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AFK Arena celebrates its second anniversary on mobile!

AFK Arena second anniversary

AFK Arena is celebrating its second birthday! Lilith Games has a nice assortment for the occasion, with events, new heroes and much more! We reveal all the latest information on the subject 😉

AFK Arena anniversary
AFK Arena celebrates its second anniversary!

AFK Arena unveils new features for its second anniversary!

The strategy game AFK Arena has some new features to celebrate its second birthday! First of all, we are very happy to learn that two new heroes have been added to the mobile game. Lightbearer Peggy and Wilder Raku have been added to the list of heroes in the game, much to our delight! The first one, Peggy, is a little princess with a good defensive bonus. She also has royal snipers with her. Raku can use his Peckish ability and attack his enemies with his Acorn cannon!

The game, which has generated more than 30 million downloads in two years, has decided to offer a code to get a pack of diamonds! Very generous! Here is the AFK Arena code valid until May 5th: aaz27uvgfi. With this code you get a total of 3000 diamonds and 30 extra summons. Not bad, right?

By the way, find a lot of AFK Arena gift codes in our dedicated article, regularly updated.

Ready to play the best inactive RPG and enjoy the many daily rewards on its second anniversary? We are! We'll be back soon with more news about this fabulous game, AFK Arena!

Eleysiss Survival, craft, BR, FPS, MMORPG... In short, discovery and fighting! What more could you ask for?

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