As the Teamfight Tactics Worlds Championship will take place in 2 weeks, Riot Games has just published the patch notes of the TFT 12.7 update. Let's decipher together the impacts of the changes made to champions and augments by this patch.
TFT Worlds Championship 2022 will be played on patch 12.7
From 29 April to 1 May, the Teamfight Tactics World Championships will take place. Several French and French-speaking players are qualified. In the line of fire, Double 61 for Karmine Corp, Voltariux for Solary or Un33d for Aegis, the esport structure founded by Shaunz, DFG and MisterMV.
TFT patch 12.7 is very important, as it is on this update that players will compete during the Worlds.
What are the changes in the TFT 12.7 update?
To begin with, we'll look at the changes to the champions and their types. So, who will become the new Shaco in this edition of the TFT Worlds?
The champions and their type
As far as champion types go, not much has changed. Scholars gain mana while Twinshots lose attack damage and Yordles lose mana reduction. A few subtle changes to open the ball for TFT patch 12.7.
Corki 's damage is reduced, which starts to add up to a lot when you include the aforementioned Twinshotnerf. Caitlyn now needs less mana to launch its devastating ultimate attack, and Cho'Gath 's base HP increases from 700 to 750.
Tryndamere's and Draven's increased base damage may allow the champions to be viable, which is currently not the case. Sivir, on the other hand, loses attack speed as well as damage on her ricochets. Let's hope she remains a good unit.
Change for the augments
But where there are the most changes in this TFT 12.7 patch is definitely in the augments. First of all, this update will remove a number of them:
Hextech Unity
Hextech Crest
Scholar Crest
Woodland Trinket
In terms of major augmentation changes, we can note that Double Trouble is once again nerfed. The 3 levels of Electrocharge inflict more magic damage to nearby enemies when your units take critical hits.
The chance of getting a free roll with the Golden Ticket upgrade increases from 45% to 50%. On the other hand, Debonairs will be nerfed from the Irresistible Charm augment from Silver to Gold. The same goes for Twinshot, whose augment is now Prismatic instead of Gold.
Finally, the 1,600 HP of the Woodland Charm becomes 1,800, which will be very strong at the beginning of the game and will be used up less quickly than before.
This video from Mortdog, who works at Riot Games on balancing the game, explains the decisions made by the developers.
That's it for this TFT patch 12.7. In the end, we'll note that the Twinshot suffered the most, that we'll have to keep an eye on the Electrocharge augment and the potential return of Tryndamere and Draven.
For more details, I invite you to read the patch notes for TFT Update 12.7 on the League of Legends website. And to learn more about the current set, our article on the new features of Set 6.5 is still available.
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