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TFT Patch 12.13: all changes to the set 7 meta

TFT Patch 12.13: all changes to the set 7 meta

After the 12.12b patch, which corrected an insufficient 12.12 patch, TFT patch 12.13 is now available on live servers. Amongst the changes brought by this update, we note a shortening of the game time, the nerfs of many carries as well as modifications on the majority of dragons. We take a closer look at the buffs, nerfs and adjustments to traits, champions, augments and items.

TFT patch 12.13: game system changes

In order to reduce the duration of TFT games in patch 12.13, the rounds ofAugments and the precious dragon and the one after are reduced by 10 seconds. In the same way, the damage of players in stage 8 is increased by 150.

Double Up mode welcomes several changes. They mainly concern the carousel with a modification of the selection order as well as its display on the scoreboard. Finally, cancelling reinforcements immediately closes the portal without ending the animation.

TFT patch 12.13: traits changes

Regarding TFT traits, this patch 12.13 to Set 7 supports the changes from previous updates. For example, Assassins and Revels deal less damage, while Cannoneers and Astral get a blast damage and power boost respectively. Trainer's Miamsy also undergoes changes, and the Guild trait can now scale up to 7 champions.

Traits buffs

TraitsTFT patch 12.13 traits buffs
Cannoneer Icon TFT Trait
Blast damage bonus increases from 150/210/280/350% to 125/225/325/425%.
Astral Icon TFT TraitPower bonus increases from 5/30/60 to 10/40/80. Orbs and the Cosmic Shop will only activate when Cosmic Champions are on the field.
Evoker TFT icon
The mana bonus per spell cast increases from 3/6/10 to 3/7/12.
Warrior Icon TFT trait
The damage bonus is increased from 120/200/350% to 120/220/420%.

Traits nerfs

TraitsTFT line nerves from patch 12.13
Assassin Icon TFT trait
Critical strike damage bonus reduced from 15/30/50% to 5/25/45%.
Mirage Icon TFT Trait
The Mirage Herald of Dawn care is reduced from 40/70/70×2/125×2 to 40/65/65×2/110×2.
Revel Icon TFT Feature
Fireworks damage is reduced from 140/170/225/300 to 130/160/210/280.

Traits adjustments

TraitsTFT feature adjustments in patch 12.13
TFT Trainer trait Icon
Miamsy's HP base is reduced from 500 to 400. Her fireball damage increases from 100/125/150/175 to 100/130/160/200 and reduces healing on enemies by 50% during the 8 second burn. Hyperroll double snack chance reduced from 65% to 50%.
Ragewing Icon TFT Trait
Vampirism is increased from 30/50/70% to 25/50/75% and the attack speed bonus is increased from 50/125/225% to 50/135/250%.
Guild Icon TFT feature
The bonus for 7 Guild champions has been added and brings a 250% bonus.
Shapeshifter Icon TFT Trait
The VP bonus of the metamorphosis is increased from 45/90/135% to 40/90/145%.
Tempest TFT icon
The attack speed is reduced from 25/50/80/150% to 20/50/100/200%.

TFT patch 12.13: champions changes

With this TFT patch 12.13, several strong champions in the set 7 TFT meta undergo an attack speed nerf, such as Xayah, Swain, Varus or Corki. On the dragon side, Shi Oh Yu and Sy'fen's spells are much less impactful, while Shyvana and Aurelion Sol benefit from changes that will make them very interesting to play.

Champions' buffs

ChampionsTFT Champion Buffs from patch 12.13
Hecarim Champion TFT icon
His mana drops from 75/120/ to 60/105.
Neeko Champion TFT Icon
His shield increases from 1200 to 2000 in 3 stars.
Pyke Champion TFT Icon
His HP increases from 800 to 900.
Soraka Champion TFT Icon
His healing per star increases from 100/150/1000 to 120/180/1000.
Vladimir Champion TFT icon
His mana drops from 0/80 to 0/70, but he no longer gains 20 mana per attack.
Zoe Champion TFT icon
His mana drops from 60/120 to 50/100.

