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Best Legend of Mushroom Pals: the rankings

Legend of Mushroom Pals

Once you've carefully selected your skills using our Legend of Mushroom skill guide, it's time to discover all the secrets of your Pal. They'll be a great help thanks to their characteristics, but just like the skills, you shouldn't only choose the most powerful ones if you want a truly effective team. So let's take a look at our ranking of the best Legend of Mushroom Pals, starting with the most powerful. Let's get started with our overall ranking of the best Legend of Mushroom Pals!

Best Legend of Mushroom Pals: The overall ranking

Legend of Mushroom has a huge range of Pal classes, each with their own unique abilities. Once you know the guidelines for your class, particularly with the class guide, you'll be able to choose your Pal, precious combat companions who will give you even more power. Here's a general ranking of the best Legend of Mushroom Pals, starting with the ones you absolutely must have by your side.

  • The Immortals: Wealthy Lezard, Pirate Octopus, Lone Alpine Fox, Electronic Hound, Hispter Turtle, Tresure Dragon

  • The Legendaries: Rainbow Gardian, Longbow Banana, Angel Deer, Drunken Snail, Martial Expert, Fiery Bird, Fiery Tail, Smoke-extracting Rooster, Cowboy Cactus, Snow General, Warlord hydrosprite, Cat Prince, Benny

  • Epic and Exceptional: Mecha Dragon, Divine Deer, White Snail, Warrior Panda, Moss snail, Toothpick eggplant, Triumphant Hydrosprite, Warrior Panda, Triumphant Hydrosprite, Snow Globlin, Victorious Caw-Caw, Fortune Dragon, Floral Deer, Green Snail, Panda BearApprentice, Azur Bird, Po Kong, Warrior Chicken, Energetic Cactus, Snow sprite, Belligerent Hydro-Elf, Wizard Cat,

  • Rare and Excellent Pals: Ultra-clean Fighter, Kub Cactus, Panda Mallet, Torn Snail, Snowball, Nature Elf, Black Cat, Rebellious Banana, Rebellious Snail, Snow Pudding, Kitten, Christmas Turkey, Baby Cactus, Kitten

  • The Good and the Normal: Young Fauwn, Panda, Pink Hydrosprite, Small yellow snail, Bird Shroom, Flying Fox Hatched Chick.

And if you want to be even more powerful, don't miss out on the news about the best Legend of Mushroom compo.

The Immortal Pals: The best Legend of Mushroom Pals

These are the best Legend of Mushroom Pals. We're talking about power and damage compared to other Pal of the same type. A bit like Pokémon. But before choosing only immortals, be sure to look at their compatibility and effects, to see if they're right for your class. The most important thing is to have complementary characteristics.



Wealthy Lezard best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Wealthy Lezard

Pal damage +40

Pirate Octopus Pal Legend of Mushroom

Pirate Octopus

+60% more Combo DMG damage

Every 3 combos +200% extra damage

Alpine Fox best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Alpine Fox Solitaire

+30% increase in Stun time

+25% more damage to stunned targets

Electric Pup best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Electric Pup

+60% more Counter DMG damage

1% of lost HP Ami on Counter attack

Hipster Tortoise best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Hipster Tortoise

If Health below 50%, a Shield equal to 30% of Max Health is obtained (60 second cooldown)

Tresure Dragon Pal LoM

Tresure Dragon

+50% Crit DMG damage from normal ATK

+20% Skill Crit rate

To make the most of your time in the game, take a look at our Legend of Mushroom tips and tricks.

LoM's Legendary Pals

The Legendaries are one of the best Legend of Mushroom Pals, although they're a little weaker than the Immortals. But they do have some very interesting features, and here are the details:



Guardian in Heaven best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Longbow Gardian

+10% Counter damage

+100% Counter DMG damage

Bana justice best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Righteous Banana

Combo Damage +10

+1000% Combo DMG damage

Angel Deer best Pal Lgend of Mushroom

Angel Deer

DMG RES +15% damage reduction

Tipsy Snail Best Pal Legend of mushroom

Tipsy Snail

Enemy movement speed -40

Kung-fu Master meileurs Pal Legend oh Mushroom

Kung-fu Master

Health regeneration +40

Hero Bird best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Hero Bird

ATK Speed +15

Que de Feu Lom

Fiery Tail

Skill Damage +60

Chicken Hood Smoke Extraction best Pal Legend Of Mushroom

Chicken Hood of Smoke Extraction

Normal ATK damage +30

Cactus Cowboy best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Cowboy Cactus

Every 3 ATK deals an additional 40% damage to the target

Snow General Best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Snow General

Enemy ATK speed -15

Warlord hydrosprite Pal LoM

Warlord Hydrosprite

Active skill regeneration speed +25

Cat Prince best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Cat Prince

Skill explodes enemies, deals 200% damage

Buy best Pal Legnd of Mushroom


Critical strike increased by 5

30% chance to hit targets in flight for 0.5 seconds

Epic and Exceptional Legend of Mushroom Pals

The Pals listed below are a little less powerful than the Legendaries, but they will accompany you as you evolve to become a valiant Mushroom. The best Legend of Mushroom sidekicks are also in these categories, as synergy between sidekicks is important for an optimal team. Here are all the characteristics of your Legend of Mushroom Epic and Exceptional Pals.



