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Guide Ziggs Midlane Wild Rift | Build and Runes S1

Guide Ziggs Wild Rift

Yordles are known to be facetious characters in the League of Legends universe. Small in size, they are very inventive when it comes to fighting larger enemies. In LoL: Wild Rift, their ranks include Ziggsthe master of explosives. We don't know if his dangerous experiments have gone to his head, but with him you can expect an explosive gameplay that will make a big BANG! However, we advise you to move forward with caution so as not to explode in mid-air. Good news, with our guide Ziggs Midlane Wild Rift you will learn to master the basics of the champion who has a huge potential of magic damage in AoE.
Among the important topics to be covered, we will find the ambivalence of his explosive charge, the strategy to adopt for the champion in lane phase and his itemization all in damage! 😉

Recommended build for Ziggs Midlane: items, runes and skill order

There are no 36 ways to equip this imaginative Yordle . It deals magical damage and uses mage items effectively. The only real adjustment is in the composition and itemisation of your enemies. You'll have to choose betweenflat AP or magic penetration to hit the tankiest characters. Ziggs has a rather fragile champion profile, but because of its long range, it can very well skip defensive items and keep its distance from danger.

Ziggs Wild Rift build recommended
The scaling version of the build for maximum endgame damage.

What build for Ziggs Midlane Wild Rift?

  • Must-have items: some may regret the lack of creativity, but as a mage, Ziggs will find it hard to do without the basic trio of items. Luden's Echo (burst and mana), Infinity Orb (magic penetration) and Morellonomicon (magic penetration and Hemorrhage) all give interesting effects in addition to power. With these 3 items, you are armed for the mid-game and your lane phase should be most comfortable.
  • Boots: Unfortunately, there are no Sorcerer's Boots on Wild Rift. You can use the Boots of Lucidity to reduce the recovery time of your skills. The Ionian Stasis enchantment is then preferred for its time delay.
  • Situational items: Ziggs is a perfect champion for siege phases and can take you into the very late game. Those who choose scaling can then give him an Archangel's Staff and a Rabadon's Cloak to get maximum power. This is not necessarily the best solution against VP bags and the anti-tank version is also viable. Equip Ziggs with a Void Staff and Liandry's Torment to get rid of the behemoths.

Which runes for Ziggs Midlane Wild Rift?

  • Main Rune: Overall, we play Ziggs Midane Wild Rift with the Electrocution rune. It offers a surplus of burst and a better lane holding to the champion on short trades.
  • Secondary Runes: the Champion rune can be tempting, but it remains very corner flip... We therefore give priority to Threatening Storm which suits very well the scaling profile of Ziggs. Accompany it with Regeneration and Mana Ribbon to stay in lane or in the siege phase as much as possible, without having to return to the base.

Which skills should be improved first?

Ziggs midlane is a siege weapon that seeks, above all, to do great damage. Therefore, by increasing the level of its skills, you seek to amplify its destructive potential. So upgrade, first, Bouncing Bomb, then Hexplosive Mines and finally Explosive Charge. His escape skill doesn't really gain in usefulness with the ranks and it's not a problem to leave it at minimum level.

How to make good use of the skills of Ziggs in Midlane?

Short wick
Short wick
Periodically, the next attack from Ziggs deals bonus damage. The delay is reduced when the Yordle explosive hits an enemy with a skill.
Bouncing bomb
Bouncing bomb
Ziggs throws a bomb that explodes in the area to injure all enemies in the impact zone. If it does not hit an obstacle, the bomb can bounce back.
Explosive charge
Explosive charge
Ziggs leaves a charge on the ground which can be reactivated after a short delay. The explosion wounds the enemies and throws them to the side. If Ziggs is nearby, he is thrown without being wounded. The charge also destroys turrets that have less than 25% of their life left.
Hexplosive Mines
Hexplosive Mines
Ziggs throws a minefield that stays on the ground. Enemies who step on it are injured and slowed down.
Mega Bomb Inferno
Mega Bomb Inferno
Ziggs throws a huge bomb over a long distance that inflicts damage on all enemies.

Ziggs Midlane is a champion who needs time to scale. For this reason, it is generally preferred to concentrate on the farming and try to play it safe. While all of his skills deal zone damage, he can quickly push his wave of minions and dictate the pace of his duel. Bouncing Bomb is also very useful to poke your opponent. If your opponent is hiding behind his minions, you can kill two birds with one stone to hurt him and push quickly. You are free to use Hexplosive Mines, but keep Explosive Charge for emergencies in order to flee. The latter even allows you to jump over certain walls!

Ziggs Wild Rift jumps the Dragon's Wall
Watch the landing indicator.

When the late game comes, Ziggs must inflict maximum damage on enemy champions by abusing his AoE skills. Beware of the Mega Inferno Bomb, however. The spell has a large range, but the bomb takes a long time to land! You'll have to anticipate your enemies' movements or wait for them to be controlled. In defence as in attack, Ziggs excels in the siege phase and can also use its ultimate to push a wave on a sidelane.

With which champion should a good synergy be set up?

Synergy with Ziggs Wild Rift: Jarvan IV and Kennen
Lock up your enemies before you blow them up!

The explosive Yordle does very well in grouped teamfights , especially if an ally is in charge of concentrating all the opponents in the same area. The Jarvan IV- Ziggs duo is well known and can easily inflict a lot of damage on many enemies. To a lesser extent, KennenThe Yordle ninja is another facilitator of the Mega Inferno bomb. On the other hand, avoid combining Ziggs with Gragas. Their two ultimate skills do not mix well.

Counter from Ziggs Midlane Wild Rift: Who should we watch out for?

Counter Ziggs Wild Rift : Fizz the aquatic Yordle
One Yordle can counteract another!

Ziggs can take advantage of his range to dominate his lane phase. But paradoxically, he must beware of assassins who will kill him if they find themselves in close combat with Yordle. Zed comes to mind, who also has no mana. Also watch out for Fizz, who can jump around and dodge all your skills.

Advanced tips and tricks for playing Ziggs Midlane Wild Rift

Ziggs Midlane also has a few tricks up its sleeve for controlling neutral objectives. Its Hexplosive Mines allow you to condemn a road in the jungle and zap the enemy team. Furthermore, Mega Inferno Bomb and its big burst will allow you to potentially steal a Nashor or a Dragon, as well as giving you vision! Finally, while Explosive Charge is mostly used defensively, you can also use the skill offensively to bring an enemy closer to you and your team.

Ziggs WIld Rift ulti un Blue buff
A window gives you information about the impact area.

In soloQ, some Ziggs can be seen playing the role of botlaner. This role is not particularly recommended, but can be used if the rest of your teammates are playing AD champions. The big advantage is that you don't even have to adapt the itemization! 😎

This is the end of our guide Ziggs Midlane Wild Rift. With these tips, all that's left is for you to blow up your Ranked and your enemies with them!
Check out all the other Wild Rift champion guides to learn every trick in the book for your favorite heroes!

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.

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