Torchlight: Infinite will open its beta test by the end of 2021

Torchlight: Infinite tests and gameplay

How can you not get excited about the release of a Diablo-like action-RPG? Straight from the Torchlight saga, this new opus on Android and iOS is now launching its beta tests. In fact, it will be launched in the fourth quarter of 2021. Let's find out more about the launch of Torchlight: Infinite!

Torchlight: Infinite registrations Android and iOS
Registration opens for Torchlight: Infinite on Android and iOS

Torchlight: Infinite, a mobile RPG soon to be released test

Following on from the PC game Frontiers, which was scaled back in development, the mobile game Torchlight: Infinite was announced by Chinese company XD Inc. at the ChinaJoy 2020 event. The Torchlight franchise unveiled its partnership with Perfect World for its new series on Android and iOS. Not surprisingly, since they also own the intellectual property of the Torchlight games.

Recently, the CEO of XD Inc, Liu Heng, confirmed the rumours about the beta tests of his new protégé. Indeed, according to him, the tests of Torchlight: Infinite will begin at the end of 2021 for users in China. More precisely, he promises a test phase for next October.

Following the first tests of this opus, we should have a better idea of the gameplay and the overall story. We already know that the game will offer a Diablo-like experience as this is the DNA of Torchlight. Thanks to the extensive and flexible character customisation and the explosive gameplay.

Gameplay already attractive on mobile

For the moment, the game offers a gameplay with 3 heroes. These heroes will constitute your team of shock. Well, according to the producer, there is a good chance that the game will evolve following the opinions of testers. But it seems that Torchlight: Infinite has 24 passive ability pools with 60 abilities in each and 180 skills available. So the heroes will be Rehan, Gemma and Carino. Two warriors and a mage.

Another known subtlety is that Infinite will not have a PvP mode. However, the game does have a multiplayer dimension with its optional co-op mode . You will also be able to find :

  • An intense combat experience withno attackcooldown.
  • No endurance system, but a daily resource production restriction.
  • An auction system for equipment and items.

Anyway, we'll know more after the Torchlight: Infinite tests in China! In the meantime, you can still pre-register on TapTap or on the official website to test Torchlight Android and iOS yourself when it is released.

Eleysiss Survival, craft, BR, FPS, MMORPG... In short, discovery and fighting! What more could you ask for?

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