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AFK Arena Draconis Faction: new heroes, dragon island and v1.140 additions

AFK Arena Draconis Faction

Have you been waiting impatiently for the V1.140 update? Well, here it is, with a whole host of extra content, including the eagerly-awaited AFK Arena Draconis Faction ! New heroes, new features thanks to Dragon Island and a host of other additions are all waiting for you. Lilith Games is offering us enough new features to rekindle interest in the title. So even if you've given up on the game in favour of its spiritual sequel, AFK Journey, you'll definitely want to give AFK Arena another go!

AFK Arena Draconis Faction: discover the new heroes

The biggest part of this new update is, without doubt, the AFK Arena Draconic Faction. For the time being, a total of 8 draconis heroes are available. But rest assured, this is just the beginning. Gradually, new characters will be added to the AFK Arena Draconis Faction. Discover all the new heroes without further ado:

Heroes of the AFK Arena Draconis Faction

Draconis heroes are the main characters to focus on. The characters in this table can be upgraded to high rank.

Heroes Main role Characteristics

Hildwin icon


Continuous damage Summons 3 fiery magic circles that shoot fireballs every 6 seconds

Gwyneth Icon


Continuous damage When she changes form, she knocks down the enemies around her and inflicts damage

Nyla Icon


Control Generates a giant bubble that imprisons the nearest enemy

Icone Pulina


Continuous damage Enters a state of fury that increases her speed and attack rate

Cassius Icon


Tank Thanks to his scroll, Cassius reduces the damage of nearby allies.

Legendary Draconis heroes

You are free to use Draconis legendary heroes in your teams, but they are not very powerful characters and are mainly used for merging to increase the level of those who can reach high rank.

Heroes Main role Characteristics

Gorg Icon


Bonus Creates a huge fireball that inflicts damage at 80% of Gorg's attack rate.

Draconis heroes

Draconis common heroes can only be sacrificed to increase the level of characters who can be raised to high level.

Heroes Main role Characteristics

Warrior icon

Draconic warrior

Tank Inflicts 3 consecutive hits at 120% of attack rate

Archer icon

Draconic Archer

Continuous damage Leap into the air and fire a powerful arrow at enemies

New features on Dragon Isle

In addition to the new Draconis Faction AFK Arena, a number of new features have been added. From now on, on the game's main page, just next to the inn, you'll find Dragon Isle.

AFK Arena Draconis Faction dragon isle


This area is divided into three new zones:

Dragonforge trials

The Dragonforge trials is a place where you can complete a series of challenges to unlock Draconic rewards, such as dragonbone stamp and threat emblems.

Dragonbone stamp can then be exchanged for items in the dedicated shop at the top right-hand corner of your screen.

AFK Arena Draconis Faction dragonforge trials

Wyrmscale Sanctuary

The Wyrmscale Sanctuary is an area where you can learn more about the history of the AFK Arena Draconis Faction. When you unlock Draconis heroes in the game, you get amber scales. These unlock parts of the story and attribute upgrades (for all heroes).

Once all the dragonstones have been reactivated, you can watch the legend of the dragon video.

Wyrmscale sanctuaryAFK Arena

The dragon pagoda

The Dragon Pagoda is the area where you can summon characters from the AFK Arena Draconis Faction (more details below).

New summoning options for the AFK Arena Draconis Faction

The new AFK Arena Draconis Faction means new ways of summoning these heroes! There are now several options open to you. First of all, you need to go to the Dragon Pagoda on Dragon Island.

Once inside, you'll find two areas:

  • The Wyrmcrest Spire allows you to summon (for now) Nyla, Pulina and Cassius as well as legendary heroes and Draconis heroes using the Wyrmcrest Spire scroll.

AFK Arena Wyrmcrest Spire

  • The Dragonheart Temple, where you can summon (for now) Hildwin and Gwyneth. You are free to choose Nyla, Pulina and Cassius if you wish, but we recommend that you focus on the first two heroes mentioned above. Here, you'll need specific cards, rather like those used in the Astronomer.

AFK Arena temple Draconis Faction

Now you know everything there is to know about the game's new Faction and the various additions in the latest update. Now all you have to do is go and try it out for yourself!

Christelle B.
Christelle B. A writer with a passion for video games and manga. When I'm not playing, I'm in the middle of writing a novel.
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