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RAID: Shadow Legends artifacts guide

raid shadow legends artifacts guide

As you can imagine, the artefacts in RAID: Shadow Legends are essential to your progress. It is absolutely necessary for you to have a good knowledge of them. In this guide, we'll tell you everything you need to know about artifacts in RAID: Shadow Legends.
So how do you make the most of them and get better stats for your champions from RAID: Shadow Legends? The answer, in this article!

What is an artefact in RAID: Shadow Legends ?

An artefact is a piece of equipment (magic item) designed to improve one of the properties of a champion. It is an essential element in the progression of RAID: Shadow Legends, because it allows to make a champion really strong.

add rsl artifacts

Artifacts can be easily obtained in the different game modes. However, care must be taken when selecting the artefact to be obtained, otherwise the statistics will be poor or even unsuitable for the function of a champion.

It is important to note that you can put a maximum of 9 artefacts on each champion, 3 slots of which are unlocked depending on the number of stars your champion has.

locations of artefacts

It is also possible to improve them, which willincrease their properties and sub-properties. masteriesAs you can see, just like glyphs and artifacts, artifacts must be used wisely!

How to get artefacts in RAID: Shadow Legends ?

Artifacts can be obtained in the entire campaign at RAID: Shadow Legends and in certain dungeons.

Ice Golem Peak

In this dungeon, it is possible to obtain the following artefact loot:

VisualNameArtifact Bonus
life artefact Raid: Shadow LegendsLifeIncreases HP by 15%.
attack artefact Raid: Shadow LegendsAttackIncreases attack by 15%.
defence artefact Raid: Shadow LegendsDefenceIncreases defence by 15%.
critical rate artefact Raid: Shadow LegendsCritical RateIncreases the critical rate by 12%.
resistance artefact Raid: Shadow LegendsResistanceIncreases resistance by 40.
retaliatory artefactRetaliation Increases the chance to counter-attack by 25%.
reflex artefactReflexIncreases the chance to reduce the cooldown of a random skill by 30%.
cursed artefactCursedIncreases the chance to place a 50% healing reduction debuff by 50%.
artifact of mockeryMockeryIncreases the chance to provoke the enemy by 30%.

These artefacts can be used in several types of scenarios and in various contents of RAID: Shadow Legends.

Ice Golem Peak Loot RSL artifacts

The dragon's lair

The Dragon's Lair provides the following artifact loot:

VisualNameArtifact Bonus
precision artefactAccuracyIncreases accuracy by 40.
artifact of lifeSpeedIncreases speed by 12%.
life-stealing artefactTheft of lifeHeals 30% of damage dealt.
artefact of destructionDestructionReduces maximum enemy health by 30% of damage dealt.
toxic artefact Toxic50% chance to place a 2.5% poison debuff.
artifact of frostFrostIncreases the chance to freeze the enemy by 20%.
artefact dazeDazeIncreases the chance of putting an enemy to sleep by 25%.
avenging artefactAvengerWhen the champion suffers a critical hit, allows him to counter-attack with a 30% chance.
partisan artefactPartisanWhen the enemy uses area attacks, reduces the damage dealt by 30%.

These artefacts can be useful in PvP thanks to their buffs and debuffs.

loot artifacts dragon's lair RSL

Castle of the Fire Knight

VisualNameArtifact Bonus
artefact of furyFuryDamage increases as the champion's HP decreases.
healing artefactHealingOffers 10% extra care.
artefact immunityImmunityConfers immunity for 2 rounds.
shield artifactShieldProvides a shield equivalent to 30% of the health of allied champions for 3 turns.
artefact critical damageCritical DamageIncreases critical damage by 20%.
artafct of frenzyFrenzyIncreases the turn counter by 8% when champions lose 7% of their HP.
artifact of regenerationRegenerationAllows the champion to heal 10% of their maximum health at the beginning of their turn.
dizziness artefactDizzinessIncreases the monster's chance to stun enemies by 18%.
wild artifactWildEach attack by the champion wearing this set allows him to ignore 25% of the opponent's defence.

These artefacts are very useful for all types of content available.

Fire Knight Castle RSL artefacts

What are the different artefacts to be obtained in RAID: Shadow Legends ?

Here is a complete list of all artifacts from RAID: Shadow Legends.

