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Genshin Impact Chasm: everything we know

The Chasm in Genshin Impact

We have been waiting forthe arrival of the Chasm in Genshin Impact for a long time. It's been taunting us on the map: we can see the name of the area, but we can't access it. The wait will finally end with update 2.6! This time, we leave Inazuma to return to the Liyue side. It's also the first step to getting closer to Sumeru and its Dendro heroes! Although players are already looking towards the light element of the recent leaks. While we wait to explore this new region, we take a look at everything we know about the Chasm in Genshin Impact: geography, enemies, challenges, gameplay mechanics, etc.

Release date of the Chasm in Genshin Impact

During the live for the 2.5 update, MiHoYo officially confirmed the arrival of the Chasm in Genshin Impact in patch 2.6 and revealed several artworks at the same time.

The Chasm will probably be accessible from the start of the update. As the 2.5 patch ends on March 30th, we can expect to see this new area from March 31st or April1st.

But what exactly is The Chasm?

The underground part of the Chasm in Genshin Impact

The Chasm is a new area in Genshin Impact. It should be at least as large as the Dragonspine. The Chasm was created thousands of years ago by the fall of a celestial body. It dug a large mine, rich in mysterious materials.

Although this territory is not yet available, many rumours are circulating about it. The Chasm has been sealed for some time. But it is undergoing worrying changes... You can guess what happens next: the Traveller will once again be commissioned to investigate and go on an adventure.

What will The Chasm look like on Genshin Impact ?

According to several leaks, the Chasm will offer two zones in Genshin Impact : upper and lower. Each would have its own map with 7 sub-zones each.

The upper part shows a different environment from what we have seen so far in Genshin Impact : a desolate landscape, seemingly abandoned and covered with red plants and grass.

The names of the different locations and the topography of the surface can be found on Twitter :

The underground part of the game is made up of tortuous and complex paths, as can be seen on the map. It's a safe bet that getting around in the mines will not be easy. Fortunately, fluorescent plants light up the area. There are also upside down areas, with buildings hanging from the ceiling.

But that's not all, like the Dragonspine, The Chasm is said to have its own difficulty: areas invaded by a 'black sludge' that causes you to lose health points continuously. This also affects your mobility.

You will also have to solve several puzzles around the entrance to the Chasm in Genshin Impact. Expect earthquake-causing rock pillars, stones shooting crystal projectiles, etc.

Enemies in The Chasm

Visual of the Ruin Serpent

As you can see, the Chasm is a dangerous and hostile area. Numerous enemies await you there... The area even has links with the Abyss!

During the Live Update 2.5, MiHoYo revealed the visuals of some of the creatures, including the imposing Ruin Serpent: a gigantic machine in the shape of a serpent. It is said to cause both physical and corrosive damage. You'll also face floating creatures, both adorable and fearsome, that are a combination of a Blob and a Spectre.

Composition of the Ruin serpent

That's all we know for now! We'll have to wait for the live update 2.6 at Genshin Impact to find out more about this mysterious Chasm and the dangers that lurk there... Until then, we can only advise you to prepare your heroes for the new challenges that the RPG has in store for you!

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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