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Waven Xelor Tako build: adapted spells, items and companions

Waven Xelor Tako build skin

The Xelor Tako Synchronizater is an excellent class, very close to being one of Waven's top 5. But it's easy to get lost in all the possibilities offered by this versatile class. So which Waven Xelor Tako build should you play to win as many battles as possible? Don't worry, we've got an excellent build for you in this article!

How to create a good Waven Xelor Tako build?

Let's start with the basics: the Xelor Tako Synchronizater passive adds unconsumed Action Points to your reserves, up to a maximum of 3 Action Points. This very powerful passive makes the Xelor Tako one of the most versatile classes in the game, not limited to a specific strategy. So unlike the best Xelor Piku build or the best Iop Justelame build, a good Waven Xelor Tako build can be used in lots of different ways.

A good Waven Xelor Tako build allows you to play more spells, or more devastating spells. And that's just as well: this class has plenty of spells to choose from.

Our Waven Xelor Tako build

The aim of our Waven Xelor Tako build is to add Action Points to your reserves, while inflicting Air damage on enemies with very expensive spells. But be warned, this is justone powerful build among many: the Tako can work in a large number of different strategies and elements.

Spells to equip with the Xelor Tako build on Waven

The spells suitable for theWaven Xelor Tako build are Air spells that cost Action Points and can be played more quickly thanks to the Tako's passive and equipped items.

Spell name Spell effect

Avatar of the Time Shock spell for the Xelor Tako Waven build

Time Shock

Inflicts 62 HARM
And applies EVENT.

Air dAlbuera spell avatar for the Xelor Tako Waven build

Albuera Air

Inflicts 65 HARM.
Gauge (5): REPELS the target by 2 CASES.

Avatar of the Air Sinistro spell for the Xelor Tako Waven build

Air Sinistro

Builds an Air Sinistro within 3 CASES of your hero. Destroys your previous SINISTRO AIR OR transforms your SINISTRO AIR into a TEMPORAL SINISTRO CATALYST.

Avatar of the Shriveling spell for the Xelor Tako Waven build


Inflicts 62 HARM.
Triggers REBOUND (67) if the target is AVOIDED.

Avatar of the Temporal Strike spell for the Xelor Tako Waven build

Temporal Strike

Inflicts 194 HARM
And applies EVENT.

Flexible Teleportation spell avatar for the Xelor Tako Waven build

Flexible Teleportation

Teleports your hero OR one of your SINISTROS up to 3 CASES away.
Inflicts 88 HARM around its arrival square.

Avatar of the Disruption spell for the Xelor Tako Waven build


Inflicts 288 HARM on opponents adjacent to your hero.
And REDUCES them by 3 CASES.

Avatar of the Accelerator spell for the Xelor Tako Waven build


Consumes 2 ACTION POINTS in reserve.
Draw 2 spells.

Synchronisation spell avatar for the Xelor Tako Waven build


Inflicts 201 HARM.
+2 WIND HIBO to your hero if the target is AVOIDED.

In addition to these spells, our Waven Xelor Tako build requires the special skills Tako Power and Tako Concentration, which allow you to exceed the limit of the passive andinflict extra damage.

Items to equip with Xelor Takoxala

For this Waven Xelor Tako build, we've chosen an Air build. The Gelano and theStubb Horn Ring add action points to your reserves, and the Lightning Soul Armband means you canget Air companions more quickly.

Item name Item effect

Avatar of the Cuff of Lightning Strike for the Xelor Tako Waven build

Lightning Soul Armband

ATTACK: +1 AIR Gauge.

Avatar of the Ring designed for the Xelor Tako Waven build

Stubb Horn Ring


Avatar of the Rocketed Ring for the Xelor Tako Waven build

Off-ended Ring

When you generate Gauges: +5% to the HARM of your AIR spells per Gauge generated.

Gelano avatar for the Xelor Tako Waven build



Avatar of the Racle Ring for the Xelor Tako Waven build

O'racle Ring

COUP DE GRÂCE with an AIR spell: Unleashes a FOUDRE (8) on opponents.

The companions of our Waven Xelor Tako build

Our Xelor Tako build uses companions that are expensive in terms of Air gauge but have very useful effects. Thanks to the Lightning Soul Armband, they arrive more quickly in combat.

Companion name Companion effect

Avatar of the Fam Ished companion for the Xelor Tako Waven build

Fam Ished

FESTIN: +5% to the HARM of your AIR spells while in play.

Avatar of the companion Atcham for the Xelor Tako Waven build


ATTACK: Inflicts its ATTACK on the opponent with the most LIFE POINTS.

Ush's companion avatar for the Xelor Tako Waven build


While in play: -1 ACTION POINT to the cost of your AIR spells.

Avatar of the Feline Hero companion for the Xelor Tako Waven build

Feline Hero

ATTACK: +1 AIR Gauge.

Now all you have to do is try out this Waven Xelor Tako buildn! Even more than for the other classes, don't hesitate to adapt this build to your favourite objects and companions. And if you can't get enough of all those free Action Points, check out our Waven tips and tricks to discover builds for other classes!

Mr Cold
Mr Cold As a writer for comics and video games, I like to spend hours playing on my sofa. Of course, the only reason I do this is to “find inspiration for my work”.
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