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State of Survival x Resident Evil partnership promises to be bloody for Leon S. Kennedy and Ada Wong

State of Survival x Resident Evil heroes Ada Wong and Leon S. Kennedy

State of Survival has just announced its brand new partnership with Resident Evil. The FunPlus game has not missed a beat with the iconic zombies from the horrific action saga, and is even integrating two of these illustrious characters into its game content. Let's discover the power of Leon S. Kennedy and Ada Wong in SoS to boost your account.

Two new State of Survival characters: Leon S. Kennedy and Ada Wong in SoS

Resident Evil is on a roll on mobile with its many collaborations and the release of Resident Evil Village on the latest Apple devices. It's also a franchise with a number of characters who have left their mark on video games, including Albert Wesker, Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield. On 1 December, Leon S. Kennedy joins State of Survival and its roster of characters alongside Ada Wong.

Leon S. Kennedy

The iconic zombie killer from Resident Evil, Leon S. Kennedy from SoS will be a resonant hero. By definition, in addition to his various classes, he will pick up the 3 skills of the hero with whom he is in resonance. So you'll need to choose which hero to pair him with in order to unlock all his power in-game.

Héros Leon S. Kennedy State of Survival x Resident Evil partenariat

Leon S. Kennedy will be arriving in the second of the RE x SoS mobile partnerships. You'll need to find some build tricks at that point. However, I'd like to remind you that you need to get all resonant heroes up to level 4 to make them interesting. So get ready to collect at least 160 fragments of Leon S. Kennedy's heroes. If you don't want to miss its release, be sure to follow our State of Survival news, which covers character releases, updates and temporary events!

Ada Wong

State of Survival also welcomes Ada Wong, another resonant hero. Ada is already available in SoS, so we know all about her skills and build! She's a Hunter, Siege and Rally hero who'll be great for your high-level tactical marches.

Ada Wong State of Survival collaboration Resident Evil

Ada Wong from State of Survival works a bit like Angelica, with a single bonus skill instead of 2 (as is the case for the characters in this SoS x Resident Evil partnership). To use it properly, I'd advise you to upgrade the three basic skills if possible to level 3, starting with the top one, in this order: Power Shot, Wild Heart and Wrathful Blow.

In more advanced generations, from the thirteenth onwards, Carlos will work well with Ada Wong in SoS.

Héros résonnant Ada Wong dans State of Survival x Resident Evil

In addition to the two resonant new heroes, the post-apocalyptic strategy game is rolling out Resident Evil-themed HQ skins, decorative elements and avatar frames. If you're interested in this partnership, both Leon and Ada are available in this crossover until 5 January. That gives you plenty of time to decide which hero to spin for the festive season!

A string of collaborations for State of Survival

State of Survival is no slouch when it comes to partnerships. In fact, the heroes from the crossovers with the Walking Dead and DC Comics are among the game's most famous. The Joker from SoS is still very much in use in 2023, as is Daryl Dixon from TWD. With Resident Evil, the roster of heroes just keeps getting fuller! We hope that Adda and Leon S. Kennedy will prove their worth against zombies and PvP players.

However, FunPlus is not alone in signing major contracts. In fact, video game partnerships have been multiplying in recent years. Some of the most notable include Fortnite and LEGO, Summoners War and Assassin's Creed, and the recently released KartRider and Blackpink.

Yaya Yaya would never have spent a single cent on a mobile game. At least, that's what the legend says.
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