get you started!

Clash of Clans tips

Clash of Clans, developed by SUPERCELL and adopted by millions of players worldwide, is a mix of passion, action and adrenaline. Each player must make their Clash of Clans village one of the best in the game. Not as simple as it sounds, this mobile game requires a certain level of thinking and strategy, which can be confusing for novice gamers. So rest assured, if you're just getting into the game today, we've got some tips and tricks on a platter to get you started in this mobile game in the best way possible. We've got a complete rundown of the clan castle, town hall, gems and resources, troops, leagues and composition to get you started! With all this, needless to say, you'll be rolling over your opponents.
So here are 13 Clash of Clans tipsthat will help you know where to start! ⚔️🛡

1. Protecting your Clash of Clans account

When you start the game, remember to save your Clash of Clans account. This will allow you to play on multiple devices or recover your progress whenever you encounter a problem with your current gaming device.
There are two options for doing this. The first is to use the Play Games application to store your progress on your Google account.
The second, very recent, is offered by the game developer. If you choose it, SUPERCELL will send you a code, by email, which you will enter in the game.

Tip for saving a Clash of Clans account

If you want, you can use both of these Clash of Clans tips at the same time.
Also, if you didn't know about this tip before you started the game and lost your progress, we've prepared a guide on how to recover your Clash of Clans account.

2. Save your Clash of Clans gems

Gems are very rare resources with extraordinary abilities. They allow you to perform special actions in your Clash of Clans village, such as speeding up the development of your town hall or buying elixir, gold, etc. Gems also allow you toacquire workers, which are very important to advance in the game.

Each week you will be given a box of 25 gems. You can collect more by completing challenges or clearing obstacles in your village, but these are usually quite small rewards . If you want more, you have to buy them with real money in the game store.

So understand that gems are precious and thatyou should save as many as possible, at least until your fifth worker. When you start the game, you will be asked to use gems to speed up the construction of the first buildings. However, this is not a requirement and your game will not end if you do not use the gem.

Saving gems in Clash of Clans
Resist the temptation and wait for the construction to finish itself!

In addition, you will see many sites that will offer you Clash of Clans tips to get unlimited and inexhaustible gems. However, keep in mind that these are scams. And even if these solutions work, you will be banned by SUPERCELL. ⚠️

3. Repairing the clan castle

When you start out, your troops are relatively weak. You will not be able to attack certain villages. Finding a clan will allow you to get more powerful troops from your teammates to attack better.

Clash of Clans tip to repair the clan castle

In addition to having reinforcements, by joining an experienced clan you will meet new people. They will help you gain experience and become strong in Clash of Clans.
However, until you have repaired your clan castle, it will be impossible to enjoy all these benefits.

4. Maximising Clash of Clans gold and elixir reserves

Resources in Clash of Clans, such as gold and elixir, are the currencies with which you progress through the game. As you progress, the various upgrades become more expensive. You will need to build up a large reserve.
Here are 3 Clash of Clans tips to maximise your gold and elixir stocks.

4.1. Improving resource extractors and mines

Production with extractors and mines is the first way to get elixir andgold respectivelyin Clash of Clans. As you start the game, focus your energy on upgrading them. The more they are upgraded, the higher their production will become.

4.2 Getting free Clash of Clans resources

SUPERCELL, the publisher of Clash of Clans, allows you to earn large amounts of gold and elixir for free in the single player attack mode.

Clash of Clans resource tip: single-player mode

With this mode, the game offers you toattack goblin villages, which are full of resources. With just one attack on the goblin map, you will have more than enough to fill your reserves very quickly.

But beware! The resources that are available there can be used up. If you decide to fight the same battle again, all the resources you have plundered will no longer be available.

4.3. Protecting resource reservoirs

It is important to build and improve facilities to produce and store gold and elixir. However, it is even more important to protect them with defences. When you are away from your village, other players can attack you, especially if you have large reserves.

So, if you can't empty all the tanks by disconnecting, protect them. Avoid moving the reserves too close together. Before disconnecting, launch the formation of several troops in the back barracks that consume a lot of elixir.

Training of troops in the rear barracks
Troops in the rear barracks.

When you return, before any attacks, remove the troops from the back barracks to recover your entire investment. This is a tip to protect your elixir on Clash of Clans.

Thetrick to protecting gold in Clash of Clans is to buy several decorative items in the shop before logging out and then selling them when you return. You will only get back 50% of the amount invested. However, it's much less painful to know that you've spent your money than that it's been stolen.

Another of the Clash of Clans tips for protecting your resources is to place reserves in the four corners of your village. Since most of the people attacking you will also be newbies at first, they will rush straight to the village without paying attention to the corners. But this is not a foolproof strategy, like any other.

5. 5. Prioritise attacks on the opponent's town hall

To win a battle on Clash of Clans, you must get at least one star. The principle is that you win :

  • a star when you reach 50% damage;
  • a star when you destroy the town hall;
  • a star when you do 100% damage.