Mecha Dragon best Pal Legend Of Mushroom

Mecha Dragon

Critical damage bonus +20

Divine Deer Legend of Mushroom Pal

Divine Deer

DMG RES +12% damage reduction

Ice cream Snail best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Ice Cream Snail

Enemy movement speed -35

Warrior Panda best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Warrior Panda

Health regeneration +35

Toothpick eggplant best Pal LoM

Toothpick Eggplant

Critical hit +10

Caw-Caw owl Best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Caw-Caw owl

ATK Speed +12

Piercer Beast for the Legend of Mushroom top Pal rankings

Piercer Beast

Skill Damage +40

Coq de ng-fu best acoytes Legend of Mushroom

Kung-fu Chicken

Normal ATK damage +25

Floral Cactus Pal LoM

Flying Floral Cactus

Every 3 normal ATK deals an additional 35% damage to the target

Snow Globlin Pal Legend of Mushroom

Snow Globlin

Enemy ATK speed -12

Triumphant Hydrosprite Pal LoM

Triumphant Hydrosprite

Active skill Energy regen speed +20

Coffee Cat best Pal Legend Of Mushroom

Coffee Cat

Blasts enemies, dealing 180% damage

Fortune Dragon Pal LoM

Fortune Dragon

Normal basic ATK Crit DMG +20% Skill Critical Hit Rate

Skill Crit Rate +8

Floral deer with flowers for top ranking Pal Legend of Mushroom

Floral Deer

DMG RES damage reduction +10

Moss snail best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Moss Snail

Enemy movement speed -30

Apprentice Panda Pal LoM

Apprentice Panda

Health regeneration +30

Azur Bird best Pal Legend Of Mushroom

Azur Bird

ATK Speed +10

Po Kong Pal LoM

Po Kong

Skill Damage +25

Chicken fighter for best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Chicken Fighter

Normal ATK damage +20

Energetic Cactus best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Energetic Cactus

Every 3 normal ATK deals an additional 30% damage to the target

Snow sprite Pal Lom

Snow Sprite

Enemy ATK speed -10

Hydro-Elfe Belliqueux

Belligerent Hydro-Elf

Active skill Energy regen speed +15

Wizard Cat best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Wizard Cat

Blows up enemies, inflicting 150% damage

Rare and Excellent Legend of Mushroom Pals

These are the Pal who will accompany you when you start the game. The best Legend of Mushroom Pals are at a higher level, but the ones below will help you progress.



Ultra-clean Fighter best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Ultra-clean Fighter

Counter attack +8

Stag with Pal horns Legend of Mushroom

Horned Stag

DMG RES +8% damage reduction

Panda Mallet Best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Panda Mallet

20% Health Regeneration

Kub Cactus Pal LoM

Beast Kub Cactus

Every 3 normal ATK deals 20% more damage to the target

Snowball for filing Pal Legend of Mushroom


Enemy ATK speed -8

Nature spirit best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Nature Elf

Active skill Energy regen speed +10

Arcane Cat Pal LoM

Arcane Cat

Blows up enemies, inflicting 120% damage

Rebellious Banana Best Pal Legend Of Mushroom

Rebellious Banana

Combo +5

Torn Snail best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Torn Snail

Enemy movement speed -20

Anto-rain bird Pal LOM

Rainshade Bird

ATQ Speed +8

Ami best Pal Legend of Mushroom


Skill damage +15

Xmas Turkey best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Christmas Turkey

Normal ATK damage +15

Baby Cactus Pal LOM

Baby Cactus

Every 3 normal ATK deals an additional 15% damage to the target.

Snow Pudding best Pal LoM

Snow Pudding

Enemy ATK Speed -5

Kitten for Legend of Mushroom top Pal ranking


Blows up enemies, dealing 100% damage

LoM's Normal and Good Pals

Here we discover the Pal who are not the best Legend of Mushroom sidekicks, but who are accessible quickly after the start of the game. They'll give you that extra bit of power that can make all the difference in the first few duels.



Young Fauwn PalM LoM


DMG RES +5% damage reduction

Panda Best Pal Legend of Mushroom


Health regeneration +10

Pink Hydrosprite Pal Legend of Mushroom

Pink Hydrosprite

Active skill Energy regen speed +5% Small Yellow Snail

Small yellow snail LoM

Small yellow snail

Enemy movement speed -15

Bird Shroom best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Bird Shroom

ATK speed +5

Flying Fox Straw Hat Sidekick LoM

Flying Fox

Skill damage +8

Hatched Chick Pal LoM

Hatched Chick

Normal ATK damage +10

Don't forget that as your level increases, you'll be able to unlock more Pal's, as well as tickets for the Shop machine. You now have all the information you need to choose wisely and get the best Legend of Mushroom Pals for your progression.

This brings us to the end of our ranking of the best Legend of Mushroom Pals. Have the patience to unlock the right sidekicks to win every battle. The most important thing to remember is that you really should forget about the 'Equip All' button once you reach level 50. Bookmark our pages for even more tips on LoM and lots of other games!

GipsyD GipsyD: 1980 tons of curiosity, love of words, games and movies! The light pen and the sharp sword.
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