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How to change civilizations in Rise of Kingdoms?

How to change civilizations Rise of Kingdoms

Still wondering how to change civilizations in Rise of Kingdoms? Well, there are several ways to achieve this. As explained in this tip, you can get a change token for free or with gems to switch to the civilisation of your choice.

Change civilization for free

You may have started with a civilisation that does not suit you at all. So you want to change it as soon as possible. Whether you don't like the way it plays or you've simply noticed that it often lags behind other civilizations, it's time to switch civilizations.

Byzantium Rise of Kingdoms

Similarly, you may have reached a phase of the game where your current civilisation no longer shines as brightly. Switching to a mid-game or end-game nation will make things easier for you later on. If you haven't decided on your target yet, check out our article on which civilisation to choose in RoK in 2020.

The key to changing civilisations is the civilisation change token.

Rise of Kingdoms civilisation change token

You can get one by paying a few ECU or you can wait to get it for free. In fact, when you upgrade your town hall to level 10, you get a free RoK civilisation change token. This still forces you to progress far enough in the game to reach this stage. Despite this constraint, it is nice to see that Lilith Games does not close the door to F2P players.

Spain cavalry tip RoK EN

About the switch itself, you can also switch to a new civilisation when your alliance lacks a particular type of army. For example, if your alliance does not have a very well-developed cavalry, you may decide to switch to Spain, which excels on horseback with its bonuses. This will allow you to rebalance the fighting forces and make it easier for your alliance to progress. I'm told that this would make you a wise strategist.

Changing civilizations with gems or points

To change civilisation before level 10, or if you have already used your token and wish to change to another nation, you have several options. First, pay in gems. As the game progresses, you will have the opportunity toget gems for free (although in small numbers). To get more gems, you will have to buy them at the checkout. These gems can be used to buy a token.

How to change civilization tokens
Example of a token in the shop

In the shop, a civilisation change token costs 10,000 gems. You can also spend your gems at the merchant's for various prices.

Alternatively, you can buy one of these transition tokens in the alliance shop. This will still cost you 2 million individual alliance points. So think carefully before you decide to go down this last path.

Impact on gameplay

Using a civilisation change token is pretty straightforward once you've got it. But what happens next? Firstly, the entire architecture of your city will change. Even though I imagine you don't play Rise of Kingdoms for the decorations, it's always good to know.

City architecture RoK china

If you have already trained special units from your civilisation, what happens to them? They will become special units of the new nation in equal numbers. You will not lose any troops during this switchover. However, the free commander of your first civilisation will not change. For example, if you were playing France with Joan of Arc and her axe throwers and you want to switch to Germany: you will keep Joan of Arc and not get Hermann the Cherusque, but all your axe throwers will become Teutonic Knights.

Civilization RoK commander Sun Tzu

The bonus features of your account are bound to change. Anyway, I imagine that this is one of the main reasons why you choose to change civilizations in Rise of Kingdoms.

So, by switching to Germany, you will lose your big harvest bonus from France. On the other hand, you will be entitled to a superb action point restoration bonus. The latter will allow you to enter the PvP arena with the other military bonuses of Germany.

Yaya Yaya would never have spent a single cent on a mobile game. At least, that's what the legend says.

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