When attacking a village, remember to target the town hall first. Indeed, given the low level of your troops, you may have difficulty obtaining a percentage of at least 50% destruction on all villages. Aiming at the town hall, however, will maximise your chances of getting at least one star and winning your attack.

In addition, this is one of the Clash of Clans tricks that will allow you to optimise your win rate and climb the trophy ladder very quickly.

6. Always empty the opponent's clan castle before attacking

Earlier in this guide, you discovered the usefulness of finding a clan. Other players who have a clan castle will probably have reinforcements to help defend them. So just send one of your troops to check that there are no units in the opponent's castle.

If soldiers come out, kill them before continuing your attack. If your striking power does not allow you to destroy them, then make a diversion. Put a troop, preferably a giant, in a corner of the opposing village. While the reinforcements are busy with your giant, launch your attack in the opposite direction.

The idea is to prevent opponents, if they survive, from quickly returning to defend while you attack the buildings.

7. Don't throw all your troops in at once

The beginner's mistake is not to throw all your troops at once in one place. In fact, there are several defensive buildings such as mortars, which inflict great damage. You may not see your soldiers again if you send them all at once and they get hit by a mortar.

Some troops can still absorb a lot of damage and can therefore act as a shield for other weaker soldiers. To find out more about them, we've prepared a guide to Clash of Clans troops.

8. Improve its military camps

Military camps, as the name suggests, are the bases where your soldiers are stationed before going into battle. At the beginning of the game, you will attack a lot, especially to fill your resource reserves or for adrenaline.

So, to maximise your chances of victory and build up a larger strike force, you need toupgrade your military camps.

9. Joining a league

Champions League III in Clash of Clans

In Clash of Clans, all players are ranked in a league according to the trophies they possess. Joining a league gives you several advantages. Firstly, you will receive resource bonuses, which vary depending on the league you are in.

Secondly, joining and playing in a league allows you to complete Clash of Clans quests, gain game experience and gems.

On the other hand, if you decide to do farmingIf you decide to play only for resources, the bronze, gold and crystal leagues are the most profitable. They are full of abandoned villages with lots of gold and elixir.

10. Analyze the opponent's power

Every attack you make must be thought out to avoid attacking harder than you are. Before starting the fight, check the number of trophies your opponent has. If you notice that the number of trophies you will lose is much higher than the number of trophies you will win, you should skip the battle.

Also, assess the resources available in the village, but don't be greedy or grabby. Even if you have the best composition attack for a Clash of Clans beginner, you must be able to analyse your opponent to judge your ability to defeat him.

Study the level of its ramparts. Is the whole village walled? If so, is there a location that seems easier for your troops to access? If you can't find one, look for another opponent.

When starting out, try toavoid villages with two mortars. As your troops are still low in level, they may take a lot of damage without really doing any.

The key is to find a balance between the trophies to be won, the resources available and the general level of your opponent.

11. The best composition Clash of Clans to attack at the beginning

At the beginning of the game, the troop combinations are limited. You only have a few troops: barbarian, giant, archer and goblin. However, with the right composition, they can bring you significant success.

Compose about 2 to 3 giants and fill the rest of the slots with barbarians or archers. Send your giants to the walls or defences of the opposing village. Preferably, choose a location that is not very crowded with cannons or archer towers. The giants will absorb the blows of the defences and destroy the walls quite quickly. Take advantage of this to deploy your archers, barbarians or goblins.

As you level up your town hall, new troops will become available and you can upgrade them in the lab.

12. Use the training mode to discover new compositions attacks

With the training mode, the game allows you to train and discover new compositions Clash of Clans while stocking up on reserves. Unlike the single player mode, the game itself tells you which composition to use. In addition, there is a tutorial that helps you to better attack the village.

List of challenges in Clash of Clans training mode
The mode is accessible from level 4 of the town hall.

13. Play Clash of Clans on PC or Smart TV

On a mobile game, especially a strategy game, vision is priceless. When you're new to Clash of Clans, using a PC or Smart TV to play comes in very handy.

On a Smart TV, the procedure is simple. You just need to download the game from the Play Store, much like on your mobile.

With a PC, the procedure is a little different. In principle, it is not possible to play Clash of Clans directly on a PC. The trick to successfully playing Clash of Clans on a computer is to use an emulator. For example, a freeware program called LDPlayer is a free program that works very well (and you can even synchronise your game progress).

Now that you know all the Clash of Clans tips you need to get started, can you lead your village to glory? To test your skills as a village leader and challenge other players in the community, get started now.
Enjoy the game and have fun!

Neriya David, or Neriya in the game, is very passionate about digital strategy, writing and video games. Learning and sharing my knowledge is my raison d'être.


Neriya, very good and interesting article.
I will spread the word in my clan.
It is very important to start well to enjoy the game from the beginning.
It's a pleasure to share some COC games with you now.

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