VisualNameArtifact Bonus
life artefact Raid: Shadow LegendsLife ArtifactsIncreases HP by 15%.
attack artefact Raid: Shadow LegendsAttack Artefacts Increases attack by 15%.
defence artefact Raid: Shadow LegendsDefence Artefacts Increases defence by 15%.
critical rate artefact Raid: Shadow LegendsCritical Rate Artifacts Increases the critical rate by 12%.
life-stealing artefactLife Flight Artifacts Heals 30% of damage dealt.
precision artefactPrecision artefacts Increases accuracy by 40.
artifact of lifeSpeed Artifacts Increases speed by 12%.
resistance artefact Raid: Shadow LegendsArtifacts of resistance Increases resistance by 40.
artefact critical damageCritical Damage Artifacts Increases critical damage by 20%.
artefact of destructionArtifacts of Destruction Reduces maximum enemy health by 30% of damage dealt.
retaliatory artefactArtifacts of Retaliation Increases the chance to counter-attack by 25%.
artefact of furyArtifacts of Fury Damage increases as the champion's HP decreases.
healing artefactHealing Artefacts Offers 10% extra care.
reflex artefactReflex artefacts Increases the chance to reduce the cooldown of a random skill by 30%.
cursed artefactCursed Artefacts Increases the chance to place a 50% healing reduction debuff by 50%.
toxic artefactToxic Artifacts Increases the chance of placing a 2.5% poison debuff by 50%.
artifact of frostArtifacts of Frost Increases the chance to freeze the enemy by 20%.
artefact dazeArtefacts of Hebbing Increases the chance of putting an enemy to sleep by 25%.
artefact immunityImmunity Artifacts Confers immunity for 2 rounds.
avenging artefactAvenging Artefacts When the champion suffers a critical hit, allows him to counter-attack with a 30% chance.
shield artifactShield Artifacts Provides a shield equivalent to 30% of the health of allied champions for 3 turns.
vigorous artifactVigorous Artifacts Reduces AoE damage by 30%.
artafct of frenzyArtifacts of Frenzy Increases the turn counter by 8% when you lose 7% of your HP.
artifact of regenerationRegeneration Artifacts Allows the champion to heal 10% of their maximum health at the beginning of their turn.
dizziness artefactStun Artifacts Increases the monster's chance to stun enemies by 18%.
relentless artefactRelentless Artefacts Allows the champion to have an 18% chance of replaying after his turn.
wild artifactWild Artefacts Each attack by the champion wearing this set allows him to ignore 25% of the opponent's defence.
artifact of mockeryArtifacts of Mockery Allows the champion to apply a weakening with a 30% chance on the enemy.
cruel artifactsCruel Artefacts Increases attack by 15% and ignores enemy defence by 5%.
immortal artefactsImmortal Artefacts Increases the health of the champion wearing this set by 15% and heals him by 3% each round.
artefact divine lifeArtifacts of Divine Life They increase HP by 15% and protect it for 3 turns.
critical rate artefact Raid: Shadow LegendsDivine Critical Rate Artifacts Increases criticality by 12% and health by 15% while conferring a shield on champions.
divine attackArtifacts Divine Attack Increases attack and HP by 15% and places a shield valid for 3 turns.
artefact divine speedDivine Speed Artifacts Allows you to increase your speed by 12% and your HP by 15%, but also to place a valid shield for 3 turns.

All of these artefacts will necessarily be useful and/or necessary depending on the champions obtained.

It is likely that champions who will be considered nukers will not need a lot of HP, but attack. Just like champions whose role will be to heal allies, they will not need to have attack, but lots of HP.

The improvement of artefacts in RAID: Shadow Legends

The artefacts obtained in RAID: Shadow Legends can be enhanced to obtain more powerful properties.

RSL artefact inventory

However, it is necessary to have a good understanding of which artefacts to keep. To do this, it is important to know that sub-properties and main properties can be given as percentages or numbers.

It is absolutely necessary to favour artefacts with percentage properties and sub-properties to obtain a better result. Of course, the speed will not be given as a percentage, it will remain as a number.

To improve the artefacts in RAID: Shadow LegendsTo upgrade artefacts in the game, simply go to the "Champions" tab. You choose the artifact and upgrade it to the desired level. The maximum level is level 16.

improvement of RSL artefacts

For example, here we will upgrade it to level 10.

artefacts improvement +10 Raid: Shadow Legends

Speed has been increased and so has the critical rate. You will need to pay attention to the upgrades you receive to see if they match your chosen champion. It is important to note that the more stars your artefact has, the slimmer and more expensive the chances of getting an upgrade.

This guide to RAID: Shadow Legends artifacts is coming to an end, and we hope you find it useful and satisfying! If you want to go further inoptimising your champions, please check out all our tips on RSL.

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