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Fallout Shelter 1.4 Update


An update for Fallout Shelter 1.4 is out. It brings a lot of new features to the game and allows for more activity and novelty to the game. The update brings many changes including a new weapon and outfit crafting system. The ability to customise these inhabitants is also increased by adding a hairdressing room.

Attached is the patch note for Fallout Shelter Update 1.4:

  • Turn worthless junk into useful items! This is... the making of it!
  • New rooms! Build weapon and armour crafting rooms to create your own items.
  • The sandwich boxes now contain a fifth card: bric-a-brac! It's more useful than it sounds, you can trust us. The luckiest Wasteland explorers will also manage to find bric-a-brac in their adventures.
  • Take your role as supervisor seriously. Build a hair salon to personalise your residents.
  • Stay on top of fashion! New weapons and outfits straight out of Fallout 4 are available in the sandwich boxes and at the factory.
  • Furry companions are an endless source of happiness. So we've added cats, dogs and... parrots! And other animals too!
  • There is now a very good rendering of the time of day. We really want to offer you a perfectly authentic shelter simulation.

Fallout Shelter is available for free on theApp-store or Google Play.

Tuor I like Espelette pepper, and writing articles.

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