Champions nerfs

ChampionsTFT patch 12.13 champion nerfs
Bard Champion TFT icon
The spell stun duration increases from 1.5/2/15 to 1.25/2/15.
Corki Champion TFT icon
Its attack speed is reduced from 0.75 to 0.7.
Nidalee Champion TFT icon
The attack speed bonus of his spell is reduced from 45% to 40% and the third strike damage bonus of his spell from 250% to 225%.
Ryze Champion TFT icon
The damage of his spell increases from 200/300/500% to 180/260/420%.
Shi Oh Yu Champion TFT Icon
Shi Oh Yu
Its damage bonus decreases from 325/350/1000% to 265/275/1000% and the stun from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds.
Icon Swain Champion TFT
His HP is reduced from 650 to 600 and his attack speed from 0.75 to 0.7.
Sy'fen Champion TFT icon
The charge damage of his spell decreases from 225/235/400% to 150/150/300%.
Icon Talon Champion TFT
Its attack damage is reduced from 65 to 60.
Icon Tristana Champion TFT
Its attack speed is reduced from 0.75 to 0.7.
Varus Champion TFT icon
Its attack speed is reduced from 0.75 to 0.7.
Xayah Champion TFT Icon
Its attack speed is reduced from 0.75 to 0.7.
Yasuo Champion TFT Icon
Its attack damage is reduced from 90 to 85.

Champions ajustments

ChampionsTFT patch 12.13 champions ajustments
Aurelion Sol Champion TFT icon
Aurelio Sol's behaviour changes completely. He now has 40/90 mana and his spell damage is 350/475/5000. He generates a black hole on a random enemy that deals magic damage to enemies in the area and increases the damage received by 20% for 10 seconds.
Daeja Champion TFT icon
His passive damage is reduced from 30/45/200 to 25/40/150, while his spell damage is increased from 225/350/1500 to 250/375/1800.
Lillia Champion TFT icon
His HP increases from 700 to 750, his damage from 50 to 40, his attack speed from 0.65 to 0.7, while the damage at the centre of his spell increases from 150/225/350 to 215/275/350.
Shyvana Champion TFT icon
His mana is reduced from 45/75 to 30/60 and his spell burn damage from 45/60/300% to 50/66/500%. His armour and magic resitance are reduced from 60 to 55.
Volibear Champion TFT icon
His spell damage is reduced from 160/175/190 to 110/155/215. His spell now always targets 4 champions.

TFT patch 12.13: Augments changes

There are few major changes for Augments TFT in this 12.13 patch. However, there is a radical change to the way Ricochet works and the experience boost to Progress Walk. Another adjustment avoids the abuse of some players since the Blue Battery optimisation can no longer be combined with the Blue Buff item, which was providing too much mana.

Augments buffs

AugmentsTFT patch 12.13 Augments Buffs
Makeshift Armor III Icon Augment
Makeshift Armor
The armour and magic resistance bonus is increased from 60 to 65.
Combat Training III Icon Augment
The starting damage bonus increases from 5 to 8.
Cluttered Mind Icon Augment
Cluttered mind
The experience bonus increases from 3 to 4.
Hallucinate Icon Augment
The 90% damage reduction is increased from 5 to 6 seconds.
March of Progress Icon Augment
March of Progress
The experience bonus increases from 4 to 5.
Ricochet Icon Augment
Bounces now reach the furthest enemies rather than the closest ones.
Living Forge Icon Augment
Living Forge
This TFT augment can no longer offer the same Ornn object twice.

The nerves of the Augments

AugmentsNerves of the Augments TFT patch 12.13
Blue Battery Icon Augment
Blue battery
This optimisation can no longer be combined with the Blue Buff object.
Cybernetics Implants III Icon Augment
Cybernetic implants
The damage bonus is reduced from 10/20/30 to 8/15/25.
Double Trouble III Icon Augment
Double Trouble
The bonus to armour, magic resistance, damage and power is reduced from 30/40/50 to 22/33/44.
Best Friends III icon Augment
Best friends
The attack speed bonus is reduced from 15/25/35 to 10/20/30.

TFT patch 12.13: changes to items

To finish with the changes on TFT with patch 12.13, the Cosmic Emblem has simply been removed from the game, as the item was too strong. Too little played compared to the Warmog Armor or the Solar Cloak, the Bramble Armor now brings more resistance. Finally, the bug of the Zz'Rot Portal with the Assassins has been corrected.

Item buffs

ItemsTFT item buffs in patch 12.13
Bramble Vest TFT Icon Items
Bramble Vest
The armour bonus increases from 60 to 80.
Zz'Rot Portal TFT Icon Items
Zz'Rot Portal
The item now works reliably with and against assassins.

Item adjustments

ItemsAdjustments to TFT items in patch 12.13
Astral Icon TFT TraitTheAugment was removed from the game as it was considered too powerful.
Jeweled Gauntlet TFT Icon Item
Jeweled Gauntlet
The damage bonus is reduced from 10/20/30 to 8/15/25.

That's it for the TFT patch 12.13 changes. Let's hope that after the two previous patches that didn't really change the TFT meta, this one will allow more variety in the compositions choice. For more tips on the game, I redirect you to our TFT tips section.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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