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Genius Invokation: the Genshin Impact card game is finally revealed

Genius Invokation: the Genshin Impact card game is finally revealed

Genshin Impact 3.3 update is finally offering a new end game content:Genius Invokation. It is a collectible card game with which you will be able to face NPCs from the game, but also your friends. The TCG is announced for December 7, 2022. While waiting for its release, we reveal everything we know about the game mode Genius Invokation in Genshin Impact : gameplay, rewards, type and number of cards.

What is the Genius Invokation game mode in Genshin Impact ?

Genius Invokation is a brand new game mode in Genshin Impact. It is a TCG, an online card game in the style of Hearthstone, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh! or more recently Marvel Snap. You will find the characters of Genshin Impact, but also its entire universe with NPCs, creatures, weapons and artifacts from the game.

Gameplay of Genshin Impact TCG Genius Invokation

You will be able to fight NPCs and RPG characters to progress and increase your level, this will also allow you to win rewards (new cards, animations for your cards, Primogems and many others).

The card game also features a PvP mode, where you can test your decks against your friends and other players. However, you will only get rewards in the PVE game.

What types of cards does the Genshin Impact TCG offer ?

According to the various leaks and information available, the TCG Genius Invokation would currently have about 220 cards including 25 character cards. But it's a safe bet that the collection will grow with each Genshin Impact update. There are two main types of cards: character cards and action cards.

The character cards feature the heroes of Genshin Impact, such as Diluc, Jean Yae Miko, Kamisato Ayaka and many others. With these, you can attack your opponents' characters.

Genius Invokation character cards from Genshin Impact TCG

As in Genshin Impact, character cards have three abilities: normal attack, elemental skill, and elemental rampage. To use Elemental Unleash, you must first charge the ability by using other abilities.

The action cards are divided into 3 categories:

  • The equipment cards strengthen one or more characters;
  • Support cards provide bonuses on an ongoing basis;
  • Event cards trigger a unique effect when played.

What is the gameplay of Genius Invokation, the Genshin Impact TCG ?

Genshin Impact TCG Genius Invokation includes a dice mechanic that will be the core of the gameplay. You will always start your rounds by rolling 8 elemental dice. Each one has 8 faces: Cryo, Hydro, Pyro, Electro, Anemo, Geo, Dendro and Oni.

These are the elemental dice that define the actions you can perform. For example, to attack with a Pyro character, you will need Pyro dice. On the other hand, the Oni dice can provide any element. You will also need these dice to change your active character or perform an action.

The Genshin Impact TCG elemental dices

Thus, the elemental dice will be of paramount importance in your strategy. In order to start your round in the best conditions, you can re-roll the dice of your choice. Once this is done, your round can begin. Your round will take place at the same time as your opponent's round.

At the start of each game, you will also draw 5 cards, and then 2 between rounds. To win a game of Genius Invokation, you must defeat all of your opponent's characters. You'll do more damage by boosting your characters with action cards, but also by performing elemental reactions by combining multiple elements.

How do I get new cards for the Genius Invokation?

By winning games of Genius Invokation, you will be rewarded with lucky tokens. You can then spend them at Cats Tail in Mondstadt to purchase new cards, as well as card backs, dynamic artwork and other gifts.

TCG Genius Invokation cards

In the same way, you will gradually increase your rank. You will start as a beginner and become a legend as you win. It will be possible to get all the cards for free in the TCG Genius Invokation from Genshin Impact, just by playing.

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation

Genial Invokation offers a new game mechanic. In addition to being able to collect beautiful cards, you will be able to face your friends and enjoy a more PVP oriented gameplay. It will also be an opportunity to diversify your gaming experience with content more focused on relaxation and strategy than the abyss.

This concludes our article on Genshin Impact Genial Invokation. We'll be sure to write a full guide to the Genshin Impact TCG as soon as this new mode is available. In the meantime, we can only wait for December 7, 2022. You can also check all our guides dedicated to the Hoyoverse game on our Genshin Impact tips page.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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